November 2018 Testing Thread

10DPO, temp dropped slightly, One Step test BFN. Looks like I’m out once again, so gutted, did everything I could. AF due in 2-3 days. :( x

10dpo is still early hun and it's not a really a drop. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!:hug:
10DPO, temp dropped slightly, One Step test BFN. Looks like I’m out once again, so gutted, did everything I could. AF due in 2-3 days. :( x

Em you should know not to go by a One Step test.
10dpo is still early hun. Holding out hope :clover:
Thanks ladies, just don’t see it happening though as my temps haven’t risen, remained stable for all of 2ww. I’m preparing myself for AF to arrive in a couple of days now, expect temp will drop further tomorrow like it did last cycle. Sorry to break the good run we’ve been having on here x
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Congratulations Babymaker!

Emma you're not out until AF arrived and like Char said 10DPO is very early for a One step!!
Emma your not out hun your temp hasn't dropped that much and it's 10dpo you still have a chance hun
Holy doughballs:shock: Even though I've had a few symptoms I'm still in a state of shock lol! 11 or 12dpo. Will do a digi next week when I've definitely missed AF. EEEEK!!!!

Eeek! Congratulations :dance:
Thanks everyone:love:
Told our families today and suddenly it feels very real<3
Symptom wise, nausea was my main one from about 8/9dpo. But i must say ive had different symptoms in my tww with each pregnancy. Nausea is a first for me. Doesnt usually kick in until 6wks. With my dd my boobs were agony but this time i only have slightly sore nipples. With my DS my main symptom was a metallic taste in my mouth which ive only had mildly this time.

Emma, when i was ttc my 2nd i got a bfn at 10dpo but a bfp at 12dpo. Dont give up just yet<3

Sending lots of baby dust to everyone and hope you will all be joining the Tri 1 threads soon :dust:
11DPO, temp dropped slightly, BFN on One Step again. I know I’m defo out now, AF due tomorrow or Wednesday. Gutted, on to cycle 6! X


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Congratulatiopns on all the Bfps. what an amazing month! I'm really confused with my cycle this month. I'm not really sure when I ovulated, when my period was due and therefore not sure when to test.

I got positive ovulation results for 3 days in a row ( although the 3rd day, it could've been slightly finated than control line so could've been a negative. It was also quite late in my cycle so don't know when to expect my period. When should I text. I've previous had positive tests 5/6dasy before expected period but because my ovulation was later in cycle, I don't want to test too soon.

I've tried to work out my luteal phase from previously cycles but this seems to vary between 13-15 days. any ideas on testing days. I like to test early rather than wait.
I don't think I had sex enough or at the right time. Especially since the 3rd ovulation day may not have been positive.


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Princess it does sometimes just take that 1 time to BD to conceive, hopefully your lucky and you catch the egg.
Looking at your chart you maybe could have DTD a bit more but don't let that knock you.
Good luck hun x
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also maybe tmi but I didn't feel any semen come out of me during the first two times we had sex. Its' weird cos normally you can feel it coming out afterwards ( there was loads during the 3rd time). My husband has had retrograde ejaculation before (no sperms comes out) but on very rare occasions. We have always gotten pregnant on the first cycle the 3 times we have tried so it's never been a problem previously
Princess it does sometimes just take that 1 time to BD to conceive, hopefully your lucky and you catch the egg.
Looking at your chart you maybe could have DTD a bit more but don't let that knock you.
Good luck hun x

thank you. When should I test do you think?
I would say test around the 28/29th - i worked it out you would be like 12dpo if you ov'd around the second positive opk. x
So my BFP turned into a chemical last night. I&#8217;m pretty upset as seeing those two pink lines a week ago made me so happy. I kept testing and the frers were always fairly strong and positive however I did a clearblue and it said not pregnant. But then a couple hours later a frer was a strong positive. So I assumed that the clear blue was faulty and I still had pregnancy symptoms. Then last night I got my period. So it&#8217;s back to square one. I&#8217;m glad we did manage to get pregnant but it&#8217;s hard, I&#8217;m a realist though and it&#8217;s very common but doesn&#8217;t make it any easier. I&#8217;m not sure if I&#8217;ll try next month or have a break. I&#8217;m sure I&#8217;ll want to but will see. Good luck to everyone else testing for this month and next.
So my BFP turned into a chemical last night. I’m pretty upset as seeing those two pink lines a week ago made me so happy. I kept testing and the frers were always fairly strong and positive however I did a clearblue and it said not pregnant. But then a couple hours later a frer was a strong positive. So I assumed that the clear blue was faulty and I still had pregnancy symptoms. Then last night I got my period. So it’s back to square one. I’m glad we did manage to get pregnant but it’s hard, I’m a realist though and it’s very common but doesn’t make it any easier. I’m not sure if I’ll try next month or have a break. I’m sure I’ll want to but will see. Good luck to everyone else testing for this month and next.

sorry hun :hug:
So my BFP turned into a chemical last night. I’m pretty upset as seeing those two pink lines a week ago made me so happy. I kept testing and the frers were always fairly strong and positive however I did a clearblue and it said not pregnant. But then a couple hours later a frer was a strong positive. So I assumed that the clear blue was faulty and I still had pregnancy symptoms. Then last night I got my period. So it’s back to square one. I’m glad we did manage to get pregnant but it’s hard, I’m a realist though and it’s very common but doesn’t make it any easier. I’m not sure if I’ll try next month or have a break. I’m sure I’ll want to but will see. Good luck to everyone else testing for this month and next.

so sorry to hear this. This happened to me in August and it's horrible. Even though you're pregnany for a very short space of time, you start to picture how your life is going to look with the baby in it. Then Bam, the picture changes. Your new cycle has started and time for a new picture. Good luck. Be kind to yourself and be postive
Ladies don't really want to think to much into this but i had a temp dip quite a bit below coverline this morning at 6dpo. Looking back at my other charts i have never had a temp dip below the coverline in my 2ww.
Last night i also had really bad cramps in my stomach to the point where i had to say 'ouch' it lasted about 15 mins max, had some pains this morning too but now just feeling achey.
I also normally get really sore boobs straight after ov and i have no paint what so ever.
I know its a waiting game and i am really hoping my temp jumps right up tomorrow morning and stays up.
It's so hard not to get excited but i cant help but wonder if i am going to be lucky this cycle <3 x


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Ladies don't really want to think to much into this but i had a temp dip quite a bit below coverline this morning at 6dpo. Looking back at my other charts i have never had a temp dip below the coverline in my 2ww.
Last night i also had really bad cramps in my stomach to the point where i had to say 'ouch' it lasted about 15 mins max, had some pains this morning too but now just feeling achey.
I also normally get really sore boobs straight after ov and i have no paint what so ever.
I know its a waiting game and i am really hoping my temp jumps right up tomorrow morning and stays up.
It's so hard not to get excited but i cant help but wonder if i am going to be lucky this cycle <3 x

I don't know much about temps and charting but fingers crossed

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