NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

So AF didnt arrive yesterday...wonder if shell decide to turn up or not!?
Im in work 8.30-6pm

If she hasn't bythe time i leave ill nip to asda on the way home and get yet ANOTHER test lol. Cant test this morning as im all out.
Surely the frer would of had something on it if i was yesterday!? Hmmm...

Have a good day ladies im off to finish getting readyfor workxx
Just eaten breakfast and really struggled
Now feel nauseaus but I know it's too early to have symptoms lol xxxx
Dani sorry didn't see your post
That's really good that AF has stayed away
Have you got many symptoms? I think it's a shy one
I didn't get my Bfp till 14dpo after days and days of Bfns
Fingers crossed for you!!! xxxx
So af is still just lurking!

Hopefully she'll get a wiggle on and come properly so I can crack on with next cycle.

IF (and it's a big one) I did ovulate on Monday I would be 3DPO and for a little while this morning I felt a bit sick. It's probably because I hadn't eaten yet though!

I think we're probably ruining this thread a little :lol: we are all definitely SS!
Dani sorry didn't see your post
That's really good that AF has stayed away
Have you got many symptoms? I think it's a shy one
I didn't get my Bfp till 14dpo after days and days of Bfns
Fingers crossed for you!!! xxxx

I felt a but sicky and didnt fancy brekki but forced cheerios down me. Nips r slightly sore but nothing like when i was preg with Noah. I would have to hold them walking down the stairs lol!

Creamy stretchy cm still, so sign on pink/red/brown in there what so ever!!!?
Shall see what the day brings! Ill be packing tampons just incase lol xx
Ahhh fingers crossed you have a shy bean dani

I'm 3dpo too. Got nothing to report yet as soooo nervous for my final presentation. Sure il have a SS afterwards though haha! I think I'm getting a cold tooo xxx
Babyslog, hope AF stays away, good luck with testing :)
Emily, do you think it could be implantation?
I am 2dpo today, I had a terrible headache yesterday and a sudden heavy almost AF feeling which only lasted a minute or so but I of course thought "I'm pregnant" lol. There is no way we are not going to symptom spot ;) xx
Good luck ladies! Hope you all have an excellent 2ww :-)
I'll be joining you in the 2 week wait in the next couple of days. Today is my predicted o day so fingers crossed for much BDing tonight after oh being off with me last night and deciding sex was off the cards. It's almost as though he doesn't understand how small the window is.
But off to a hospital appointment today so hopefully the day will end nice and positively and in the mood for baby making :)
I don't think they do get it Sarah, I don't tell my OH when I am ovulating as we get performance issues then but he always seems to be exhausted on the important days. I hold in my frustration as don't want to make it too regimented or stressful but there have been times I have just wanted to scream at him, I often don't feel like bd'ing but with such a small window it means you just have to go with it sometimes xx
Ahhh I have ewcm again lol gonna dtd later. But dont wanna go on about ov to OH so will try to get him to dtd hopefully he will! Might do another opk later in case xx
Oooh Millie do an Opk!!
You can get Ewcm in the 2ww but you may of been gearing up for Ovulation but not Ovulated and your Ovulating now?? xxxx
Yeah will do an opk and use mooncup tonight just in case!! :) xx
Oh good luck for your presentation
What time is it? What is it about? I did 2 when I was at uni, so nervewracking xxxx
Finished wooo :D. About the 24 hour society. Finished uni completely yayyy :D
Well done Millie, it must feel fantastic to be finished :) Definitely do an opk just incase xx
Well done Millie, bet that's a huge relief :)

I have felt pretty rubbish for past couple of days !! I either have really really bad pms this month (which I never get), I'm coming down with something, or I am pregnant !!!!! Don't want to get my hopes up just yet as AF not due until tomorrow or Saturday, but I just don't feel right !!

Yay well done Millie!!!

Well I've just worked out I've actually lost 8lb on my detox as I was weighing myself in kg
So feeling a bit happier about that :)

Oh and not BF since Monday so quite an achievement
I have put a plasters on my boobs and told joe they are poorly xxxx
Ooh Clairebelle
Sounds promising when are you testing? xxxx

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