NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Happy Monday ladies, CD 18 and 5 DPO, still feeling quite relaxed, 2ww is ticking by nicely, still symptom spotting but I keep telling myself there is no point, so many symptoms can be linked to other thing it's not worth obsessing over!
Hope all you ladies are well and still time for some pineapple :) xx
Wellll I didn't get to dtd last night as I feel asleep really early on the sofa (early for me lol about midnight). Woke up in my contact lenses and dress lol and OH had left for work. Never mind, I am sure those spermies from yesterday morning can live till tomorrow :) they may even like the head start haha!!

Oooh are blueberrys good? Got some frozen in freezer lol will make a smoothie with them :)

Hmm so my opk today is defo lighter than yesterdays. Do you think I would of got my positive opk late last night and so missed the surge? Or do you think I geared up and then didn't ov?
Will keep doing one a day until cd21 or so and see if I get a pos. If not will assume I missed the surge and ov today xxx
That would be a pretty short surge though.

I normally get two days of positives.

Oh bugger, I've just got back from shopping and realised I didn't get any Brazil nuts!! Oh well, if this bubba is going to stick it will stick regardless of if I eat Brazil nuts or not!!

Aw don't worry about the Brazil nuts :)

Usually I only get one pos and it's usually not much darker at all than the control- don't think I ovulate strongly but thank goodness for the Clomid soon :)
Will keep doing opks and see what happens :) xxx
Yeah keep going with the opks, fingers crossed you haven't missed it.

Sometimes I get pos opks on cd9 andewcm and then I get another pos opk and ewcm around cd 20 so maybe thats happening again lol. Think maybe my body gears up then doesn't ov? I think if I haven't missed it then I'l get a positive before cd21. So if I don't I'l go off missing it and ovulating today.
Looking forward to my digi opks to use with the Clomid :) so much less confusion!! Xx
I love a digi! Something very satisfying about seeing that smiley face!


Yeah!! Can't wait :)
Holland and barret stuff arrived today so will get OH taking them when he gets back haha. He is taking about 7 tablets a day lol!
He has a really good sperm count but the 2 other things weren't that great so want them to be higher :)

I think I'm the first woman ever to be excited for a smear lol!! I can't wait for tomorrow :) be nice just to get a little step closer and also I can ask questions and sort out a treatment plan :) xxx
Haha! Yeah generally smears aren't met with excitement!!

But then it is one step closer for you!!



That's the link about the blueberries Millie. Always worth a try. Add it to your list lol xx

Well never managed to dtd last night cos I was just soooooo tired !! Feel a bit disappointed today , though have had no more ewcm but did have some more pinching pains in left ovary earlier !! Grrr have no idea what my body is up to sometimes. Could have swore I'd ovulated by now, so definitely going to have to try and dtd tonight and next couple of days just to be on the safe side. I'm still classing myself as 2dpo for time being though !!

Ooh just read it :) aparrently blueberrys from Alaska are best lol don't know where the ones I usually get are from. Which ones did you get Clairabelle? Xx
Don't know Millie, just got them from Tesco haha !! I've eaten them all now so thrown the container away. Will have to get some more and look for Alaskan ones or make sure they are organic anyway. It's worth eating them anyway even if not for ttc purposes as they have so many health benefits that I didn't realise. If you manage to get some Alaskan ones let me know :D xx
I will let you know! :) i always like Morrisons for their variety of fruit so maybe I can pick some up from there on the way home tomorrow lol.
Starting pineapple core from Wednesday just in case I did ovulate early and then will eat Brazil nuts from next week lol.

I love blueberrys in smoothie :) I usually get them from the local greengrocer though lol don't think they are alaskan. I love a spinach and blueberry smoothie yum!!! Xx
Lol you can't really taste the spinach! :) sometimes add kale too lol xxx
I have some good news, I don't think I have ovulated until yesterday after all as I've had my temp rise this morning. We DTD Sunday and Monday so I think we are covered! :)

I'm 1DPO and having pineapple for breakfast. I'll get blueberries for tomorrow, but I hate Brazil nuts! I think there is some in my muesli but I can't eat them on their own, so hopefully what's in the muesli will be enough.

So in the 2ww again argh!! Next Wednesday is DH's birthday, and it would be so nice to give him a BFP for his present, but I'll only be like 8 DPO so I don't think it's going to show anything yet. Last time I had to wait till 12 DPO to get a line.

How is everyone? xxx
Hey hun!!
Ooo FX ur all covered now! :D

Im cd23.. About 6-8dpo at the most! Depending on if i go by app or peak opk!
Ive had a load and i mean MASSIVE load of ewcm lastnight!!? I was sat on the loo for a gd 5mins wiping ergh! Lol was never ending!
Thiught what the heck pls dnt say im oving a week later!? But googled and theres loads about ewcm and implantation!? And ive had dull ache cramps for the last 2 days.

Trying not to over think anything as ive been so relaxed about it all.

I think i may have to test friday morning (9-10dpo) as im going to a wedding. But if nothing i will hold off till the 5th/6th May as planned!
SIA for the early testing haha! But itll just be the once i promise girls haha!
Morning girls!!
Yay Mumzilla! ! I'm so happy for you, so you've timed it just right after all,and at least hubby redemed himself by DTD two days in a row

Well im CD 10 today and just done my Clearblue digi and got a Flashing Smiley
Ok ladies what does this mean?? I haven't used them in a while and last time I went from blank to solid with no flashing Smiley
We haven't DTD yet this cycle :(
I'm going to see what my Opk say this afternoon and pounce on him tonight if needed!! :) xxx

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