Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

Ive just whipped this up, what do you think? Its a bit small

Morning girls,

I had a bit of a wake up call this morning - i know ive been a bit enthusiastic - very over so and want to apologise if I have pissed anyone off - as its been me me me recently. Its not of smugness by any means, im just very enthusiastic about loosing weight and dont want to offend anyone else on here or make anyone feel bad.

Sorry ive been a bit selfish :oops: :oops:
Sarah, you arent selfish, if anything your enthusiasm is spurring other peeps on. You have to be very focused to lose weight :hug:
well done TD and Mrs T I find your threads very encouraging so stop being daft :rotfl:
Hey girls!! :hug:

About awards and other things....... Evryone has done great, and all lost pounds are shown on the front page, so we all have something to be proud of.
But I dont think, giving medals in awards is a right thing for me to do. First of all, healthy competitevness (sp?) is fantastic, but as soon as there are any awards involved it might get not so peaceful. Like people might get upset that somebody got it, but they didnt, even if they tried really hard. And, wanting an award for the next month (even the same person) might do something silly, like not eating propaly, just to get an award.
Sorry if i am not explaining it very well...
Each of us can feel free to put a blinker or something with the weight loss, or something like "proud slimmer" :D
I love you all girls, but on the front page will be just a total weight loss since joyning this post. I think that will be more correct :) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Can I just point out, Im NOT in competition with any if you to lose weight. Im doing it purely for myself - as i know the rest of you are.
Sarah, I do not need pointing anything out! :shakehead: And dont take anything personaly :hug:

Its already getting ugly, all that award system. That is exactly why I am against it.

So, girls, no arguing :angel: :hug:
Hi ladies, had a lovely day out with my Mum, bought a beautiful jumper (yes jumper in this heat) but bargain price from their clothes, anyway bought a size 10, too small for just now but hey its a 'target' if you know what I mean. Anway not long home and wow loads of posts in here to read up on!!

Carina I see your point about the award thing actually, it's nice to be encouraging towards each other and were doing great at that. :hug:

Sarah, I think your posts are encouraging not selfish in the least - actually your positivity is quite inspiring!! :-) And like you I'm loosing weight for me, not anyone else so it's all healthy/positive!! :-) :hug:

Nat: Loved the blinkie hun :hug: .....what about making one we could all use, like a group one "PF Fat Fighters Club" or something or like Carina said "Proud Looser" or "Slimming For Summer" or something I don't know I'm crappy at slogans and all (haha thats such a joke I used to work in marketing and advertising, I bet there glad I gave it up!! LOL)
Ooops sorry if anybody thought I was trying to make it a competition :oops: I just wanted to give everybody a morale boost :oops:

Nicola, great idea about a blinkie for everyone... I'll get right onto it after Jake is in bed :D
Okay maybe i felt a little attacked this morning, and if i have been over sensitive to the issue then im sorry.
Im just going to forget about it now.
Awww Nat I didn't think you were making it a competition, I actually loved the idea but kinda see the down side to it too....a group blinkie seems to be middle ground - can't wait to see the results.

Sarah, I think you need a hug today girlie :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Peace, girls :hug: :cheer: :angel: We are dieting in a peaceful inviroment :)

I think Nicola has a great idea about a blinkie all can have. :D

So, back to actual dieting: since going on low GI diet i actually have been much happier. I love the idea that i can eat all things that I like :D For lunch today had tomato soup :D Yummmmmm :D with wholegrain bread and banana. And I love my porridge in the morning. I put some prunes on top and linseeds and brazil nuts and some blueberries :D
And now i am feeling hungry, so going to make something yummy and healhty! :D
Ive had a good day as well,

3 sausages

ham sandwich

baked potatoe
chicken and lemon risotto
spinich :puke:

snacks 2 toffee bars yum Total = 24 points

So whats the gi diet like then Carina? you sound happier on it and the food sounds nice! hope it goes well hunni :hug: :hug:
Mrs_Tommo - Chicken and lemon rissoto sounds fab! Can you pls post a recipe?

Gi diet is ok. Have to have a weight in first on Monday :doh: What is, I am feeling much happier on this diet, cos I can eat my food. And, probably, it is much better for my gallbladder as well. Havent been having pains since Iam on it. So, hopepefully it will work :pray:

I have a question for all of you, girls :D What do you do, when you are hungry in the evening?? I am ok through the day, but in the evening, no matter how much I ate during the day I am soooo hungry! Just feel like snacking all the time. And celery sticks wont do :talkhand: :rotfl:
Umm Mrs T That chicken & lemon rissoto does sound fab....was it just as yummy as it sounds? Ummmm

Carina, glad that GI diet is working for you, no pains and all and your loosing weight, so pleased you have found a nice healthy one that is making a positive impact for you.

Well ladies I had a terrible night, LO was up, down, up down all night long (teething) why is it you get your newborn to sleep all night then they start with the teething and your back up and down felt shattered when I opened my eyes at 5.40am - anyway thought I'd go weigh myself (naughty) so I could feel even worse seeing the same weight type thing, do you know I've lost.........WOOHOOO!! I'm into the next stone down now if you know what I mean, so out the window goes the tiredness and feeling crappy and in comes positivity intead, a happy me this morning now!! :-) Naughty to weight in but glad I did after the night I've just had!! :D
Hi girls, yes the risotto is gorgeous - really creamy and melt in the mouth!

Tikka chicken
White rice, or brown, doesnt matter
Splash of white wine
tomatoe puree
chicken stock
olive oil
pinch salt/black pepper

I cook my rice in a seperate pan until its almost cooked - till it looks translucent - then i add it too a hot pan with the olive oil and add the muchrooms, peas, onions and add the wine, only a small bit though or it will be too winey! add a small bit of the made up stock - you dont want your food swimming in water its just too cook off the rest of the rice.
Once your rice and veg is cooked, drain the stock out and add about 100ml of milk and even a bit of single cream if you have it cos it thickens it up and makes the risotto creamy. Add your already cooked tikka chicken - i use the already cooked tesco stuff.
adda tiny bit of puree tom, the parsley - give it a damn good stir and make sure its creamy or it wont taste right!
take off the heat and add fresh lemon juice right at the end, and serve. yum
Sounds gorgeous, will try it sometime next week when I know I've got left over chicken.

Poor DS is teething bad with his top 2 teeth think were going to go out for a walk now, we have both just had lunch so ideal time really. Speak to you all later..... :wave:
Thanks for posting risotto thing, Mrs_Tommo :D Will try it next week too :D
Nicola-sorry for your LO teething pain :hug: Hope he will get better soon :hug:
Hi ladies, ok just posting my conclusion regarding the pink patch: USELESS. Just my opinion as I know others swear by it but to me it had no effect what so ever in regards making me less hungry than I already was type thing and towards the end I had an 'almost' 3 day long headache, stopped a few hours after I removed the patch....linked? I don't know but I've cancelled my membership and shan't be having any more of them. Just wanted to update since I know I posted when I started that I'd update you.
I think things like the pink patch and pills were faddy, i looked at the pink patch but if the pills didnt work then i guessed that wouldnt either - like you i had a headache on the pills - so must be something in these things!

I guess its back to healthy eating hun and a bit of excercise!

Ive had not a bad day on good, had rice with sweet and sour chicken earlier which was nice and now munching on a white choc blueberry bar yum.

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