My tiny baby died


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2012
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Warning - My story in detail, very long.

I am writing this is the hope it might help me come to terms with what has happened.

I am 32 years old, and after years of waiting, my partner and I decided its now or never... I was lucky enough to fall pregnant the first time we tried, and we were so excited, and it felt wonderful.

We had done all the usual things, hunted around at everything baby... decided which spare room was going to be the nursery, maternity clothes, names, birth, and everything in between.

I did everything right, no smoking, drinking etc etc, I was taking folic acid and b vits, I was eating healthy, turned my coffee addiction into a decaff a few times a day... drinking lots of water, getting lots of rest. I was doing everything in my power to keep my little baby safe.

Everything was going good, too good. I had severe tiredness, and huge soar breasts, I felt sick but only when my stomach was empty, besides that I had no nasty morning sickness, I was keeping my food down, and thought how lucky I was.

I had an appointment with my doctor on the 7th of November when I was 9w 5d, and all was well, there was nothing to report besides joy and excitement. He made my first appointment with the midwife for the following friday 16th when I would have been 11 weeks pregnant.

On the morning of the doctors I had a funny turn in the bath, where I nearly passed out, and the following day I had some very light spotting/discharge, dark brown in colour, and only a few times a day when I wiped from a wee. I spoke with my mum, and looked in my pregnancy bible, trauled the internet, and decided that I should not worry, as this is completely normal on its own, and not to worry.

After almost a week of brown discharge, I decided enough was enough, and maybe I had an infection or something, so decided that I would make an appointment for Wednesday 13th Nov just to make sure we were both ok, as Friday (midwife appointment) seemed like an age away. I kept thinking everything will probably be fine, as I haven't done anything wrong, and I have no pain. I was 10w 5 days and so close to the 12 week mark of easing the worrying a little bit more, so I relaxed, and chilled out, but knew I would still go to the docs just incase I had a uti or something.

On the evening on the 12th of Novermber, the evening before I was going to go to the docs I was sat up on the sofa with my other half, just watching tv, when I noticed my hands were down cradling my groin/lower stomach. OH asked if I was ok, and I said in shock, no, I'm not. I hadn't even realised where my hands were, or why, but soon realised I had cramps.

At about midnight I went to the toilet for a wee, again worrying and not wanting to look, and this time I was right to be worried, I had filled the bowl with blood, I immediatley stood up in a panic screaming for my OH. He came in, and looked in the pan. I was crying, inside I knew exactly what was happening. He put his arms around me when I felt a strange sensation downstairs, and needed to sit back on the toilet, my OH was standing in front of me, and I passed what felt like a large blood clot come out, my jaw dropped, my eyes popping out of my head, screaming, knowing this must be my baby.

I was screaming and wailing, I asked my OH to get him out of the toilet, don't leave him in there on his own. I was screaming sat on the bathroom floor, whilst my OH was getting him out of the toilet. We were hysterical for some time.

About an hour later, after I had calmed myself down, my OH called the doctors emergancy number and explained what was happening. I spoke to a lovely female doctor who calmed me down, and spoke of her own experience of losing her baby at 20 weeks, and I told her that I wanted to look at my baby, but I couldn't bring myself to, and didn't know why. It was my baby, my baby, why couldn't I look at him, what was wrong with me?! I broke down again at what an already awful mother I was that my poor baby has died and I can't even look at him. I wanted to know how old he was when he died, I knew I could roughly work it out by his size and shape, as I had looked at soooo many pics of fetus' and different stages! but I couldn't bring myself to look at MY baby.

The doctor told us if we wanted, we could take the fetus to a doctor in a nearby health centre and they would be able to look at the fetus and tell us roughly how old the fetus is/was. The doctor on the phone told me that I only had one chance to look at the remains if I wanted, as once he is gone, he is gone forever, so I knew I must look at my baby, and wanted to, but with the reassurance of a doctor being by my side.

