Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

Nicola- sorry those patches didnt work :hug: I was looking at them too, but hought just to have a patch on your belly to get slim is just too good to be true :? Well, as Mrs_Tommo said-healthy diet and excersise wil do the trick :hug:

I was quite good today too....

What happens is that I am just soooooooooooo hungry in the evening! What do you do with that, girls???
I figured it might be a too good to be true product but so many people seemed to think it worked so thought for £1.50 or what ever I'd give it a whirl....pointless, I've got a few left even!! Healthy eating & getting my butt into a fitness routine I think....

Carina, I don't know why your always hungry at night are you having the right amoun of calories durin the day? an you try things like diet coke, water or cleaning your teeth instead of a snack? If it's real true hunger and nothing to do with boredom and what not then maybe you just need few extra calories or something, get something like the special K snack pieces, 99 calories per bag and you can even have chocolatae ones, or a bag of snack-a-jacks for around 99 calories too (they even now do favourite crisp flavours i.e. salt & vinegar, cheese & onion etc). Just my initial thoughts I suppose.

Or try some of the cake bar things Sarah's always snacking on, she seems to have some gorgeous sounding ones and there all healthy or weight watchers etc so won't be thousands of calories if that makes sense.
Hiya girls :wave:

Can I come back please? I feel ready to try this again now that my pills have kicked in again :D :hug:
Welcome Back Snuggle :hug:

Woohooo on the 1lb loss Babylicious :dance:
Nicola said:
I figured it might be a too good to be true product but so many people seemed to think it worked so thought for £1.50 or what ever I'd give it a whirl....pointless, I've got a few left even!! Healthy eating & getting my butt into a fitness routine I think....

Carina, I don't know why your always hungry at night are you having the right amoun of calories durin the day? an you try things like diet coke, water or cleaning your teeth instead of a snack? If it's real true hunger and nothing to do with boredom and what not then maybe you just need few extra calories or something, get something like the special K snack pieces, 99 calories per bag and you can even have chocolatae ones, or a bag of snack-a-jacks for around 99 calories too (they even now do favourite crisp flavours i.e. salt & vinegar, cheese & onion etc). Just my initial thoughts I suppose.

Or try some of the cake bar things Sarah's always snacking on, she seems to have some gorgeous sounding ones and there all healthy or weight watchers etc so won't be thousands of calories if that makes sense.

The problem is, no matter how much I eat during the day, in tyhe evening I feel like eating an elephant. :wall: :? But I think it is more to do with the habit-in the evenings, after hard day it is eating time :( I am figting it, by having loads of water, so its not too bad, just very annoying :x
Babylicious-well done!

Snuggle-welcome back! :hug:

Ok, I was sneaky and weighted myself in the morning after going on Gi diet....and....I lost 3 lbs!!! :shock: I was convinced I didnt lose anything at all! And I have a couple of days till Monday!!! Gosh, just hoping not to put any weight during the weekend! I cand believe this! I even was eating a bit of icecream :shock:
Very very pleased! :cheer:
Carina that's fab, 3lbs is FANTASTIC!!!! With the evening eating....I tell you pre-diet I HAD to have and I mean HAD to have something sweet after dinner even if dinner had filled me to bursting, bad, bad, bad!!! I just wanted to spend that hour on the sofa before bed eating something sweet and was spending a fortune on nice cheesecakes, sweets, cakes etc. Anyway paying the price now trying to shift the pounds!! :-) Just on night told mysel "NO" and after that I started my diet and hey presto the evenings don't bother me now even when DH sits with his snack arond 8pm I just don't bother,don't even fancy it......I think I've got to the same point as Sarah where I think I could walk up the sweets/crisps isle in the supermarket and not bother thinking yuck no thanks kinda thing - it's a good place to be.
Hi ladies

After doing so well last week Im just as determined this week, but Im slipping :( I had a marshmallow teacake today at work and a rich tea biscuit. I hope it doesnt have an impact. I am going on holiday in 7 weeks and want to lose a stone and drop down to a size 14 by then. Girls- give a boot up the arse please.

