November 2020 Mummies

How is everyone? This thread is very quiet! I'm just plodding along. General nausea and sore breasts every day now. I'll be six weeks on Thursday and hopefully will feel confident enough to actually book our seven week scan. I still feel a little like a fraud.
Hey :)

Glad your doing ok.

I'm now 6.5 weeks and i'm struggling, my sickness is quite bad. I'm on one drug and I've just been prescribed another to try and stop the nausea and vomiting - it's the same combination of meds that I was on before so I'm really hopeful that they will have the same effect and I'll be able to function.

I'm home on my own with my 4 and 2 year old and it's really tough. I'm so sad I can't be as present in their lives as much as they want me too.

I have my booking appointment next week and then it'll just be waiting for my 12 week scan and hoping that no one in my house gets covid-19 so I can still go to the appointments.

I told a friend about the pregnancy just so I have someone to get excited about it with as it's hard to be excited while your feeling rubbish.

Can't wait to see your 7 week scan photos SockVortex!!
Hey :)

Glad your doing ok.

I'm now 6.5 weeks and i'm struggling, my sickness is quite bad. I'm on one drug and I've just been prescribed another to try and stop the nausea and vomiting - it's the same combination of meds that I was on before so I'm really hopeful that they will have the same effect and I'll be able to function.

I'm home on my own with my 4 and 2 year old and it's really tough. I'm so sad I can't be as present in their lives as much as they want me too.

I have my booking appointment next week and then it'll just be waiting for my 12 week scan and hoping that no one in my house gets covid-19 so I can still go to the appointments.

I told a friend about the pregnancy just so I have someone to get excited about it with as it's hard to be excited while your feeling rubbish.

Can't wait to see your 7 week scan photos SockVortex!!

I'm sorry the sickness is still with you Charli :( Fingers crossed the meds kick in really soon and you can start to get it under control! I'm really glad you told someone and could get excited :D We told our families and my closest friends but that's it until twelve weeks. D's best friends (there are a lot) will have to be told in small batches but we'd rather do that in person and with Covid we now won't be able to see them until I'm at least nine weeks, haha.

I'm impressed you have your booking in appointment already! I'm still waiting for any kind of letter through the post. I wonder if they only issue them after the woman gets to six weeks :/ I think it'll only feel real for me once I see the baby on the scan and have my first midwife appointment. Actually hearing someone say 'yes, you're pregnant, you're not making it up!' will be great :)
Are any of you worrying how you will get all the baby items etc for baby with all this going on right now in the world? I'm 7 weeks today, so still early to be buying anything but cant stop thinking I wont have any clothes for baby to wear or a cot to sleep in, or cloth nappies to wear as everywhere is shut. I think we are going to book an early scan for 8.5/9 weeks and if all is ok then I'll start buying a fee bits just incase!

Jessi - no, I think that we'll be back to normal by the summer so that'll be plenty of time to get organised for the baby :) I understand being worried though. I'm just trying to take it a day at a time and if I end up with nothing for the baby, it'll be okay!! There's not actually much that a baby needs anyway.

Sockvortex - I remember feeling like that with my first. I was shocked that I got all the way up to a 12 week scan with the NHS basically on my word for it that I'd got a positive home pregnancy test. (We cheated and went for a private scan at 10 weeks due to cramps and wanting to make sure everything was ok). That scans going to be so lovely, I'm a little jealous you're going to see baby soon :D

I'm hoping to be able to tell my parents after the 12 week scan as we didn't manage to surprise them like that with our other two. With my first we had to tell them the same day we got a bfp as we had a holiday to Hawaii booked with them we had to cancel and the second they came to visit while I was really sick so had to tell them. Hopefully the lockdown means they won't be coming to visit for a while and we can not tell them, as I don't want them to worry.
Hi all!
I had an early scan booked for Sunday which would make me 8 weeks but due to unforeseen circumstances they’ve had to change it and have given me an appointment today I am 7wks 3days would you still go ahead or do you think it’s too early? I don’t want to waste a scan but I also don’t want to wait until the middle of April as that’s all they had next. Has anyone had a private scan that early and what was it like??
I'm not worried about getting stuff too much yet, this will only hopefully be over soon xx
Hi all!
I had an early scan booked for Sunday which would make me 8 weeks but due to unforeseen circumstances they’ve had to change it and have given me an appointment today I am 7wks 3days would you still go ahead or do you think it’s too early? I don’t want to waste a scan but I also don’t want to wait until the middle of April as that’s all they had next. Has anyone had a private scan that early and what was it like??

