NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Lisey sound like you have Ov'd but I'm the same gonna DTD tonight then we're definitely covered
My Cm is watery but ive no Ov pains (had them Sat/Sunday)
just wish we knew exactly when it happens!!! xxx
I think I may of, the opks are very positive still though. I am kind of glad I am back to having a couple of days of positives as I used to always get two days when first ttc and then my body and fertility went a bit mad and would only get one day. I am looing at it as a good sign. I don't know if I have had ov pains yet, I have had twinges on both sides for a couple of days and a bit of a pressure feeling yesterday but not sure if it was due to ovulation.
Sounds like you are well and truly covered with everything this cycle, hope its all done the trick :) xx
I had a really pos opk yesterday but think I ovd yesterday but they are negative again today :). Sounds like you've ovd lisey if you have creamy cm but def dtd tonight just in case :)
I think I must have had some super ov compared to normal lol although I've probs got used to not oving regularly so body isn't used to it ha I dunno. I've done the same as you Emma minus the clomid and had the raspberry leaf tea when on af also :). Gonna start pineapple core and brazil nuts today! Xx
I'm gonna dtd with mooncup tomorrow night just in case and then gonna use those bv pessary things as don't want it to get worse! Xx
So pineapple and brazils are safe to eat now?
Gone really lightheaded at work !!! I know it's too early to be SS spotting lol xxx
My OH had better be up to the job...literally!! I know he has a busy day at work today, I don't want a tired OH who doesn't feel like it!

Oh I went to the dentist today (I hate the dentist) and its a tiny waiting room with about 8 or 9 chairs, its that small. Anyway, I walk in and sit down. Opposite me was a woman with a boy, maybe about one years old. To my right was a woman with twin babies and then a heavily pregnant woman came in and sat next to me on my left. Talk about surrounded, I hope I am waddling in there with a huge bump soon xx
Oh god Emma thats the same as me today with my feeling like I was gonna black out spell. Hope you're okay. Maybe we have symptoms super early hahaha! Are you 2dpo? I'm 1dpo lol
Yeah im gonna have pineapple core from 1 to 5dpo and then gonna have 2 brazil nuts a day for rest of tww i think :)

Hope your OH is up to it lisey. Its annoying when they are tired lol!!

We where meant to dtd this morn but OH woke up late and so i woke up late too so couldnt lol! He woke me up saying bye and i was like what!! Lol!

Oh god thats typical about the dentists. Poor you!
When we went shopping yesterday I was hoping it would be a nice distraction and there was prams and bumps everywhere. Then i went to primark to look at sports and night time bras and right next to them was maternity bras. Then OH went to look at whsmiths for electronic books and right next to them was pregnancy books! It's a curse I swear haha!!
I am sure it will be you with a big bump soon :D
I remember when I booked my cd3 bloods and was explaining why i needed them in a certain time frame to receptionist i really pregnant woman came in and talked to the receptionish next to me. Typical!! Xx
I'm 1/2dpo today I think I ovulated Sat night/Sunday as I had Ovulation pains and positive Opk Sunday am & DTD both nights but then had some random pains yesterday morning (think it was due to my Softcup being shoved too high!!!! But got a quick session in anyway :)
I'm gonna say im 1dpo I think then when I test im not testing to early lol!!

It's really weird I still feel a bit odd but better than I did, ive eaten a Greek feta salad pitta and fruit so im not hungry (was yum after detoxing!!)

I can't get away from babies at work as I immunise them all day but have seen a lot of pregnant women about too recently my job but I do get so broody xxxx
I know this is TMI but ive just been to the loo and my cervix is still high and open does this mean I still haven't Ovulated?
Yayy we are the same amount of dpos then lol :)
That salad pitta sounds amazing!
Nope I don't think so, my cervix varies so much lol even in one day it can vary loads :) xxx
So we're both 1dpo millie!!! I will stop checking my cervix lol
I've just had a detox tea and some fruit and feel a bit better
I'm just impatient now!! xxx
I'm having chicken salad and homemade wedges for tea :p it's my last detox day 1500 calories allowed I had scramble egg and toast this morning... heaven!!!

I'm going to start eating pinapple from today and Brazil nuts I will call and get some in my way home, do they help implantation? xxx
Aaw you girls are soooo good detoxing. Don't think I could do it. I did do one once years ago and I had really bad headaches and felt quite ill !!!

I wouldn't read too much into your cervix Emma. I've been checking mine a lot recently but have had to stop as was getting obsessed and have found that it changes all the time anyhow. I would say if you've had your ov pains and the ewcm has dried up you have most likely ovulated xx
Hi Clairebelle!
ooh blueberries, I love them I've had some today already, will buy some more too!!
I've heard pom juice helps too??
How many Dpo are you now Clairebelle? xxx
I'm 11dpo now !! Not gonna test unless AF late though. I felt weird last night and this morning with what felt like loads of symptoms but now I feel fine so not sure if it was all in my head. Bloody 2ww is soooooo stressful :wall2:

Oooh sounds lovely :). I may have a detox tea lol
Well brazil nuts are foul haha ewww!!!
My opk totally neg now lines arent even close woohooo. Im having rice, quorn chicken and veg for tea ha!
Yeah pineapple core and brazil nuts help implantation :). The actual pineapple flesh can cause uterine contractions though so freeze it for now haha! And just eat the core :)
Will dig my blueberrys out the freezer in a bit haha
Ooh pomegranate juice? Never had that but may have to try it lol!! Xx
Oh can you actually eat the core??
That's good your opk is negative
Mine was very negative yesterday but I will check later as I haven't brought any Opks to work
I don't like nuts unless covered in chocolate so will struggle with the brazils :o xxx
This food talk is making my hungry!
I don't think we will be able to dtd tonight, my OH called a while ago and sounds stressed, they are moving offices today and he is the manager of the department so he can't leave until its all done. I don't want forced sex, I promised myself it wouldn't get like that again. I think I have ovulated anyway, my cervix feels a little firmer, I have had white CM and I have noticed some right sided pain, also had a little spotting when checked cervix (its amazing the things we dislose on here lol), I don't usually get ov spotting so hoping its not a bad thing, have had it once or twice maybe. I have to keep my fingers crossed that 5 days before, 3 days before and 2 days before ov is enough :)
I am getting myself a little flustered with worry though. We are going away at the beginning of July and I would love to get pregnant before we go but then I am worried about if we do, what if I miscarry on holiday, what if I am terribly unwell like last time, if I am pregnant I will be terrified to eat anything abroad...I am a worrier by nature. If I didn't have fertility issues I would put ttc on hold for a couple of months but I don't feel like we can afford to in our situation xx

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