Babylicious Well done on your loss :clap:

Nicola- Them pink patches looked too good to be true when I saw them. I think there is only one way to lose weight... healthy eating and exercise... its taken me about 6 years of wasting money of fads and gimmicks to learn that :wall:

Carina- when Im feeling snacky at night I go for fruit or Ryvita Musili Crunch, they are a bit like garibaldi biscuits but I dont know if they would be GI compatable. Well done with the 3lb loss :cheer:

Hi snuggle :wave: not been doing this for long myself, glad

everyone else :wave:
Nat, I'm certain your teacake and biscuit won't hurt there's an old saying that goes "if your good 80% of the time you can afford to be bad 20% of the time", the other day I had a hamburger in a bun with relish etc too and I still lost 3lbs.....fret not you'll be fine I'm sure. And yip like you wasted money on fads etc, nothing beats dieting and some form of keep fit etc.
Snuggle welcome back :wave:

Carina - huge well done to you and babylicous.

Nicola you can lose the weight hun without the faddy shit, do it slowly and it will stay off.

Ive had a ok day, stressful so why ihave nt succembed to choclate i do not know!
Nat, I agree with Nicola-if you dont have naughty things all the time-it is fine! I even think, that if you deprive yourself of something, then one day instead of one cookie you will have a box of them + a big mac!

Sarah-well done for not having a choc. With me, the biggest problem is when I am tired/depressed/sad I just feel like eating!! I totaly understand the meaning of comfort food :? And it is even more of a problem, when you dont have anything else to comfort you (like I used to smoke).

Hi girlies! well things are ok here, i have my weigh-in in the morning, praying i have lost at least a pound, not feeling too confident though for some reason... :? i have been good but i dont feel any lighter, awww well nevermind! carina, i snack on raisins at night, they are sweet so i cant nibble on many but they satisfy any cravings i have had, try some dried fruits like apricots and stuff, there are loads of little healthy nibbles in the kids section of the cereal bit in the supermarket, like the fruit sticks and bars, worth looking to see if there is anything there, i tried to get some sugar free sweets the other night and i couldnt find any at all! not even the chubba chub lollies, they are like gold dust, everyone was sat here munching on choc bars and here i was munching on flaming raisins!!
lol aww well, i will look nice and sleek for the summer while they will still be tucking their bellies in their shorts!
fingers crossed for the coming weekend, i must say i do find it hard at the weekend, its all takeaways and wine, and telly and drives me crazy sometimes!
well i am 73 kilo's....JUST! flipping heck i am so pleased to have a loss this week, i didnt think i had lost anything at all, i think i need a boost this week, i might add a couple of meat days in just to shake it up a bit...anyone have any tips to give weightloss a boost?
i am going to be really good this weekend, i usually just let it slip (not alot) at the weekends but not this week cos i want to get down to 64 kilo by the end of the summer, do you think that is too unreachable?
luck too
Rach I really don't understand weight in KG's but I'm sure your target is realistic if you set your mind to it...personally I think your doing great to be lossing anything, dieting isn't easy!!

Was going to weigh myself this morning, figured best not, I'll do it Monday and try to stick to a weekly weigh-in instead of daily.....hahaha or maybe that's psychological because I know were getting close to time of the month and know I always seem heavier right before then!! LOL
Yes, so far ive stayed the same this week but tommo and i bought a excercise bike off ebay last night so going to collect it this weekend and get on the bloody thing! ive lost a fair bit without excercise but i think nows the time to up my game on this as i want a loss this week!

Off to the shops in a bit to get a load of veg and quorn etc and eat as healthily as i can over the weekend and get a weight watchers treat as well.

As someone said above - please try their treats! they are low in cals compaared to other choccie treats and are simply gorgeous! i recommend the mini rolls and the caramel shortcakes. The lemon slices are exceptionally low and tasty too and better then normal choc by shit loads of cals.

Well done everyone for doing so well this week. :clap:
Ohh Mrs T, race ya!! LOL I bought an eliptical (cross trainer) the other day, bargain price in Sainsburys of all places, I'd wanted one for a while so snatched it up since it was way below the price they are in argos and sports stores etc......I've put it in the spare bedroom, DH kindly hooked up the electrics too it so I can do time/distance/calories etc but I've not used it yet :oops: So.....send some of your positivity this way and get my butt motivated to get on it, I think if I know your doing it I'll be guited into using my own...what a good plan :clap:
Nicola im going to get mine tonight so tomorrow at some point im going to get a good programme on tv and stay on bike as long as possible - until my legs are hurting!!!!

Does anyone watch x - weighted on heath and lifestyle channels? im going to ise some of their excercises.
Cross trainers are great, I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks using one every day for 20 mins last year. Had to get rid of it when we moved coz our house is tiny so no room for it :(

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