I had a scan last week and I was 5 weeks and saw a heatbeat. I've had my rescan today but I'm not as far as I thought I was so she has dated me back to 6w 2d but its grown since I was last scaned so she isn't concerned xx
I had a scan last week and I was 5 weeks and saw a heatbeat. I've had my rescan today but I'm not as far as I thought I was so she has dated me back to 6w 2d but its grown since I was last scaned so she isn't concerned xx

oh ok that’s good to know!! Glad everything’s going well with you. I can’t wait to get to this appointment now it’s causing me such anxiety especially with everything else going on atm too! Xx
Jesi: We can still order things online as far as I'm aware so I'm sure there'll be plenty of places we can have things delivered from if it comes to it :) Also, how cool that you're going for cloth nappies! I'm determined to use reusable ones too. My husband's friend had a set for their first daughter and said how great and easy they were to use. This was years ago and I'm still hooked on the idea, haha.

Charli: I so hope we do. I keep praying for a strong heartbeat. I know statistically the odds are on my side but I still wake up every morning scared that my symptoms will have disappeared. I'll finally be at six weeks tomorrow. Small milestones!

I'm glad the lockdown's good for something then, if it's keeping your pregnancy a secret haha. I hope they have a lovely surprise when this is all over! How are you planning on telling them?

Shame you couldn't go to Hawaii! I went there on holiday when I was eighteen. I still remember it. So beautiful.

We have to go to India in late June for my brother's wedding. We worked out I'll be around 18 weeks so still nice and comfortable hopefully. Looking forward to lots of delicious food and daily swims :D
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Hi all!
I had an early scan booked for Sunday which would make me 8 weeks but due to unforeseen circumstances they’ve had to change it and have given me an appointment today I am 7wks 3days would you still go ahead or do you think it’s too early? I don’t want to waste a scan but I also don’t want to wait until the middle of April as that’s all they had next. Has anyone had a private scan that early and what was it like??

Oh so exciting! Definitely do it today. We need more scan photos on this thread :D
Just to let you all know.

I miscarried last night.

Have a healthy pregnancy and enjoy your journeys.
Just to let you all know.

I miscarried last night.

Have a healthy pregnancy and enjoy your journeys.

I said it on the other thread but I'll reiterate the sentiment here. I'm so sorry for your loss, Olivia. Please take good care of yourself. xxx
Hi everyone

I’ve been really quiet on here. Had quite a bit of bleeding last week and on Saturday I had 2 bits of tissue come out (sorry TMI). The NHS won’t bring me in for a scan and have told me to retake a pregnancy test in 2 weeks but said it doesn’t sound good. I had booked a private scan but this has now been cancelled due to the luck down. I’m still having some slight cramps but haven’t had any other symptoms.

Had anyone been through anything similar that could give me some honest advice?
Hi everyone

I’ve been really quiet on here. Had quite a bit of bleeding last week and on Saturday I had 2 bits of tissue come out (sorry TMI). The NHS won’t bring me in for a scan and have told me to retake a pregnancy test in 2 weeks but said it doesn’t sound good. I had booked a private scan but this has now been cancelled due to the luck down. I’m still having some slight cramps but haven’t had any other symptoms.

Had anyone been through anything similar that could give me some honest advice?

Oh gosh that sounds horrible! I'm so sorry they've treated you that way in what must be a really scary time :( Can you book a private scan elsewhere? As far I'm aware Window to the Womb are still operating as normal and they offer same day appointments. xx
Oh gosh that sounds horrible! I'm so sorry they've treated you that way in what must be a really scary time :( Can you book a private scan elsewhere? As far I'm aware Window to the Womb are still operating as normal and they offer same day appointments. xx
I cant believe how unbothered they have been about it even my booking in appointment has now been changed to a phone call.
I had a private scan booked for tomorrow but they’ve had to cancel it as they’ve had to close. Thanks for the recommendation I’ve just had a look there’s not a clinic near me but there’s us one I can get an appointment with even though it’s around 2 hours drive away it might be worthwhile to put my mind at ease either way. Xx
Thanks for the recommendation I’ve just had a look there’s not a clinic near me but there’s us one I can get an appointment with even though it’s around 2 hours drive away it might be worthwhile to put my mind at ease either way. Xx

Yeah that's what I was thinking. If it would give you an answer either way then it would be worth it. xx

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