NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Sorry Emily, hope it isn't AF though xx
Really hope it isn't her and thats it Ib!
Do you take conception vits? Think the b6 in them can lengthen lp :)

I'm getting nervous for counselling now. I know I'm being silly but I'm so scared she's gonna be like you're in your twenties you neednt be upset etc. I KNOW she wont be, I know she's not allowed to do that at a private fertility clinic but all the bad experiences with the doctors have made me worried. I can't believe I put up with some of the things GP's said to me!! Xx
Try not to worry Millie, she won't say that. She will just be there to ask the right questions and for you to let it all out, there will be no judgement in it, that's her (or his) job xx
No, just taken folic acid this time.

If this is af, which I think it is, then I may get some conception vits for me and oh.

He makes me laugh!! Keeps talking about his super sperm! I'm like well it can't be all that super can it if we're still going after 8 months!!

I'm sure that they will not be at all judgemental hun.

They are there to offer you help and support.

Try not to worry about it, it will be just fine I'm sure.

Thanks girls :) think the mixture of this today and my final uni presentation tomorrow and hormones is making my anxiety bad atm. Not had a full on panic attack for a month or so now. It used to be almost daily. I've had a few but tried to keep calm and done breathing excersizes etc. Think excersizing is helping too. So hoping this doesn't set me off lol! I'm weird but if my days are really booked up I get anxiety too so tomorrow I'm at uni, friday im cutting and styling my friends hair and then my friend and her new bf are staying with us sat (going out sat night) and sunday and monday. So i wont have a day to just chill until Tuesday and for some reason it makes me feel anxious haha. Sometimes I end up cancelling things because of it. Determined to stop letting it get the better of me though lol!! Least I was be 7dpo before i have a chance to sit and mope ha! Xx
Millie least you will be busy over the weekend and not have chance to think about SS lol
Emily hope it's IB and not the witchy xxx
Millie, I get like that too. I have never come across somebody else that's the same, if I have lots to do, loads of appointments or meetings etc I get quite flustered and a bit stressed, I prefer to be busy but I don't like having too many things all at once xx
I'm clinging to the hope that it's IB but my hope is fading fast.

This journey is getting harder and harder as every month goes by.


Sorry ladies, I feel so guilty for moaning, especially as my ttc journey is nothing in comparison to some of you. I'm just feeling really crap about it all today!

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I'm clinging to the hope that it's IB but my hope is fading fast.

This journey is getting harder and harder as every month goes by.


Sorry ladies, I feel so guilty for moaning, especially as my ttc journey is nothing in comparison to some of you. I'm just feeling really crap about it all today!


Aww Emily
We are all here to support you :friends:I know how you feel and it doesn't matter how long you've been TTC its hard each month when you want it so much
Its something we have almost no control over apart from actually DTD at the ?? right time, the rest is left up to our body which we cannot control, I wish there was a magic button we could press to get pregnant,

I wander sometimes why the human race hasn't become extinct when we are finding it so difficult to conceive!!!

sending you Big Hugs :hug:

Thanks hun.

I guess I'm frustrated as I know we are dtd at the right time, so I just don't know why it's not happening!!

I think witchy will arrive properly tomorrow morning.

Into cycle nine we go...
Argh im actually going insane!!
Im in my bedroom bin hunting down old tests!! :shock: :shock:

Going by last cycle and when i got my peak opk im pretty sure AF would be here today? CD31..
But ive been knicker checking all day and nothing.
And now ive just had a load of creamy stretchy cm.. I was bone dry all yesterday lol :shock: argh!! Whats going on up there!?
So anyway i had a bfn this morning on a frer which i believe im 14/15dpo so im taking it that im out.
Im getting over the fact that im probs not pregnant ( although i dno why at the back of my mind i keep thinking iam!? ) if im not i just want AF to hurry up :( im going abroad next week and i didnt fancy having to pack tampons!
Hope you are okay Emily, it's so horrid each month no matter how long you've been trying!
Counselling was good, she was really nice :). Smear was fine lol just felt like a swab! Xx
Oh good Millie glad your councilling went well and your smear
Well im 2dpo but DTD last night just in case!!!

I'm feeling ok today, no SS yet lol my bromelain tablets have arrived :) so going start start taking 2x a day from tonight

Only lost 4 lb on the detox but still feeling good xxxxx
I need to weigh myself but ate chips today haha only that and veg though so think i kept within the 1200 calories
Ice got MIL's cold i think. Feel sooo crap tonight lol. Typical before that presentation lol! Xx
This is a no ss thread but I'm gonna be crazy and ss at 2dpo anyway. Just had the weirdest feeling down there like ovary uterus area like an electric shock! It hurt so bad. I am gonna visualise I've got super senses and fertilisation is occuring ;). Rather than the 99.9percent probability of it being a caught nerve hahaha xx
It was freaky ha went from one ovary to the other accross uterus and made me jump lol. Was defo probs a caught nerve but gonna kid myself anyway lmao x
Oooh Millie that sounds really weird!! Hope it's a good sign
Well 3dpo have a stonking cold and was woke up early by LO so im in a foul mood too!!

How's everyone this morning? xxxx

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