NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

I really hope you get a lovely suprise at the end of your cycle! Still try to DTD tonight as I don't think it's too late
Men can be so selfish!
Sometimes I wish we didn't need them to get pregnant lol xxx
Def try and dtd tonight hun.

There may still be some sperm left from Thurs and your egg can survive for 12-24 hours so you are still in with a chance!

Good luck!!

How old is D's? Does he still have an afternoon nap? If so try and get a quickie in then. If not definitely tonight. Remember it only takes one little spermie :-) xx
Well I'm confused !! Had my peak in ov pains on Wednesday evening/night (cd13) and only a few slight mild niggles since. Haven't had ewcm since the Thursday morning so thought I'd most likely ovulate on Wed night. Just been the loo and had loads of ewcm !!! What's that all about???
Im in the same situation Claire!

Got my peak on opk cd14.. So OV'd anywhere from then to cd17... But didnt have too much ewcm..
But cd19 i had LOADS!
And yesterday i had pulling pains on my left... Im cd21 today though.. Argh!

Really no clue how many dpo iam! But i realy dnt want to test early ao im glad i dnt really know... Im just going to wait till im due n see what happens! Xx
I usually get ewcm in the tww at random intervals so could it be that? Think it just correlates with a rise in hormones :) which happens during tww too. I always assumed that anyway :)

People who have had a smear, am I 100% okay to dtd at like 2am tonight and then get my smear at 11am Tuesday? It's an hour and a half drive to the clinic so I don't want them to turn me away. I think they said don't dtd in the cycle before the smear but I mean that's absolutely insane I'l miss my chance haha noo way could I do that lol. So google told me lots of people just leave 24 hours has anyone dtd and 24hours later had a smear? I don't wanna waste time by it coming back inconclusive lol. But I wanna get this eggy!! Xx
Ive had a few smears and ive never been told not to have sex before one..
So i think u should be ok? Xx
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Aargh it's frustrating isn't it Dani !! I wasn't going to bother too much about dtd cos I thought I'd gone past ovulation but may need to get a session in later now just in case :) cd17 today and last dtd cd15 so should still be ok .
Not sure about dtd before a smear Milly. I've always left a couple of days or so before but that was just a personal preference. I have no idea if it interferes with results xx
Ah thank you :). I read spermies can make it inconclusive which then ofc would mean faffing on and waiting to get it done again etc and not being able to start the Clomid. I am sure it will be okay :) as it will be almost 36 hours later :)
Yeah clairabelle get dtd just in case :) xx
Millie I'm sure you'll be fine if you DTD tonight
2 am? ? God im asleep well before then!!!

Clairebelle and Dani I think you can get ewcm after ovulation due to rise in hormones I would go by the first time you see ewcm and positive opks
But DTD just in case :) xxxx
Im guessing im between 4-6dpo...
Still think even if im preg i wont know on 1st May (going to a wedding).. Not due on till 6th May based on last months cycle.
Dnt want to drink if im preg.. Not a big drinker anyway so may just not drink at all hmmmm lol!! X
I thought you ovulated up to 24/36hrs after a peak? So if you have lots of EWCM 2 days after a peak it could mean that that's when you actually ovulated?
I have no idea where I am! Had a bit of stretchy stuff straight after AF so I'm just gonna wait and see if I get any pains etc. enjoying dtd at the moment... :lol:
Haha I sleep so late was up till 4am yesterday!
Babyslog I have the same dilema as my friends coming up with her new bf the weekend af is due and wants to go out and get drunk. I don't wanna though so gonna try find an excuse of why I'l just have water instead haha!!

Oooh think my opk is gonna be pos soon. Neg atm but getting there. Is defo darker than yesterdays. This was after a 45 min hold so maybe it will be almost pos later. I can't believe it lol I might actually ovulate at a normal time!! I reckon it may be pos tomorrow so may ov on cd15 on tues. Day of smear. Hope smear wont affect anything? X
OK so I'm getting showered and dressed this morning while listening to music on my phone on shuffle when 'All that she wants is another baby' the Kooks version comes on. I look out the window while it's playing and see two magpies just outside my garden. Sign or coincidence? ? My new positive outlook is telling me a sign :D
Off out now to buy a pineapple :)

That's lovely!! Big sign in my books!!

Well after the lacking of sex at beginning of cycle, oh has stepped it up a notch and we've dtd cd9, cd12, cd13 (today) - I'm hoping we can squeeze one more go in next day or two and then I'll relax off a bit :-) I have no idea if/when I ovulate so I'm just guessing that I've covered the day but we shall see!!

How often do you guys dtd? Especially people already with a child! I feel like pre baby we were 3/4x a week sort of people and now we are more like 2x a week! Tiredness is getting to us!

I've decided if I catch this cycle I will no roughly middle of May - I'm gonna try keep it a secret from oh til his birthday (1st June) and give him a test in a box given by Rosie - what do you think?? Could you keep it a secret for two weeks?! Xx
Aww Holi
Thst sounds a lovely way of telling him!! Yes I could keep it a secret from my OH but I would have to tell my best friend and mum in law ( my mum thinks I shouldn't have another so not telling her)
Sounds like youve DTD enough so you'll be covered, try for the next week to DTD every other day
I'm only CD 8 and haven't DTD yet this cycle
Going to DTD tonight I think then start Opks tomorrow yay!!! :)
I get so bored up to Ovulation
I love it when I can start poas
How sad!!

Millie that looks almost positive
DTD tonight then Tuesday after your smear and you'll be covered xxxx
Aagghh, the whole ewcm / ov dates can be so frustrating.I didn't have much ewcm this cycle....remembered that I used epo when I got my bfp before so will try that again if I don't catch this cycle.:-)

Holi....ur doing well to dtd twice a week if u already have a little one.....that's as much as we can manage, and prob only during my fertile week.

I'm about 10 dpo and constantly thinking about whether I'm PG.....must hold out, but feeling achey and a little crampy so not holding out much hope.

How is everyone else doing at resisting?

10dpo....and its killing me.
But no symptoms at all, so not optimistic. X
How old is D's? Does he still have an afternoon nap? If so try and get a quickie in then. If not definitely tonight. Remember it only takes one little spermie :-) xx

He is 4 and unfortunately hasn't had a nap during the day for over a year! :) I know it only takes once, maybe we're still in with a chance. x

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