Never thought I'd Post here, needing support...


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Preparing for our baby's birth, I never even saw this forum thread here. Never thought I'd have gone through a loss like this.

After only one day our full term baby boy has died. I'm finding it hard to cope at the moment and hoping that ladies and families here could give some support as I just don't know anyone who has gone through what we've gone through.

Family has been around to give us love and support but none have gone through this and just can't relate.

Just hard trying to think of moving on with life when this has happened. I really don't know what to do right now as nothing anyone has said has really helped. I'm trying hard but it's just so difficult.

All the help my husband and I really need or want is to have our beautiful son back which we know can't happen.

He was our first child, maybe our only child and I'm so broken at the moment. It's just so hard.
I am so sorry for your loss Hun and my thoughts are with you and your OH xxx
:( I am so so sorry my darling. We lost our daughter in 2011, she was born asleep at full term. It's been a long road to recovery, I won't lie. She was our first child too. It is hard and people might say daft things without realising. I found some people stopped contact as they didn't know what to say, however a lot of people were amazing and really surprised me. I would like to offer support. If you ever want to pm me, any time to vent or chat, I'm here. Massive hugs to you all xxxxxx
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Thanks so much ladies. It's been so hard. My mind is a jumbled mess.

Robyner: My baby wasn't born asleep, but at the moment I don't know why this happened to him and why he died. There are a lot of questions that I don't know the answers to, fear will probably never know the answers to.
I guess I'm just looking for advice on how to get through this as at the moment I can't see how.
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I know your boy wasn't born asleep Hun, just explaining what happened to us, we were full term, so an incredible loss. I hope you get answers soon xxx
I know your boy wasn't born asleep Hun, just explaining what happened to us, we were full term, so an incredible loss. I hope you get answers soon xxx

Thank you. xxx Just knowing you were able to recover after your loss gives me hope one day we'll be able to as well as I can't see that at the moment.
Hugs. It's not something I will ever recover from, but it has got easier, it's only been a year and a few months though.
Aw hun im so sorry i lost my little one at 30 weeks its such a horrid experience and the pain is unbelieveable and expecially when family remove things from home that where for the little ones we loose, i found forums and SANDS help so much. Xx
I am so so sorry I don't know what to say to make it better probably nothing but just wanted to sent massive hugs to u and ur family ((((((-)))))) xxx
I am so so sorry for your loss sweetheart. I cannot imagine the pain you and your family are feeling xxx
So sad to read this! Thoughts and prayers with you and your family.XxX
I'm so so sorry to read this. Sending you so much love and strength.
A friend of mine went through something similar and I know she found great support from SANDS. There is also a group called
I wish there was something I could say that would help but I want you to know yourself and your hubby are very much in my thoughts xx
no words of advice just sending a lot of love and comfort as much as i can i think talking to others who have lost will help (my losses were "early" on in first and early second tri, so not the same. I think its harder the further you get and to have held your angel then lost is clearly unbearable. i cannot imagine your sadness. I would tentatively suggest counselling and also that you and your partner help each other through the dark times. be there for each other and talk to people, maybe create a memory box when you feel up to it. we planted a rose for each of ours in memory (thouh differnet i know) i hope that time can be a healer for you and wish you all the love in the world. be strong but know when to accept help and support from those around you xxxxxxx

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