November Mums.... Are you ready??

good luck with the scan!! im having on on friday to check the placenta has moved really cant wait as it will be the last time i see the little one and next time he/she will be in my arms!! really hope i dont see the sex i really dont want to have got this far with out knowing!!! xx

Hi Louise, good luck with your scan on Friday I am in the same boat with a low lying placenta and have to go back next Wed to see if this has moved and if not for a decision to be made (hopefully it will be moved). Let me know how you get on as I dont know anyonelese due near me that this happening tooxx
Hey girls!!!

Just as a reminder I am due on 16th November!!

I finish work this Friday and THANK GOD as I dont think I could do this commute any longer! The tube strike today has made me realise how much I am hating it!!!

I woke up to some pains last night, in the back and the front.... I dont think it was anything to worry about and everyone keeps telling me 'she is getting herself ready' but I have 6 weeks to go!!! Its scary to think she might come early?! But every day something doesnt feel right. Or is that me telling myself that!!!

I still havent packed my hospital bag either! I MUST do it tonight!! Think I am going to need at least 2 bags (1 for me and 1 for baby!!) xx I have got so lazy/tired that things just seem an effort!!!

Anyhow - hope you girlies are all well and looking forward to 'next month'!! I am so excited but have never been more scared in my life! I cant believe what I am approaching and what I have to go through to get her here!!! xx

Hi Dawn , just to let you know I am the same evryday there is anyother moan or pain and Im panicing that I am in labour!! Also feeling the same I am so scared I actually feel ill at times for what is too come but excited as well xx
good luck with the scan!! im having on on friday to check the placenta has moved really cant wait as it will be the last time i see the little one and next time he/she will be in my arms!! really hope i dont see the sex i really dont want to have got this far with out knowing!!! xx

Hi Louise, good luck with your scan on Friday I am in the same boat with a low lying placenta and have to go back next Wed to see if this has moved and if not for a decision to be made (hopefully it will be moved). Let me know how you get on as I dont know anyonelese due near me that this happening tooxx

thanks lovely will let you know, i have everything crossed it moved as really dont want a c section. fingers crossed yours as moved too xx
fingers crossed for you both.. Let us know how you get on x
Hey girls,

33 weeks now! crazy stuff. My last growth scan is on Monday. Can't wait to see the little man again. He was the perfect size at my 28 week scan but he has since turned back to back. I have been leaning forward as much as possible since so I am hoping on Monday they tell me he has turned around! xx
Hey girls,

33 weeks now! crazy stuff. My last growth scan is on Monday. Can't wait to see the little man again. He was the perfect size at my 28 week scan but he has since turned back to back. I have been leaning forward as much as possible since so I am hoping on Monday they tell me he has turned around! xx

fingers crossed lovely its scary to think after our scans the next time will be when they are in our arms getting really close now!!! x
We went and picked up the Maxicosi car seat and Isofix base today so if bubs makes an early appearance we won't need to walk home from the hospital :dance:

It does feel very odd looking at the car seat though. I keep wanting to put my teddy bears in it for some strange reason :lol:
We went and picked up the Maxicosi car seat and Isofix base today so if bubs makes an early appearance we won't need to walk home from the hospital :dance:

It does feel very odd looking at the car seat though. I keep wanting to put my teddy bears in it for some strange reason :lol:

hehe.. Like ur a little girl again playing with a buggy :)

we've put the travel system together tonight.. Can't believe it.. Not long now and there will be a little baby boy in it x
Its going so quickly isn't it!!! I sooooo need to pack my bag!!! x x x
Its going so quickly isn't it!!! I sooooo need to pack my bag!!! x x x

i kept putting it off.. I finally sat down to do it at 35 weeks.. But its still not complete, ive changed my mind on baby jacks coming home outfit and need to put goodies in there :D x
We went and picked up the Maxicosi car seat and Isofix base today so if bubs makes an early appearance we won't need to walk home from the hospital :dance:

It does feel very odd looking at the car seat though. I keep wanting to put my teddy bears in it for some strange reason :lol:

hehe.. Like ur a little girl again playing with a buggy :)

we've put the travel system together tonight.. Can't believe it.. Not long now and there will be a little baby boy in it x

i can't wait to get our bugaboo, i need to learn how to collapse it quickly. I'm hoping we'll be able to pick it up next week :D

I'm going to pack my hospital bag today as well.
Hey girls,

33 weeks now! crazy stuff. My last growth scan is on Monday. Can't wait to see the little man again. He was the perfect size at my 28 week scan but he has since turned back to back. I have been leaning forward as much as possible since so I am hoping on Monday they tell me he has turned around! xx

fingers crossed lovely its scary to think after our scans the next time will be when they are in our arms getting really close now!!! x

I know!! Very exciting! Its my baby shower today @ 2! eek. Cant believe its my turn to have one after all of the showers i have been to since i was a little girl! xx
Hey girls,

33 weeks now! crazy stuff. My last growth scan is on Monday. Can't wait to see the little man again. He was the perfect size at my 28 week scan but he has since turned back to back. I have been leaning forward as much as possible since so I am hoping on Monday they tell me he has turned around! xx

fingers crossed lovely its scary to think after our scans the next time will be when they are in our arms getting really close now!!! x

I know!! Very exciting! Its my baby shower today @ 2! eek. Cant believe its my turn to have one after all of the showers i have been to since i was a little girl! xx

ooh i hope you get some nice pressies! xx

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