Top ten tips to help stop ttc blues.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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I thought i would start this thread after reading SO many posting from women who have been ttc for longer than they would like.

I am ttc and i think i drove others mad with my ttc talk. I couldnt seem to find space for much else. Now i am so much better i can go days without mentioning i am trying for a baby :angel:

My tip is to try and fill part of your head with something else. Just a little something you can make space for that will stop you for focusing so much on ttc and help us all enjoy what we currently have.

I have taken up vegetable gardening, bit boring but it seems to keep my mind off things.

Anyone else?
I have taken up yoga and pilates...I figured it would give me an extra hobby to take my mind off TTC and I hoped that it might help me to relax which in turn might help me to conceive!
I'm in the middle of moving house but once i've settled i'm thinking of taking up gardening. I've already started reading up on what veggies and herbs i want to grow plus i want a wormery :lol: am i going mad?
I guess doing up my house has taken my mind off TTC a little bit. Ive decorated my bedroom, my bathroom and painted my outside walls, fences and shed. What was a boring concrete garden is now a gorgeous modern patio garden, so Im really pleased with that. Ive run out of things to do now though! Im itching to start making my spare room into a nursery but I cant incase I jinx it! Besides I think my OH would think Ive really lost the plot :rotfl:

Ive almost completed my Paul Rudd DVD collection too now. :D Ive also sold loads of clothes on ebay.

What shall I do next? :think: Im thinking that Yoga or Pilates may be a good idea for me too. I definitely need to chill out.
I'm trying to plan a summer holiday adventure...deciding where at the moment.
Wow Loola...Im impressed! How do you find the time? I seem to spend most of my days with my legs in the air and a pillow under me bum! :rotfl:
I've got a few Richard Laymon books to read, I always end up on here though :think:
sally12 said:
Wow Loola...Im impressed! How do you find the time? I seem to spend most of my days with my legs in the air and a pillow under me bum! :rotfl:

She has a syringe for the quick fire method :rotfl:
Glad i am not the only one trying to forget the ttc blues. I have gone 360 on this and now feel so much better for relaxing, So many people have told me to relax and it will help it happen and i have thought how can i relax :wall: but now it seems to be working. It all fell into place when a collegue who had adopted children (struggled for years ttc) said " dont let not having a baby or your infertility define who you are". Its a bit deep but it made sense. If i go on and on about not having a child i know i will get known as the lady who cant have kids and even if this ends up being the case i am more than that.

So i am now trying to get a life. I mean a real life where i dont go through the motions and just wait for the 2ww but get on with living.

Now i can see my head was full 100 per cent with ttc, no wonder i was stressed.

Gardening is a really good way of getting rid of stress and vegetable gardening is something i am really looking forward too. I only have a small place but its been great picking the veg i am going to gro and cleaning up the garden. My OH is so pleased to see me being so creative and now bbd isnt something i need to ask for.

Sorry to go on but i know this is a very common problem and might help you realise your not going mad just need to get things in proportion.
Working in HR is enough to take my mind of ttc :lol:

I do try to be act :lol: ive and enjoy life :dance:
I am a police officer and got other peoples problems all day...think vegetables are the answer :dance:
DH and I have planned a holiday, regardless of if I get caught before we go In August we're off to Cambodia and Hong Kong!

I've decided I'm not putting plans on hold just because of my obsession of having a baby and I feel so much better for it! Even my friends have asked if I've gone off the idea of babies cause they dont hear me talking about it so much now!

Also the possibility of moving to Holland to be with DH has also taken my mind of it.

Anyway Cheri said my month is May to concieve, find out or give birth - lets hope she's right :pray:
having a veggie garden is a great idea! I get excited seeing my seeds grow into veggies and I find it relaxing to plant, weed, trim etc etc
skairdykat said:
sally12 said:
Wow Loola...Im impressed! How do you find the time? I seem to spend most of my days with my legs in the air and a pillow under me bum! :rotfl:

She has a syringe for the quick fire method :rotfl:

:rotfl: I was gonna say! It doesnt take very long in our house :wink:

OH and I decided last night that now that I have run out of things to do with my spare time that we shall get married!! :D Obviously we want to get married anyway and now really feels like the right time to start planning things. I couldnt sleep last night thinking of it :cheer: This should keep me busy for a year at least! I hope we can do it late next Summer :cheer:
I dont know what is keeping me sane but this last month i feel really positive, I feel really happy. i just keep thinking i know it will happen someday and i cant make it happen any quicker.

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