November Mums.... Are you ready??

The furniture in the room which will be the nursery is going this weekend - sofabed, table, etc so after that it is tidying out the junk, stripping the paper, painting the room, putting in the new furniture and the were good to go...
We made the trip to Ikea today and we have now got the cot, moses basket, wardrobe and chest of drawers...

Still need to get the bedding / blankets etc but can get that all sorted in the next couple of weeks.

Still need to get the pram sorted but think we have decided on the icandy range, so now just need to bite the bullet and actually go and buy it all.

I finally feel as if I am getting somewhere now.

:dance::dance:glad you have got things sorted lovely and love the pram choice xx
We made the trip to Ikea today and we have now got the cot, moses basket, wardrobe and chest of drawers...

Still need to get the bedding / blankets etc but can get that all sorted in the next couple of weeks.

Still need to get the pram sorted but think we have decided on the icandy range, so now just need to bite the bullet and actually go and buy it all.

I finally feel as if I am getting somewhere now.

:dance::dance:glad you have got things sorted lovely and love the pram choice xx

we've changed our minds again! Went to our local pram shop and after more test driving we now think we are going for the Bugaboo Bee. Just going to try and knock them down on price and get the order placed. Unless we change our minds again :roll:

I can't believe how complicated it has been. I just don't want to make a (very expensive) wrong decision!
another nice choice tho lovely like you said it best to get the one you want!! fingers crossed you dont see another one you like x
Ready? Ha - No, not at all.
We have a bit of clothing for her, and all of her toiletries (cleaning stuff) But other than that nope -
We are getting the stroller next week, as OH's mom is buying it for us. And my mom arrives at the end of October to help get everything ready. I am going to do my hospital bag this week - We are using her room as a guest room, and will not get her room ready until January or February, as mid December we are going to meet my parents in Florida for a month. And I might stay an extra month, as my OH travels for work and might have to go to South America for 5 weeks. I guess right after she is born she will co-sleep with me in my bed...
Finally bought the moses basket bedding. Yippeee!

And I also bought my husband Fifa 2011 for his PS3 because I am a lovely wife :lol:
Goodness you are all getting on so well, I still havent started the nursery need to get my finger out!! Everythingelse sorted but have started to feel a bit sick again and really tired so that is not helping the situation. Think it will be better when I finish work, when is everyone finishing? Also I am starting to panic abit about the birth and labour and what is in front of me and how I will cope! When I think of this I get palpatations!!!lol
Our carpet for the nursery is coming tomorrow and then hubby has promised to put cot together etc!! Am soo excited! I bought most of my bits for the hospital bag today apart from clothes. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirrored window today at the shops and realised that I am flippin massive and going to have a baby in 5 weeks!! Scary!!!
Pam x
Im finishing work Friday the 29th October but I have weekends off most of the time anyway so technically I officially go on Maternity Leave November the 1st, then gonna have 9 months off so wont have to return til the 1st August Yippeeeeee :-D

Still waiting on MIL to give money to get bouncer and playgym so thats all we need to get but I spotted a beautiful mobile Ive taken a fancy too for babies crib so gonna pop into town and get Ethat at some point and also theres a debenhams sale on at the moment and they do Ted Baker Baby Boy things which is the nicest boys range Ive seen and its quite pricy so glad for the sale :-D

Now its October and we can say 'we're having our babies next month' its all so exciting! Love it! xx
Now its October and we can say 'we're having our babies next month' its all so exciting! Love it! xx



my god thats a really scary thought!!

im so ready to meet the little one, well besides moving all my n hubbys clean clothes out of the cot n putting the beddin on it, were ready, even got bags packed just incase, but as its getting closer and im getting huger im startin to really panic about the birth, i know physically my body will do it, but i dont think mentally im ready or able to, :oooo:

ooooh by the time x-factor finals is on, our little people should be here :lol: :dance:

I finish work on 22 October and i cannot f*ing wait. The commute is now killing me, being in work is killing me... all I want to do is relax!
:( not good.. it will come round soon.. im just sooo impatient now, i really want my baby boy.. i cant believe how impatient im been.. its like im a child waiting for xmas day :) x
Hey girls!!!

Just as a reminder I am due on 16th November!!

I finish work this Friday and THANK GOD as I dont think I could do this commute any longer! The tube strike today has made me realise how much I am hating it!!!

I woke up to some pains last night, in the back and the front.... I dont think it was anything to worry about and everyone keeps telling me 'she is getting herself ready' but I have 6 weeks to go!!! Its scary to think she might come early?! But every day something doesnt feel right. Or is that me telling myself that!!!

I still havent packed my hospital bag either! I MUST do it tonight!! Think I am going to need at least 2 bags (1 for me and 1 for baby!!) xx I have got so lazy/tired that things just seem an effort!!!

Anyhow - hope you girlies are all well and looking forward to 'next month'!! I am so excited but have never been more scared in my life! I cant believe what I am approaching and what I have to go through to get her here!!! xx
ive got my 36 week scan weds and can't wait to hear what they have to say.. Ive been told im have a big boy and that they won't let me go past my due date, im wondering if he gets to big will they start me off early.. Hmm have no idea x
ive only got two extra scans which i had at 32 weeks and last one at 36 weeks because there to check babies growth.. So unless uve seen a consultant who's worried or wants to keep an eye on you then you will just have 2 scans through pregnancy x
good luck with the scan!! im having on on friday to check the placenta has moved really cant wait as it will be the last time i see the little one and next time he/she will be in my arms!! really hope i dont see the sex i really dont want to have got this far with out knowing!!! xx
good luck with the scan!! im having on on friday to check the placenta has moved really cant wait as it will be the last time i see the little one and next time he/she will be in my arms!! really hope i dont see the sex i really dont want to have got this far with out knowing!!! xx

when i had my growth scan 10 days ago I said straight away that we didn't want to know the sex. The sonographer whizzed round the baby really quickly so we didn't get a chance to see something :)

Good luck with your scan, fingers crossed your placenta has moved x
good luck with the scan!! im having on on friday to check the placenta has moved really cant wait as it will be the last time i see the little one and next time he/she will be in my arms!! really hope i dont see the sex i really dont want to have got this far with out knowing!!! xx

fingers crossed lou that the placenta has moved up.. I don't think ull see the sex, i know im having a boy
but at the 32 week scan i asked thw sonographer to confirm and she did but i couldn't see a thing x
thank you both will def say i dont know or wanna know just incase i pretty sure they will be busy looking at the placenta more than baby!! x

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