Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

YAY!!! Well done girls!!!! That is amazing!! I updated the first page :D

I think, to ease work for me, Ill be updating front page every Monday. So, could you please, every Monday, PM me your overall weight loss. Ta :hug:
Yip no problem carina, will PM you each Monday, easier I think too!! :clap:

Sarah I've not noticed any difference yet, no difference in anything at all. Maybe because I'm trying to loose so much, I dunno but I can't wait to start noticing it too or getting into a currently too tigh skirt or something. Mind you I did do my measurements this morning too and I've lost an inch here and there so maybe I'll start to feel it/see it soon.
well done girls, I had a bad weekend of junk food but then I did loads and I mean loads of walking :think: so hopefully I won't have gained too much. I'm back on track today and am going to stick at it!
You can do it hun, dont think of it as a diet, your just healthy eating.
mrs_tommo22 said:
You can do it hun, dont think of it as a diet, your just healthy eating.

That's EXCELLENT advice :hug:
And you know were here to help/support etc too!! :dance:
:D It's just hard when you diet all week and then loose nothing - so then I go and pig out :wall: :oops:
well, heres to another week!
everyones doing really well so far! i am starting to see the changes (so is my oh) i have trousers on that were too tight (i couldnt do them up) a couple of weeks ago and they are a 12! (ok a primark 12 but i am still very determined as i am seeing the changes and it has really spurred me on, good luck to everyone this
xrachx said:
well, heres to another week!
everyones doing really well so far! i am starting to see the changes (so is my oh) i have trousers on that were too tight (i couldnt do them up) a couple of weeks ago and they are a 12! (ok a primark 12 but i am still very determined as i am seeing the changes and it has really spurred me on, good luck to everyone this

Thats fantastic, im so chuffed for you hun. Its such a great feeling isnt it? :hug: :hug: :hug:

Nothing more then the first changes to spur you on.
Im going for my weigh in tonight... wish me luck :pray:

Well done on your losses girls, you are all doing so well :clap: :hug:
Oh good luck with weigh in nat....hope you've dropped a pound or two at least!! :-)

xrachx well done on seeing changes, I can't wait to start seeing changes happening with me, I'm loosing weight, dropped an inch or two but no changes to be seen yet, perhaps because I've such a long way to go. Keep it up!!
I went guys and they said I only lost 1.5 - but im guessing as its the end of the day and you are heavier anyway - il check again in the morning but im sure im right.
I think you have lost the 3, evenings are always the WORST time to weigh yourself, first thing is always better/true. I'm sure tomorrow you'll be as you were this morning.....or even lighter :dance:
I agree nicola, im going to go with my first morning weigh in and the weight watchers one is my official one - the one i work towards all week.
Im back and I lost 5lb :cheer: I got my 2 stone award (lost 2st since september last year) and won slimmer of the week too :cheer:

And Sarah, Im always heavier at night too, by 2 lb every day :lol:
Go Nat!!!! Congrats on the 2 stone award, Congrats on the slimmer of the week must be sooooo chuffed
Well done Nat!!! :dance: :cheer:

Do you want me toput you on the first page? And should I write down 5lbs or 2 stone? :hug:
Mssive congratulations nat!!!! what a bloody achievment! slimmer of the week and 2 st award!

Must put both down Carina, congrats again nat.
Thanks so much... I am feeling pretty smug about it :D lol

I have actually lost 5.5 lb so far in May so can you put that down please carina :D You can put the other achievments down as a side line if you like.

I was thinking, some of you dont go to a class do you so we should have a slimmer of the month or something. Do you think its a good idea? Maybe get a cool blinkie to display if you win it? Just tell me to shut up if you think its a bad idea :lol:
God I'd be feeling smug about it too I tell ya!!

I think the blinkie/award thing is a good idea, I don't go to weight watchers or slimming world etc as the classes are at stupid times and I can't get there, besides went to WW once years ago and they went in, paid and walked 'class' afterwards etc so figured I'd save my fiver and weigh at home type thing!! :-)

Right I'm off out today so catch up with you all later :wave:

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