November 2020 Mummies

I'm a little confused and wondered if anyone can help? I've gone for an emergency scan today, and they couldn't find anything on an abdominal scan. They did an internal scan and they found the sac? And there was 3 small white circles, it was difficult to see if it was one bigger circle. Even the sonographer was confused so she called 2 more doctors and they couldn't be sure either. So they've rescheduled for 10 days time, they think I could be much earlier on than I thought. They're guessing around 5 weeks. But I got my bfp on the 22nd of Feb!? Is there anyway I got a SUPER early bfp or is it more likely that this pregnancy isn't progressing? I'm so confused as I thought I was between 7 and 8 weeks pregnant. I'd love to hear of any stories similar to this and their outcome. I've told myself that it's not successful to prepare for the worst in 10 days time when they scan me again.

I've also posted this on another thread.

I'm sorry it wasn't better news. I'm glad they can see something, though! I haven't heard of anything like this before. Sorry I can't be of more help but I wanted to let you know that we're all here for you. xx
I'm a little confused and wondered if anyone can help? I've gone for an emergency scan today, and they couldn't find anything on an abdominal scan. They did an internal scan and they found the sac? And there was 3 small white circles, it was difficult to see if it was one bigger circle. Even the sonographer was confused so she called 2 more doctors and they couldn't be sure either. So they've rescheduled for 10 days time, they think I could be much earlier on than I thought. They're guessing around 5 weeks. But I got my bfp on the 22nd of Feb!? Is there anyway I got a SUPER early bfp or is it more likely that this pregnancy isn't progressing? I'm so confused as I thought I was between 7 and 8 weeks pregnant. I'd love to hear of any stories similar to this and their outcome. I've told myself that it's not successful to prepare for the worst in 10 days time when they scan me again.

I've also posted this on another thread.

How many days past ovulation would that make you when you got your bfp? I know it's hard hun, but unfortunately you won't get any answers til you have you're next scan. I have known one person go through this, and nothing changed the next scan but everyone is different and I really hope this isn't the case for you. I know it's hard to not think about it and carry on specially when must of us are stuck at home in isolation.

Hi :) I got a BFP last week which puts my due date as 14th November. Is it okay to join in with this group?

This is my 3rd pregnancy and I've been feeling really sick for the last few days, I've started on antiemetics to try and slow down the progression as I suffered from Hyperemesis gravidarum in my last pregnancy, really hoping this one doesnt get that bad!

Hi to everyone :) and congratulations on your pregnancies!

Sorry its taken my a while, not been feeling myself :(

Congratulations and welcome to November mummies xx
The reason why they're thinking I may be earlier on than I think is because my cycles are between 32 and 35 days long. Sometimes even 37 days long. So my ovulation is a bit unpredictable. So I have no clue. But what i do know is this......

We last DTD on the 14th of feb
I got my first bfp on the 22nd of feb
Today is the 20th of march and they reckon I'm between 5 and 6 weeks?

I personally cant work out how that's even possible.
I know what you mean. I've just looked at my calendar and if you were 6 weeks today you would of conceived week beginning 17th Feb.

I ovulated on 18th Feb and I'm 6 weeks

I'm a little confused and wondered if anyone can help? I've gone for an emergency scan today, and they couldn't find anything on an abdominal scan. They did an internal scan and they found the sac? And there was 3 small white circles, it was difficult to see if it was one bigger circle. Even the sonographer was confused so she called 2 more doctors and they couldn't be sure either. So they've rescheduled for 10 days time, they think I could be much earlier on than I thought. They're guessing around 5 weeks. But I got my bfp on the 22nd of Feb!? Is there anyway I got a SUPER early bfp or is it more likely that this pregnancy isn't progressing? I'm so confused as I thought I was between 7 and 8 weeks pregnant. I'd love to hear of any stories similar to this and their outcome. I've told myself that it's not successful to prepare for the worst in 10 days time when they scan me again.

I've also posted this on another thread.
I'm so sorry your going through this confusing time. I'm not sure I can help much but just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you!!
Sorry its taken my a while, not been feeling myself :(

Congratulations and welcome to November mummies xx
Hey, no worries, I'm the same. Thanks and congratulations to you too. Hope your okay x
I know what you mean. I've just looked at my calendar and if you were 6 weeks today you would of conceived week beginning 17th Feb.