My OH took a photo of him, and thought it might be easier to look at a picture to begin with.. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't look. He described him to me, he said there were two kind of parts, a large head, a body, you could see his eyes, his little nose, his little mouth, and chin. I knew then, I must see him.

We headed off to the doctors, about a 30 minute drive away, we got there at about 2.40am. I sat down, and told the doctor, who seemed cold and totally put out by me bringing my baby in to her. I couldn't get my words out I was so distraught, I couldn't breath properly. I just wanted her to look at my baby and tell me how old roughly when he died. She looked at me with a screwed up face and said its impossible to tell, no point in looking. Its just one of those things, go home and rest. I said no, he is quite big, please, look at him and tell me how old you think the baby is, so I know roughly when he died. She would not look at him, she said that she would need a microscope?!?!?!!? He would be roughly 2 inches long at 10w 5 days!? please, but she would not. I and my other half were so shocked, and so angry we just stood up with our baby, and walked out. We had found a lovely little box, lined it with tissue, and found a lovely little bag to put him in.

We sat in the car in total shock. We didn't know what to do, or where to go. What are we going to do with our baby? What do people do? We just didn't know. We once again burst into tears.

We drove home in silence.

When we got in, we went straight upstairs, it was about 4am by now, I walked into our bedroom, and my OH didn't follow me, I asked wat he was doing, and he was stood in what was going to be the nursery with him, showing him his room. He asked me if this was normal, or are we insane, we didn't know, we were not prepared for this. We put him on the chest of draws at the end of the bed, along with a teddy bear of mine.

I couldn't sleep at all, I didn't even try, I didn't want to. I was bursting for a wee, but I didn't want to go, as the images in my head were too shocking, and I was scared to go again in case something else came out. My OH was having to come with me and hold my hand.

The next morning I felt numb and empty, zombie like I guess. As soon as I stood up there was a huge gush of blood, nothing else, just blood, lots of it. I then decided that drinking was out, as that would make me want a wee, and that would mean more blood, and another punch in the face as to what has happened. So I stayed in bed all day. At this point I had still not seen or looked at my baby, besides in the photo my OH took. Early afternoon I had no choice but to stand up and go for a wee, as soon as I stood up again I gushed with blood, and this time it wasn't stopping, I immedatley laid back down, and OH called the doctors, who told us to come in, as I rose to get myself sorted, I gushed again, and again, I was half way down the stairs and it was pouring out, running down my legs, I was horrified and felt so faint and queezy, it just wouldn't stop. OH called 999. I had lost a lot of blood, I wasn't drinking due to fear of going to the toilet. I was put on a drip and taken to a&e.

Arrived at a&e, bloods were taken, the nurse took my baby away and came back later saying that the doctors upstairs would look at him properly once I was ready to go up to gynecology. I was in agony, writhing around on the trolley, I asked to go to the loo, I had to empty my bladder, and in hospital felt safe doing so. My baby was out, so I have nothing to worry about, just go for a wee I kept saying to myself. The nurse brought in a commode, and it was suggested I took off my bloodied clothes and cleaned myself up as I would be going up to be 'looked at'.

I sat on the commode in fear, as I couldn't feel any wee, but just lots and lots of blood and clots coming out, I was in total shock, it was pouring out, I felt sharp tingling pains in my hands, and cramps in my thighs, this was not stopping, was this normal!? I said to the nurse, its still coming out, blood, its still pouring out now.. she said its fine, just relax. The blood then stopped, and I thought I must have filled it by now, and I haven't even had a wee yet, she said relax, and I then went for that wee! When I stood up the commode was full to the brim.

