never thought i would be posting in here.

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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We already have a gorgeous little boy and when we found out we were having a girl it seemed too good to be true.

I found out this morning that our little girl has died. She has obviously been dead a little while as she has started to compact. On Saturday I will deliver her.

They have offered a post mortem and a proper burial which I am glad of.

How do I feel... Numb and scared about Saturday. Do I feel I have lost a child? No I don't. I knew instinctively that something was wrong, though I wouldn't admit it to anyone but liam and my mum at the time. I feel very sad that all of us lIving people have to deal with it all and worried about how it will affect me emotionally, but I really don't feel like this baby ever had a little soul come into it. I don't think it go to that point, it doesn't feel like a death but still a great great loss.

I hope people won't think I am cold or heartless. It's just how I feel right now.

The hospital gave me a tablet and I have to return on Saturday. Has anyone else gone through this? I am terrified
oh no i am so sorry hun, i lost my baby at 10-11 weeks and MC naturally on 9th sept and i am only just beginning to feel a little of something again.

We are all here for you hun, really so sorry for your loss so far on :hugs: words just arnt enough

and you're not heartless hun not at all
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i have never been through what you are going to have to go through and all i can say is that i think you are very, very brave and not cold or heartless in anyway.

i just wanted to say that i will be thinking of you and your family on saturday and i hope that is goes as smoothly as possible for you.

Im really sorry for your loss :hugs: i don't think you're heartless, we're all entitled to feel differently to others when someone dies. Good luck dorm Saturday
I wish I could pass her at home but so far on it will be like a proper labour though not quite as long...

Sorry for your loss and thank you so much for replying to me x
i hope everything goes ok tomorrow, well as well as anything like this can go hun. What a terrible thing for you to go through :-(
:hug: can't really say Anything to make you feel better but if you need to talk you know where to find us.
Everyone grieves differently.
Did they know what happened?
Take care of yourself and congrats for your gorgeous little boy.
They have offered a post-mortem so maybe that will provide some answers x
I'm so sorry :hug: Everyone is here for you.xx
I'm so sorry xx you are very welcome here and will get such great support from everyone here. Don't feel bad for how u feel, everyone feels different things, reacts differently and copes differently.. Mine was a mmc which I'm going through right now. I should be 9 weeks but the baby never formed properly but I've went this whole time thinking there was a baby there when there wasn't. It was confirmed today so I'm taking tablets to bring on my miscarriage. However like u, I had a gut feeling something wasn't right. Our bodies r so cruel! If u need someone to talk to don't hesitate to talk whenever u feel ready xxxx
Oh sweetie you poor love - what a sad day for you. I am the same as you, I don't feel that I lost a child (but I only mc-ed at 10wks, not sure how far you are?), not even close to that, and in truth, I just feel that this is life and everything happens for a reason so no, you are not heartless at all so don't think that. Take good care of yourself and bug hugs - we are all thinking of you xxx
I am 23 weeks pregnant but the baby has obviously been dead for a couple of weeks.
did you have a 20 week scan hon or was this your 20ish week scan that you went to this morning? xx
I had my normal 20 week scan at 18 weeks, they told me we were having a little girl. This was an extra scan, not because they saw any problems but because the baby was still too little to see the heart properly. She must have passed a week or so after that scan.
its so sad hon......hopefully after the weekend they can get some anwsers for you. that will hopefully help you to move on...and i mean that in the nicest possible way.

you went to the scan on your own too didnt you? with just your little boy? have you got someone with you now?

Oh i'm so sorry to hear this sweetie, take care of yourself xx

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