NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

I'm trying Royal Jelly next cycle Lesley :) putting OH on it too :)

Awwww defo sounds like a sign clairabelle!! :D
I have my pineapple and brazil nuts in haha.
gonna freeze my pineapple and have it in a smoothie at the start of next cycle (or when I'm overdue with my baby as I am going to get preg this cycle!! Lol) as apparently isnt good after ov as can cause your uterus to contract. So i freeze the pineapple and just eat the core haha
Royal Jelly is in the penny sale at holland and barrets atm so buy one and get another for 1p :) can mix and match with other stuff tooo xx
Got a parcel today yay :)

I'm going to start royal Jelly too
I'm also thinking of getting some fertility tea has anyone heard of it? Xxx uploadfromtaptalk1429964957073.jpg
Ooh whats fertility tea??
Exciting parcel!! :D can't wait to get all my goodies xxx
I purchased a moon cup too. Anyone used them before? I need someone to tell me exactly what to do haha. Bear in mind I can't use tampons they make me feel faint im so squemish lol! Was thinking of inserting mooncup straight after dtd. If it still falls out gonna insert it up there as a cupfull of spermies and then stand on my head hahaha! Xx
Also how do i clean a moon cup?? Like is there a thing i need to buy to kinda steralise it. I get bv so easily so dunno what i can wash it with that wont irritate me? X
I could never use a moon cup for AF. Sitting here feeling woozy at the thought of pulling a cup of blood out of me. No thanks haha!!! C
I've started a pineapple and Brazil nut gang haha :D
9dpo...The no POAS is near killing me...but no symptoms to spot lol
Hi Millie
I use softcups, mine are disposable but I use them a few times just washing them inbetween (sorry sounds gross) I have some feminine wash that I wash them with, then they are clean and dont irritate, I can imagine if you use washing up liquid it may irritate?
I really like them and its great as the sperm stays put,
just make sure you use some fertility lube (preseed/concive plus/yes baby) on the cup as this will help the sperm survive
Ive only used themn for 2 out of 10 cycles, I was going to use them last cycle but we were away and forgot to pack preseed and softcups!
Fertility tea is loose tea that is for sale on Amazon, I'm not sure if I'm going to buy it, but I'll let you know if I do! xxxx
Ooh I think I will get some of that. Where did you get it??
Are they easy to get in and out? Got some yes baby so will put some in the cup too :) do you put them in straight after dtd. Sometimes it falls out of me as soon as he pulls out so some days I'm gonna try geting then in straight after and other days will put yes baby in it and collect spermies in it hahaha!

Asked OH to open some cough medicine before and he did and he said what is this? And I said cough medicine. And he said Oh have you got a cough. I was like no. Lmao. Then explained its for ttc purposes :L

Ooh let me know if you try the tea :) xxx
Ive just had another look at Fertility tea and the ingredients are:
Chaseberry (vitex)
Raspberry leaf
Green tea and Peppermint
I dont think i will bother, I already have nettle , Green tea & raspberry leaf so if I just buy some peppermint tea then I'll drink a cup of each a day
Yeah that sounds better! :) I was considering seeing what happened if I put in a teabag of greentea and a teabag of raspberry leag yea haha xxx
I think chaseberry is where agnus castus comes from so id be careful if you had that tea as domt think AC is good with clomid xx
Emma have you been taking extra folic? I took 1600mg today and feel rubbish. It could be the codeine and cough medicine too but I was fine ish with the codeine yesterday. I blame folic :L but then I don't know how it would affect me so bad lol xxx
yeah ive been taking 10 folic acid tablets a day which is 4g and i feel fine, I take them at bedtime with my Clomid, as the Clomid has side effects and I felt rubbish taking it on a morning, I have no side effects now, and the Clomid actually helps me sleep!!lol
so try taking the folic acid at night time, and Clomid when you start it xxx
Ooh yes good idea will try them on a night time! :)
I'm such a health anxiety freak I really worry about these things. Especially with supplement scare stories haha! Xx
So if i am meant to take clomid cd2 do i take the night of cd2? If i have spotting one day and then full bleeding next would i take it the night time of the day after the full bleeding? Xx
right, tricky one...well i'll tell you what I did this cycle
Last Sunday afternoon AF arrived, not heavy but it was more than spotting, even though it was afternoon I still classed this as CD1 and because I always start taking my 1st Clomid in the evening of CD2 and because its actually nearly CD3 so it sort of makes it better to take in the evening, especially if CD1 your only spotting or you get AF late in the day
Does this make sense? xxx
Ladies I'm taking a break hubby was walked out of his job and put us in a right pickle so I'm taking some time out to re evaluate my marriage becos right now I've had enough of his selfishness

Good luck to u all and I will pop by now and again to see your bfps

Ta ta for now xxx

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