November 2020 Mummies

My nausea seemed a little better today, woke up fine n it lasted about 30mins then felt it again. Eating dry food seems to help me, bread dry stuff, toast, crisps, plain biscuits. N I’m also really enjoying tinned fruit wen I’m not feeling yucky and milk, as Iv gone off tea.
9weeks 1day - no dating scan date as yet x
Head aches daily are a killer for me!
@SockVortex I was on meds till 30 weeks. The Dr wants me to keep on the meds I'm on for a few weeks and then start to try and reduce them, to see how few I can manage with. Fingers crossed. Last time I was medicated fluffy from about 13 weeks so I'm hoping that soon life will be properly manageable with the meds.

Glad to hear your all doing ok, early pregnancy is rough!! Won't be long till we are in the second trimester and people will be posting things like 'i don't feel pregnant anymore' because all the early symptoms have gone. I hope that time comes soon for us all!
@SockVortex I was on meds till 30 weeks. The Dr wants me to keep on the meds I'm on for a few weeks and then start to try and reduce them, to see how few I can manage with. Fingers crossed. Last time I was medicated fluffy from about 13 weeks so I'm hoping that soon life will be properly manageable with the meds.

Glad to hear your all doing ok, early pregnancy is rough!! Won't be long till we are in the second trimester and people will be posting things like 'i don't feel pregnant anymore' because all the early symptoms have gone. I hope that time comes soon for us all!

Yes please! Though I’d like to keep my symptoms til about 11 weeks so I don’t panic again haha.
I'm 9 weeks today and baby is the size of a cherry now! I love cherries :D
We had a private viability scan at six weeks and saw the little heart beat which was good and I've told myself I can book another one next week if I still feel nervous, haha. Hopefully I won't need to but I like having the option. The official NHS 12 week scan is the 12th of May so just over four weeks away :) Our midwife appointment is a week today :D

When is your scan? :)
My 12 week scan is on Friday. Less than a week away. Nervous and excited for it.
Morning ladies

Hope you all enjoy your Easter weekend

Your the finish of us.

I can't believe now quick but slow it's going :rotfl:

Oh my goodness, this whole trimester has been a crawl. My friend told me today it speeds up in trimester two. Let's hope she wasn't wrong.
Oh my goodness, this whole trimester has been a crawl. My friend told me today it speeds up in trimester two. Let's hope she wasn't wrong.

I think once life gets back to normal everything will go really quickly xx
I find the whole of pregnancy drags on really slowly :( I'm going this time will be different when I get back to work as I wasn't working last time!! It went quite fast the first time so fingers crossed!!

This morning while I was still lying in bed (so still needing a pee), I could feel what I think is my uterus;just sticking up above my pelvic bone. It's earlier than last time to feel it, so I might be wrong, but it's not been there before this morning and nothing else has changed. So that's quite exciting!!!
Hi, I am back after a spell away due to MC. Am currently 8 weeks and tentative due date 22nd Novemeber. Am constantly analysing my on off symptoms and driving myself Bananas. Hoping everyone here might be able to keep my mind at ease this time around . Congratulations on all your BFP. ❤️
Hi, I am back after a spell away due to MC. Am currently 8 weeks and tentative due date 22nd Novemeber. Am constantly analysing my on off symptoms and driving myself Bananas. Hoping everyone here might be able to keep my mind at ease this time around . Congratulations on all your BFP. ❤️
Welcome to the group! X
Anyone else’s emotions going crazy, I am crying at everything these days?!
Hi, I am back after a spell away due to MC. Am currently 8 weeks and tentative due date 22nd Novemeber. Am constantly analysing my on off symptoms and driving myself Bananas. Hoping everyone here might be able to keep my mind at ease this time around . Congratulations on all your BFP. ❤️

Welcome! Sorry to hear about your loss and congrats on the new pregnancy! :)
The other day I cried when reading an article about people applauding lorry drivers, haha!
Iv been in tears these last few Thursday night at 8pm with the clappers but also just watching random stuff on tv or phone that aren’t even that upsetting. Hormones
Hi, I am back after a spell away due to MC. Am currently 8 weeks and tentative due date 22nd Novemeber. Am constantly analysing my on off symptoms and driving myself Bananas. Hoping everyone here might be able to keep my mind at ease this time around . Congratulations on all your BFP. ❤️

Welcome, sorry for your loss.

Anyone else’s emotions going crazy, I am crying at everything these days?!

I've been crazy emotional, I'm normally emotional anyway today but I've extra emotional haha xx

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