NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Oh no Jodie!
I'm really sorry hun, men can be complete arseholes :sad: you take care of yourself and I hope you sort things out
Big hugs :hugs: xxxxx
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Yeah I get what you mean thanks Emma :)so if I count the spotting but take it in evening then itl be the right time :)

Oh no Jodie :( :( I'm so sorry! Thinking of you xxxx
I have ewcm and sore boobs! Wooo omg I'm actually gonna ovulate at a decent normal time I think! Can't believe it lol. Just waiting for opk now. Dont think it will be pos just yet though as wasnt this morn.
I'm guessing since its not pos yet I dont need to dtd imminently? As long as I keep doing opks over tonight and tom morn so i dont miss it lol. Shoulder and neck so sore! Feel all woozy off the codeine too. Think the seven seas vits must really be helping my cycle! Either that or its the codeine hahaha xxx
Oh exciting millie
So are you using your moon cup this cycle? You'll have to let us know how you get on with it ;)
I really hope you get your Bfp and don't need to start Clomid but at least you've got it to look foward to if you don't get pregnant this cycle
:) xxxx
I don't think my moon cup will be here in time lol! May do if it is ! :). At least I can pratice with it haha! Xx
Oh Jodie! ! Very sorry to hear that :( hope things improve for you soon, hope to see you back soon.xx
I would start dtd now millie, when u knew my ov day was iminent we dtd fews days leading up to it and then the day after positive.
I'm already ss!! Keep poking my boobs to see if they are sore, that was my first sign last time!
Will dtd tonight. My shoulder and neck are so painful lol might put a hot water bottle or ice pack on whilst dtd :L xxx
Defo try to DTD tonight! know what all your supplements and TTC goodies will arrive and you won't even need them!!.... I've got a good feeling about this cycle, I think you'll get your BFP before you even get round to taking/using them!!
Hope your neck/shoulders feel better soon xxxx
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Dtd wooo :)
Hmm does anyone know the answer to this. Okay so it says royal jelly and bee prolipsis whatever it is can help hayfever and asthma and also ttc. Yet in then says that if you are allergic to them it can cause hives , asthma attacks or anaphylactic shock and death :O.and to be careful if you are allergic to pollen.
What I do not get at all is how is it a remedy to help hayfever, so therefore people who have allergies to pollen do take it lol!! I have asthma and hayfever and thought itd be beneficial if it helped those things as well as it is meant too. But then I read about those side effects and its worried me a bit! Ive never been stung by a bee so not sure if im allergic to bees but im fine with burts bees products haha :). Does it just say about allergic reactions as a precaution like everything does?? Xxx
Ooooh I forgot I have my smear on tuesday! So the last time I can dtd is sunday night. Think they said not to dtd for a few days before but I cannot do that round ov but I googled and it seems fine as long as it's not been in the last 24 hours.
I think I'm probably gonna ov around then lol typical!
So plan is dtd tomorrow day, then dtd late tomorrow night. Then my smear is at 11am but we are going out afterwards for the day so probs be back around 5. So will dtd straight away lol!
So if I dtd at like 2am Monday morn, have smear 11am Tues then dtd 5pm Tuesday . Then I am covered for both smear and spermies aren't i? Xx
Well I think I'm out for this month already... I'm pretty sure I'm OV today, have been having lots of EWCM (with blood streaks, which I only get at OV) plus pains last night, and a massive temp drop this morning. I'm only CD10, but this would explain my short cycles, and why we have been missing it all along.

Anyhow, we were meant to DTD last night and DH refused, saying he wasn't in the mood!!! FRUSTRATED!! He said let's do it in the morning, but DS is now in our bed and will be awake any minute. I'm pretty sure tonight will be too late and Thursday night was too early... we have been doing this for 8 months now and we miss it every time, because we don't DTD consistently every 2 days. I don't think he understands how much effort I'm putting into this. I mean feck the charting, supplements and all that, in the end you need a man to knock you up! I'm so disappointed. :(

I don't think I can face this 2ww so I will try to occupy myself with something else until a fresh new cycle. Good luck to all of you. xxx
When did you last dtd mumzilla? The little spermies last long than we think so if you dtd withing a few days of ov you're still in with a chance.
Morning hun
I can really sympathise with you
I have had the same problem with my hubby a few times over the last 11 months
He said he wasn't in the mood a few months ago and promised we woukd DTD the next morning then told me I was crazy when I attempted to DTD the next morning as he was too tired :mad:
hope you can manage to DTD tonight, I think if your Ovulating today then it won't be too late as the egg survives around 12 hours and the sperm survives about 5 days so your still in with a chance from DTD Thursday night (that's only 2/3 days)
Big hugs hunny :) xxxx
When did you last dtd mumzilla? The little spermies last long than we think so if you dtd withing a few days of ov you're still in with a chance.

Hi Drc, we did it Thursday night, but that was before I started getting fertile cm, so who knows. Last night would have been best. I'm just so annoyed that we are (I mean he is) not doing everything for the best chance, especially after taking so long TTC already. :(
Morning hun
I can really sympathise with you
I have had the same problem with my hubby a few times over the last 11 months
He said he wasn't in the mood a few months ago and promised we woukd DTD the next morning then told me I was crazy when I attempted to DTD the next morning as he was too tired :mad:
hope you can manage to DTD tonight, I think if your Ovulating today then it won't be too late as the egg survives around 12 hours and the sperm survives about 5 days so your still in with a chance from DTD Thursday night (that's only 2/3 days)
Big hugs hunny :) xxxx

Thanks Angel. I just wish men were less selfish and would make an effort too. I mean, it's not like I'm in the mood ready to jump on him all the time, but unfortunately there is no other way to TTC... :(
You're definitely not out Mumzilla. The sperm from Thursday night would still be around and if you're ov'ing today then get dtd today when you can :) Good luck xx
Thanks Clairabelle! It will be impossible to DTD until tonight because of DS, but maybe it's not too late then.

I will count myself out anyway, I would sooner get a nice surprise than be disappointed. So no SS or early testing, for me, but probably for the wrong reasons. :)

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