NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

So your testing next Monday!!! Oh im soooo excited for you
I don't know how you have the patience... I would of tested by now!!!
Come in Em we need you to lead the way to Tri 1 ;) xxxx
I just thought I would post here as I'm really struggling this cycle. I've been symptom spotting like mad basically since ovulation and am getting tempted to test even though af isn't due for another week.

I'm in desperate need for someone to pull me back down to earth before I go completely mad!
Ahh that is expensive but hopefully it helps. Gonna get some tomorrow. Where did you get it? Our local supermarkets are quite small so might go to asda on the way home for it lol. Do you drink it all of tww??

Eeeek Emily I'm so excited for you :D can't wait for you to test :) totally understand the waiting though

Awww big hugs Nemi it can be so hard especially in the 2nd week of the tww!! I've got better recently but used to really struggle with the tww I used to feel sooo frustrated and anxious. Been doing little things like more excersize and mindfullness meditation and its been helping loads :) and also reading books! So I spend my days reading instead of obsessing over the tew :) xx
How is no SS going ladies? I have had an ovary pain for a couple of days and my boobs have been tender. I think I may have OV but surprise surprise we were totally unprepared and dtd once! Sod's law! Lol
Well, I have failed miserably with no ss and with no early testing.

BFN at 11dpo.

My cold symptoms is just a cold. Cam has got it too.

My lower back is killing me but as I had a tinge to my cm this morning, I think the witch will be on her way soon.

CD22 today and 11dpo.


Sorry about the bfn :( but don't worry you're not out yet!! 11dpo is still early and are you def 11dpo, could you be earlier?

Well I had a dream that I had a PA and we went away and she managed to leave my digi opks out and someone nicked them and I was furious haha!! Then at the end of the dream I got a bfp haha!! Xx
Sorry about the bfn Emily, hopefully its just too early. Nemi, its so hard to resist testing sometimes, wait as long as you can for a more reliable result xx

I got a neg opk today. I think ov was yesterday, so 1dpo today :) xx
I'm def 11dpo.

Positive OPK CD10 + 11.

Had ov pains on the evening of CD11, so I'm pretty sure that I ovulated then.

I know it's still early etc but I'm convinced I'm out now.

Feeling do deflated right now.

Why isn't it happening?

Lol Emily!! That video you posted on FB about the dog, aww, made me almost cry I'm so soft. Hope he gets a home. Anyway then in YouTube suggestions it had cat ones and I watched them feeling a bit more emosh and then I clicked on that pet bereavment one posted by the same account lol and I'm crying so much at it! OH is going to think I've finally lost it if he sees me crying about our cats dying lol they're only 9 months and 10 weeks old lol!!

What test did you use? Was it an ic? They can be rubbish lol fingers crossed you just have a shy bean!
It's so frustrating isn't it :(. It's so hard. Bfn's are evil.

I'm feeling a lot better about it all atm because of being busy recently and treatment coming up and distracting myself well. I don't want to get to the year and a half mark next month though lol. Xx
I have completely failed and have been SS like crazy !!! Was even go googling 11dpo symptoms last night and guess what, even though I had them all I am still convinced I'm not pregnant !! Now if I was googling some life threatening illness you can be sure as he'll I'd believe I had that :lol:

Sorry about the bfn Emily. Still early days though so fx :)
I've got some lower back ache and more cramps this morning but pretty sure I'm out and AF will arrive sometime Friday maybe Saturday. Also feel very deflated :( xx
Haha! You softy!! :hug:

Yeah it was an ic.

I'm 100% sure I'm out now.

Af will be here soon for sure.

I've done a complete 180 - started so confident that we'd done it and now convinced we haven't.


I think I'm SS and I'm 2dpo lmao how ridic!
Had a weird popping feeling yesterday and thought oooh maybe it's fertilisation haha which would be impossible to feel so just shows I'm a crazy SS haha
Feel so emosh today think it's because I'm nervous for counselling though and it's my final presentation at uni tomorrow which I'm nervous for and also it marks the end of uni after 4 years..which feels kinda weird!!

Good that you have all the promising symptoms clairabelle :D xxx
Oh Emily im so sorry about the Bfn sending you virtual hugs

I know its heartbreaking to get your hopes up and then feel really crap when you get a Bfn but it is early still and there is time to get a Bfp

ic's are rubbish, have you got any other tests you could use in a few days? xxx
The witch is on her way.

In fact could end up being CD1 today even!!

I'm gutted.


If your sure you ovd when you did then 11dpo would be early for her, could it be ib?? Xx
I don't think so.

My lp has always been a bit short but 10/11 days takes the piss!

Very pink cm, some red streaks.

I've popped a liner on and I'll keep an eye on it, but I'm certain it's her!


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