November Mums.... Are you ready??


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Hiya Girls,

i know im right at the beginning of November and could even have an October baby but i just wanted to check in and see how all the other November mummies are doing..

have you all finished baby shopping yet? Or packed your hospital bag?

my bags still half full.. Really need to finish it.. But then it feels so final.. Eekk

kylie x
hey, all baby stuff is bought except playmat and bouncer which we are waiting for OHs mum to give us the money for, then we just need more muslins and a baby sponge, everything else is bought and pram is being delivered by the end of this month!

Im having a home birth so Ive got all the things to go in my bag just in case I need to go into hospital but its not packed yet, moving back in with my mother for 6 months when baby is born so in the next few weeks ill be popping back to get my room and all the babys things washed, unpacked and sorted :-D

Ijust cant wait to finish work now! Go on leave October 29th and it cant come quick enough!

Be interested to see how everyone else is doing :)

In a word.


We are not ready. In the slightest. Got loads to buy still :lol:
im pretty ready, i still need to decide on a monitor and get a top & tail bowl thingy n coton woll, but my OH hates cotton woll so may only get a little bit n just hope babys bums not too sensitive to baby wipes!

need to pack my bag, but soooooo looking forward to finishing work on the 29th october, it just cant come quick enough!!

then when im off im gona wash all clothes and then ready to wait for babys arrival!!


all ready and waiting here!! didnt have bag packed but i had a show on monday and made it feel very real and got my arse in gear!
still got abit of baby washing to do x
Gosh you lot are so organised!

I'm going to attempt to drag my husband to Mamas and Papas this weekend in Croydon to see if we can decide on a buggy
Nearly ready!! We havent had to buy a lot as been given tons of clothes etc... Pram is nearly paid for. Will be delivered Nov 8th. Mom has banned me from buying anything else as baby shower is on the 10th Oct!

Hospital bag still needs sorting...
Pram, car seat, Moses basket, few baby grows, towels, breast pump, steriliser, nappy bin, loads of nappies and muslin got. Nursery furniture arrives tomorrow. Had a week off in august so bought a few bits and washed them all.

Having a home birth so dining room needs emptying for the pool. Really don't feel prepared at all!!!


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Oooo, may I stick my head in here? I'm not due 'officially' untill December 4th but im pretty certain that I will be induced at 38 weeks due to my SPD which would mean a mid November baby for me!

Everything is ready here, nursary is done and bags are almost fully packed (I'm hoarding hospital snacks in my bag now!), the only thing that I don't have is a pram and my mum is coming up to buy that for me as soon as she has finished her chemo which should be in the next few weeks! I can't beleive that I could have my baby in less than 10 weeks! It's really scary! I just have to hope that the hospital see my case as one bad enough to induce for, my MW and GP both think that they will, woot!!

My husband has been rearranging the office today so we can fit in the baby furniture (when we buy it :lol:)

Going to brave Ikea one night after work I think to take a look and see what sort of stuff they have there. There are some lovely wardrobes/cots etc in Mamas and Papas but they are so expensive!
My husband has been rearranging the office today so we can fit in the baby furniture (when we buy it :lol:)

Going to brave Ikea one night after work I think to take a look and see what sort of stuff they have there. There are some lovely wardrobes/cots etc in Mamas and Papas but they are so expensive!

id already brought everything and then walked round ikea and saw some really nice things.. bits and bobs.. got a really nice changing unit from there x
We have bought everything we need but its dotted around my mums and around my dads as we havent got the space until we move...i have a kind of hospital bag ready. I have packed stuff that we would need...just in case but its no where near finished. Just reasuring to know if anything did happen i could get away with it. lol!

I have 3 weeks til i finish work...thank god. I am in maternity mode already.
I have 3 weeks til i finish work...thank god. I am in maternity mode already.

I know the feeling about being in maternity mode already!

I've got 4 more weeks of work :( just want it over and done with now
Hi everyone, hope you all are keeping well. I am due on 21st November and cannot wait - to see my little lady and also to be back to normal hopefully. I have my bag packed just need to get some shampoo for it ! Most things got for baby few items to get still but getting there, looking forward now to finishing work on 20th October!!! Were on the HOMESTRETCH ladies!!!
Hey due for my section on 10th nov...still seems ages away...hubbie took some stuff down from loft today so seems a little more real! Cant wait to have my bubba in my arms....yayyyy so excited :) xx
nursery is finished almost just need curtains and bedding. I am quite lucky as my brother has just had a little boy so we are hoping to get some hand me downs in terms of clothes...

Hospital bag needs packing tho might do that this weekend.
all ready and waiting here!! didnt have bag packed but i had a show on monday and made it feel very real and got my arse in gear!
still got abit of baby washing to do x

Woo hoo!!! How real does that make things!! I'm not packed but nursery pretty sorted. Might get packed this weekend... x x x
all ready and waiting here!! didnt have bag packed but i had a show on monday and made it feel very real and got my arse in gear!
still got abit of baby washing to do x

Woo hoo!!! How real does that make things!! I'm not packed but nursery pretty sorted. Might get packed this weekend... x x x

real and very scary!!!! get packing lovely i never did with the other 2 and ended up packing while in early labour not good!! xx
We made the trip to Ikea today and we have now got the cot, moses basket, wardrobe and chest of drawers...

Still need to get the bedding / blankets etc but can get that all sorted in the next couple of weeks.

Still need to get the pram sorted but think we have decided on the icandy range, so now just need to bite the bullet and actually go and buy it all.

I finally feel as if I am getting somewhere now.

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