Sorry Millie, it might not be yet.
It's such a let down if it is and im totally resigned to seeing AF even if I get BFPs. But im not giving up.
Unless im too old I will keep hope.
Hugs xxx
I know
It's rubbish if you've had losses cause you never know if the next is actually gonna stick
I have 1 frer left, I don't know if I should use it tomorrow (14dpo) or just accept that I'm out?
Still getting pinky/orangy cm but it does look like what I sometimes get at start of af.. so it's probably that
Does anyone else here hate Christmas?
Every year it's the same no one ever visits us
I know it would be the opposite if we had children..
Our parents facebooks are full of their grandchildren receiving their gifts
our house is always so empty and sad
Can't ever go to anyone else's though because we have our cat
I'm dreading it again