I ovulated on 18th Feb and I'm 6 weeks

And that can be correct considering we DTD in the 14th but is it in any way possible to have got a bfp on a FRER on the 22nd? I dont know much about tests and do. I find it all a bit confusing. Sorry for all the questions
I t
And that can be correct considering we DTD in the 14th but is it in any way possible to have got a bfp on a FRER on the 22nd? I dont know much about tests and do. I find it all a bit confusing. Sorry for all the questions

Potentially, that's 8 days later so it might show up by then, was it quite a faint line?
And that can be correct considering we DTD in the 14th but is it in any way possible to have got a bfp on a FRER on the 22nd? I dont know much about tests and do. I find it all a bit confusing. Sorry for all the questions

I have heard of people getting bfp at 6dpo but it is very rare. Sorry I don't have the answers for you. Unfortunately it's all a waiting game :( try to rest

In my opinion hun, that is very dark bfp for 6dpo. Did they see a heartbeat? When I had my scan Monday I was 5w 6d by my dates and they found a heartbeat.

They could see the sac, there was something else there which could have been the yolk but they didnt want to say it was incase it wasnt. But I saw the screen and it was confusing. But they said it's in the right place which is good I guess?
Blighted ovum? I just dont know what to think
This is not my scan. This is one I found from google. But this is what I saw when they showed me the screen. It wasnt a definitive circle but you could see 3 small dots in a sort of ring shape? If that makes sense. Like a dot to dot of a circle!?

This is not my scan. This is one I found from google. But this is what I saw when they showed me the screen. It wasnt a definitive circle but you could see 3 small dots in a sort of ring shape? If that makes sense. Like a dot to dot of a circle!?

View attachment 90429

That one is nearly seven weeks too! Which would fit with your dates, right? Did the website that photo was on explain what that scan was showing?
The OP was asking if it was normal for her scan to look like that and there was only one reply that said :
Seeing a sac and yolk sac at 5 weeks is fantastic! The same thing happened to me twice. Dates were off, ultrasound showed sac and yolk sac, a week later I saw the baby and heard the heartbeat! Try not to worry, things are looking great so far.

I know I'm not going to know until the scan unless I m/c before then, but I cant help but worry and being in isolation until then is going to be a really challenging get not to obsess over it. I'm really frightened I'm going to m/c. I only have 2 pads left in the whole house and cant find any due to panic buying from everyone. I will have to track some down tomorrow just incase. I've heard the bleeding and pain can be pretty intense.
The OP was asking if it was normal for her scan to look like that and there was only one reply that said :
Seeing a sac and yolk sac at 5 weeks is fantastic! The same thing happened to me twice. Dates were off, ultrasound showed sac and yolk sac, a week later I saw the baby and heard the heartbeat! Try not to worry, things are looking great so far.

I know I'm not going to know until the scan unless I m/c before then, but I cant help but worry and being in isolation until then is going to be a really challenging get not to obsess over it. I'm really frightened I'm going to m/c. I only have 2 pads left in the whole house and cant find any due to panic buying from everyone. I will have to track some down tomorrow just incase. I've heard the bleeding and pain can be pretty intense.

Try and remain positive hun, every situation is different. You could of had a complete mess up of a cycle. Also the scan person might not of got the right angle. My lady was wiggling it around for ages around the yolk sac to see if she could find a baby.

I have some hun, if you need them let me know and I'll 1st class post them to you. I'm sure you wouldn't need them. Are you still spotting? Xx
I managed to buy some pads, liners and paracetamol from poundland today which is good. So I am prepared for it, should it happen.

I am trying to remain positive but time will tell I guess! I'm trying not to overly think about it. I'm just relaxing on the sofa for the foreseeable! My discharge/spotting has stopped. Now I have a bit if discharge which is ever so slightly tinged with brown. But I believe this is also normal after an internal scan.

Hope you're all well xx

I'm going to try to stay off here until my scan unless anything changes. Xxx

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