Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

Hello lovely ladies :wave:

Sorry I havnt really posed here since I joined :oops: So busy with work and Jake.

I had a bit of a wobble and gained 2 lb two weeks ago and then lost half last week. I want to get my 2 stone award from slimming world soon, have 5 and half lb to go and it will take me to 13 .7 stone (i cant believe Ive just admitted that in public :oops:) I think Ive lost 3 this week :pray: I know you arent meant to weigh yourself every day but I do- it is the only thing that keeps me from blowing it :lol: Anyway, last week I won my club 10 award- Ive lost 10% of my start weight since October :cheer: Ok, I know its going slow but it is going in the right direction :lol:

Anyway, whats this about a meet? I work full time so it wouldnt be possible for me... im just nosey :lol:
Hi girlies!

I am going off low carb diet :( The thing is, that when i was about 13 I had gallbladder trouble and it came back :( So now will be trying tescos low gi diet. Will see how it goes :)

Natalie-welcome back. About the meet we were planning to meet somewhere around Peterborough, but probably it will be just me and Snuggle.
I'm ashamed I've been such a pig, had booze, chocolate, take away and doughnuts :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi ladies, sorry i havent posted fanatically like I normally so, been so darn busy!

And love the coke stuff you posted, im so adding some!

Ive been a bit naughty this week but am staying within my points today and tomorrow as i want to lost at least a pound this week, im sure i have lost more but have had the odd forkful of ds yummy dinners this week.

Still had no normal bread, choc or crisps and shit so hopefully il have lost another 2 pound - hopefully. Put your hands together ladies and pray for me, am really hoping that i get my half stone award this week :pray: ive never wanted something so much before!

Went to asda today and got some yummy food, and loads of weight watcher goodies so am loaded with lemon cakes ( 1 point) cake bars (1.5 points) and mini rolls (2 points). So guess who will be having their nightly treat later with a low fat hot choc.

Also - for the first time today I deliberately went down the chocolate aisle, and honestly I wasnt tempted. Maybe my cravings have really gone for pants

Am so proud of myself, I couldnt have done any if this without hubbys support - hes been so supportive and loving though all of this.
:wave: Hi Nat!! I didn't know you were dieting too....well done on your WW 10%, I'm sure you'll get that 2 stone merit in no time!! :-)

Sarah..... :pray: Bet that 2lbs has gone come weighing in day....your doing really well and well done on avoiding stuff in the choc isle, I still have to just avoid that isle totally!!

Well I kinda feel like having a munch on some junk right now so thought I'd come do a post instead, far better andno calories either.....doesn't help that DH has his evening snack now :wall: Will be worth is come Monday when I've lost another couple of pounds!! :D
Evening snack, well im sitting here with a glass of ice cold diet coke and a choc cake bar - oooooh i love my diet :wink:
Well I was really naughty yesterday, we went to a bbq and I had burgers and sausages. Then last night hubby and I had wine and a kebab...this has resulted in me gaining 2 pounds :oops: So yet again I need to start over, not doing too well at this am I!! :roll:
Snuggle maybe your just not eady to lose weight yet - i wasnt for years! dont lose weight under pressure, lose it when you want too babes and hey you know were here to support you for when your ready to lose weight.

On a very good note, I bought my digi scales this morning and jumped on and it says ive lost 3 pounds this week! so im very surpirsed, whether the same is said at my weigh in tomorrow i dont know, are digi scales right :pray:

I thought id been naughty but going back through my eating plan i werent that bad - it was all weight watchers goodies, their caramel shortcakes are what make me naughty :oops:

Carina im sure the gi diet will be fine for you and hope you lose a fair bit on that too - youve all done so well!

Carina also can we have a section, maybe first page where you can update how much weight we've lost so far? might spur me on a bit more - its not to make others feel bad!
Afternoon all, taking a break from the heat while LO is "trying" to go to sleep....busy talking to himself in his bed right now!! :roll:

Anyway yes Sarah the digi scales are right, each pair of scales differs slightly so one you start using one don't weight on a few different ones as they will all give slightly different readings - digi scales tend to be more accurate than the old "read the dial" type scales so I think your doing BRILLIENTLY this week.... :dance:

Snuggle I don't think a burger hurts, I went to the may fair yesterday and for lunch had a burger in a bun, just opted for no butter on the roll and avoided all the mustards etc and just had a spot of burger relish instead. I weighed myself a few minutes ago (stupid doing it mid-day after pints of water and breakfast/lunch etc) and was the same as I was yesterday morning so clearly no difference from the burger so don't be afraid of differnt foods and think some are just diet busters in moderation everything is ok for you and like Sarah said if your really struggling and re-starting all the time etc maybe it's not the right time to diet? The failure of stopping, re-starting etc will do more harm than good to your moral etc - anyway you know were here for help and support when needed :hug:

My weeks weigh in is Monday so hope to have lost 2-3lbs this week, will of course report back Monday morning!! :D
Thanks nicola!

I never get on the scales mid day, always jump on them first thing in th morning and i find i get a accurate reading then - i think if you get on mid day and youe gained it can kill your confidense!
I never normally weigh mid-day, usually first thing in the morning after a pee! :rotfl: That's the reading I go by, dunno why I done mid-afternoon today but was relieved/pleased etc to see I was the same as I was yesterday morning.....tomorrow is proper "weigh in" and hope I'm down another pound on yesterdays weight!!
Hi girlies!!

Everyone doing so great! Snuggle-would you like to try joining tesco diets. I went on the Gi plan, and you can eat almoust anything! (Even indian). And, maybe it will be easier for you, cos they plan all your meals for you and you can tick off the products you dont like (like seafood).

Mrs_Tommo-It is a great idea! I actually was thinking about adding at the top of first page all our lost so far!

So, maybe all of you can tell me your overall weight loss, so I can add it!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi girls :wave:

I talked to my doctor and the stopping/starting happy pills is likely to be affecting my diet pattern so he suggested not concentrating on diets until I am back on track with pills so will join you all again soon. Good luck to you all xxx
Hi Snuggle, sorry you leaving us (for a while) but your GP is right, sort out everything else first then'll get there when your good and ready!!

Carina, I think sarah's idea was good too a total lost to date thing on the front page....or maybe everyone could add to their siggy like Ive done, then it can be edited as often as needed without adding extra work for Carina....just another thought but if your doing front page stuff I'm at 6lbs lost so far but updating tomorrow then Mondays there after as I shouldn't be weighing every day really.
Oh noticed the update on page one: I've lost my 6lbs in the past 11 days (started 30th April) so not 4 weeks like everone else.
Ive lost officially 6.5 pounds so far - though i weighed this morning and i lost another 3 - but its not in concrete till weigh in tomorrow.

Though im hopin it is 3 pounds- its a bitch i dont weigh in till end of day, im sure it affects overall weigh in :think:
Morning, weighed myself today, Monday is my "official" weigh day despite how many naughty sneeky ones I do during the week - I'm down another 3lbs, so 9lbs lost to date. Very pleased with that. :dance:

Carina thanks for doing the front page hun, you'll be forever updating it though!! xx
I weighed this morning too, and im down 3 pounds - will also post what i weigh in at WW too later on.
on your weight loss Sarah.... :clap:
You too Nicola! your only a half pound behind me!

I swear to god as well im noticing the difference now. Last night in the bath i was shaving my legs sitting down and could actually lean forward to do it! (i normally have to stand up as the flab gets in the way :rotfl: ) and i was sitting on the sofa last night snuggled with hubby and i could cross my legs under me as well! sunds dumb dont it but im chuffed!

Its 9.5 pounds that aint going back on!!!!!!!!!!!

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