November 2020 Mummies

Had a pretty bad night! Boiling hot, peeing all the time and then my nose started bleeding. Joy. I also threw up a little when brushing my teeth this morning (yay?) Lol. There endeth my ten year streak of not vomiting.
Had a pretty bad night! Boiling hot, peeing all the time and then my nose started bleeding. Joy. I also threw up a little when brushing my teeth this morning (yay?) Lol. There endeth my ten year streak of not vomiting.

You sound pretty pregnant to me! I can relate to all of that except the nose bleeding.

I also have had a bit of muscle and ligament cramping around my abs, under my upper ribs and just above my pelvis.
You sound pretty pregnant to me! I can relate to all of that except the nose bleeding.

I also have had a bit of muscle and ligament cramping around my abs, under my upper ribs and just above my pelvis.

Ouch that sounds painful :(
Hi everyone! Just been catching up on you all!
With pure guess work and due date calculater, I’m around 8w6d, due 11th nov.
I had ivf in jan which ended as a chemical, natural cycle in feb which I’m thinking is wen I conceived, I did hav a slight bleed/ spotting around my next period time. but wen I took test is said 3+ weeks!!
symptoms were feeling hungry all the time then after my test I started feeling sick, high sense of smell and loads of head aches!
Congratulations to all of u!! X
Hi everyone! Just been catching up on you all!
With pure guess work and due date calculater, I’m around 8w6d, due 11th nov.
I had ivf in jan which ended as a chemical, natural cycle in feb which I’m thinking is wen I conceived, I did hav a slight bleed/ spotting around my next period time. but wen I took test is said 3+ weeks!!
symptoms were feeling hungry all the time then after my test I started feeling sick, high sense of smell and loads of head aches!
Congratulations to all of u!! X

Welcome and congratulations! :D
Hi everyone,

Hope you are all keeping well with everything going on. I'm sorry to hear of those who have had a loss, thinking of you.

Just been huddled away indoors, kids are getting bored but we did have a private scan last week, they dated me 5 days back, so I have a due date of Nov 16th now, 2 days before my birthday. So I'm 8+1 today.

We've nicknamed it jelly baby as it looks like one.

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all keeping well with everything going on. I'm sorry to hear of those who have had a loss, thinking of you.

Just been huddled away indoors, kids are getting bored but we did have a private scan last week, they dated me 5 days back, so I have a due date of Nov 16th now, 2 days before my birthday. So I'm 8+1 today.

We've nicknamed it jelly baby as it looks like one.

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Aww, cute scan! :) It really does look like a jelly baby!
Hi guys and hello and congrats to new members!

Sorry that I've been so quiet, I'm just doing my best to stay out of hospital. I finally persuaded the drs to prescribe me a stronger medication to try and got that today so fingers crossed it helps and I can actually get out of bed and eat something soon!!

I got the date for my scan, May 5th, so just counting down the days now. I think I'm 8+4 today but we'll see what they decide when the scan happens.

Hope everyone is doing well
Hi guys and hello and congrats to new members!

Sorry that I've been so quiet, I'm just doing my best to stay out of hospital. I finally persuaded the drs to prescribe me a stronger medication to try and got that today so fingers crossed it helps and I can actually get out of bed and eat something soon!!

I got the date for my scan, May 5th, so just counting down the days now. I think I'm 8+4 today but we'll see what they decide when the scan happens.

Hope everyone is doing well

Not too long to wait til the scan! I hope the stronger meds work for you :(
Not too long to wait til the scan! I hope the stronger meds work for you :(
Thanks, I took my first one today and have been able to drink a LOT of water, which has been amazing. Who knew water tasted so good!! Fingers crossed it continues :D
Hello mommies!

Still cant believe I'm posting this but I am pregnant with my first, due Nov. 30th! Eek!

Congrats to all!

Congratulations. Pregnant with my first too. My sister made this journey look easy . . .
Thanks, I took my first one today and have been able to drink a LOT of water, which has been amazing. Who knew water tasted so good!! Fingers crossed it continues :D

Yay! That’s great :D
Hi everyone, I am new here. My name is Nikki. This is my first pregnancy and I'm 8 weeks pregnant, due date is approx 12th November 2020.
Hi everyone, I am new here. My name is Nikki. This is my first pregnancy and I'm 8 weeks pregnant, due date is approx 12th November 2020.

Welcome Nikki :) There are a lot of us first timers here and all around the same weeks too. I'm 8 weeks today (according to my LMP) though actually only seven as I have a 33 day cycle so ovulated six days later than the average 14, haha.

How are you feeling? :)
Thank you SockVortex and congratulations on your pregnancy : ) I'm actually 9 weeks pregnant today. First pregnancy so is all new to me, I'm sure this forum will be helpful and hoping to connect with great people on the same journey.

