Ah Jellybean theres no pic but i hope this is it for you!
Best of luck to everyone
Is this my bfp?!
Im so worried after my mc in August. So paranoid that I don't have many symptoms and stuff. Had shooting pains in boobs which has subsided a bit now. All I really have is cramps
Congrats Jellybean.
November is shaping up well so far!
4DPO today, finally confirmed by Femometer. FF still showing wrong as 6DPO. X
Is this my bfp?!
I thought I had bought some FRERs but Ive picked up the wrong ones and they are actually the First Respnse Rapid Response. I assume they arent as sensitive?
Im getting horrendous heart burn all the time and I never usually get itbut stil getting BFNs.
Congratulations on the BFP!!!
I thought I had bought some FRERs but Ive picked up the wrong ones and they are actually the First Respnse Rapid Response. I assume they arent as sensitive?
Im getting horrendous heart burn all the time and I never usually get itbut stil getting BFNs.
Congratulations on the BFP!!!
Is this my bfp?!
Congratulations Jellybean!!
I thought I had bought some FRERs but Ive picked up the wrong ones and they are actually the First Respnse Rapid Response. I assume they arent as sensitive?
Im getting horrendous heart burn all the time and I never usually get itbut stil getting BFNs.
Congratulations on the BFP!!!
I couldn't find FRERs where I am, so got the rapid results ones same as you, knowing that they aren't as sensitive. I still got a strong BFP on them at 11 or 12dpo, 4 days before period was due, so maybe they're more sensitive than we thought!