I'm feeling ok, around weeks 6/7 experienced lots of nausea/sickness, sore boobs, food aversions and most recently gagging when brushing teeth. Oddly, my nausea as subsided a lot so have worried from time to time, hoping everything is ok.

How are you feeling? Is this your first pregnancy?
Thank you SockVortex and congratulations on your pregnancy : ) I'm actually 9 weeks pregnant today. First pregnancy so is all new to me, I'm sure this forum will be helpful and hoping to connect with great people on the same journey.

I'm feeling ok, around weeks 6/7 experienced lots of nausea/sickness, sore boobs, food aversions and most recently gagging when brushing teeth. Oddly, my nausea as subsided a lot so have worried from time to time, hoping everything is ok.

How are you feeling? Is this your first pregnancy?

Yup, this is my first :) It took us fifteen cycles and we were literally a day away from calling to start our IVF treatment when I got a positive test. I still can't believe how lucky we are! My husband has low sperm motility so it was unlikely that we'd get pregnant on our own.

It has caused a lot of anxiety though! I've been so worried during the past few weeks but everything seems to be going ok so far :) I've been feeling very sick for the past few days, pretty much the same symptoms as you really. I used to love garlic and now I can't stand it which makes me very sad. Eggs and cream cheese are my best friends right now.

A lot of the girls here have said not to worry if your symptoms seem to fade. Often they come back but I think they're supposed to start getting a bit more manageable around 9/10 weeks anyway :)
Oh wow that's amazing! Huge congratulations so happy for you! My partners friend also struggled as had low sperm motility but thankfully they got there in the end and now have 1 child : )

I'm sure everyone is different but what works wonders for me with nausea is a little bit of fresh ginger with hot water in a cup, really seems to ease the nausea which is great. I also find eating small and frequently helps. Ouch about the garlic, one of my faves too : )

My palate has definitely been changing and I'm finding at the moment I'm more into simple and bland flavours which is quite the opposite of me really lol

Thanks for that, reassuring to know others have had symptoms fade, some days I totally feel pregnant and others not at all.

Do you know when your having your first scan yet?
Oh wow that's amazing! Huge congratulations so happy for you! My partners friend also struggled as had low sperm motility but thankfully they got there in the end and now have 1 child : )

I'm sure everyone is different but what works wonders for me with nausea is a little bit of fresh ginger with hot water in a cup, really seems to ease the nausea which is great. I also find eating small and frequently helps. Ouch about the garlic, one of my faves too : )

My palate has definitely been changing and I'm finding at the moment I'm more into simple and bland flavours which is quite the opposite of me really lol

Thanks for that, reassuring to know others have had symptoms fade, some days I totally feel pregnant and others not at all.

Do you know when your having your first scan yet?

We had a private viability scan at six weeks and saw the little heart beat which was good and I've told myself I can book another one next week if I still feel nervous, haha. Hopefully I won't need to but I like having the option. The official NHS 12 week scan is the 12th of May so just over four weeks away :) Our midwife appointment is a week today :D

When is your scan? :)
I actually made it it the house today as I had to pick the kids up and I wasn't sick! It's a miracle.

My spirits are up at the moment so that's good :D I still have a lot of nausea and have been sick a few times but I've kept food down today, hooray!

Hope your all doing well. I've been lying in bed watching Downton Abby from the start as I've never got past the second season, so this is a good time to catch up.

I'm 8 + 5 now, so close to 9 weeks. The weeks are ticking down so slowly. 3 weeks and 5 days till my scan. I wish there was a private scan place still open near me but they have all closed due to current circumstances.

My 4 year old thinks I'm sick because I used to have his sister in my tummy (I had HG with her too) so keeps going on about that, but he hasn't made the connection that me being sick now might mean a new baby. We don't want to tell him until we have a healthy scan so I hope he doesn't figure it out.

I have a friend who is 5 weeks ahead of me pregnancy wise so I'm living through her experiences at the moment
I actually made it it the house today as I had to pick the kids up and I wasn't sick! It's a miracle.

My spirits are up at the moment so that's good :D I still have a lot of nausea and have been sick a few times but I've kept food down today, hooray!

Hope your all doing well. I've been lying in bed watching Downton Abby from the start as I've never got past the second season, so this is a good time to catch up.

I'm 8 + 5 now, so close to 9 weeks. The weeks are ticking down so slowly. 3 weeks and 5 days till my scan. I wish there was a private scan place still open near me but they have all closed due to current circumstances.

My 4 year old thinks I'm sick because I used to have his sister in my tummy (I had HG with her too) so keeps going on about that, but he hasn't made the connection that me being sick now might mean a new baby. We don't want to tell him until we have a healthy scan so I hope he doesn't figure it out.

I have a friend who is 5 weeks ahead of me pregnancy wise so I'm living through her experiences at the moment

I’m so glad you’re feeling better! :) That’s really great news. Hopefully it’s just up from here for you! :D How long did the HG last for last time?

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