I was taken upstairs, and had an internal, the doctor told me that bleeding can be normal and baby might be ok???!!!!!?!?! If the cervix is closed baby might be fine!! We will do a scan and have a look!?!!? but my baby is in that bag, in a box. The doctor said no, that is not a baby, that is a blood clot?!?! What??? baby might be ok???? surely not. I knew deep inside my baby had gone, no matter what she said, but my OH was so excited that there was a chance he was still in there, and ok. I knew he had gone. The internal showed that my womb was slightly open, and there were large clots stuck in the neck of the womb, which she tried to remove. Painful, barbaric, horrifying. As soon as she confimed the cervix was open, we knew for sure that the miscarriage was inevitable. She said that its too late for a scan now, but wanted me to stay in over night as there was lots more to come out?!?! More I was thinking?" I have just filled a whole commode of blood and clots in a&e, which is where it hit me... my baby was in the commode. I felt lumps, large clots, but my baby was in that box, I saw his face, in the picture, he had eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, what on earth was going on!? I didn't understand. Was my baby still inside, was he in the commode, I haven't seen my baby!!!!!!

I am in bits, my other half is in bits, we have no idea what was happening.

I was taken to the ward and show to my room, confused, alone, and heart broken. The doctor said I may still pass my baby, and I still have a lot of clots to pass. I was mortified, but at this point, I was so confused, and bewildered I just wanted to be left alone to cry and grieve for my baby, whether he was still inside me or not, I knew he was no longer with us. I had been subjected to a very painful internal followed by that of a smear test with tools you would see in a horror film, I was distraught but felt that nothing could be worse than what I have already gone through, I just wanted to be left alone.

I still couldn't sleep, my OH had been home to get me some things, came back, then left me at about 10pm. This was the worst time. I was still scared to go to the loo, as now I really was scared that I will see something, so again, I wasn't drinking, so it would reduce the need to go to the loo. The nurses made me drink, and came to the loo with me, and held my hand, lumps were coming out, but no baby.

I woke in the middle of the night with awful awful pains, I am pretty good with pain, and said no to any pain releif, I said I was fine, in some way I wanted to feel whatever I was meant to, if this baby died because of something I did, then I wanted to feel the pain, I wanted to take the punishment. Soon the pain was too much and I was howling in agony, along with an imense queezyness. They called the doctor and I was given pain releif, and soon went off to sleep at about 5am.

I was woken up at about 9am and taken for a scan. The scan revealed there was no baby, which I knew, but was still very hard to hear. I was told there were more large clots which may need removing.

It was confirmed 100%, no more confusion, my baby died, and no other place than the commode in a&e, as everything else was looked at. Why did no one look at what I passed in a&E? I was mad at them for not looking, then realised it was my fault. I told them my baby was in the box, why wouldn't they beleive me?! Well, that blood clot still does to me look like a fetus, a baby in a sack, it has a face, eyes, nose, mouth, but it wasnt my baby, it was a blood clot!A very apt shaped blood clot, but a blood clot none the less.

Came home the following lunch time, my mum and OH came to pick me up, when we arrived home, there was a parcel from mothercare there, as I was bursting out of my bra and clothes at almost 3 months, I had put on quite a bit! So ordered a few bits.

We are now left feeling empty, and angry at ourselves, things could have been so different if I had looked at the clot properly, or if that nasty doctor who didn't look actually did look, and would have said no, its not a baby, its a blood clot, my baby may have still been alive?! If only I had looked myself at home and not been so scared.

All we have is a picture of the positive pregnancy test, showing 2-3 weeks conception indicator, my hospital wrist band, my midwife appointment card, and a screen shot of my 'what to expect' app from my iphone showing the details for the day I miscarried at 10w 5d. Its not enough, its like its an open book still, with no conclusion.

I have been through everything from forgetting to wash grapes on a few occasions, to my having had a cone biopsy, a coloscopy, etc etc due to bad smear results.

For us now, we don't know how people do this over and over, with the chance of it happening again, how do you find the strength? I want to try straight away, but I know I will fear every second of every day.

I am lucky in so many ways, I was 2 days short of 11 weeks, it was early, I have since read some stories in here which break my heart even more.

My heart goes out to everyone who has gone through this, and for anyone going through it xxx
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Sorry to hear this!!

My friend also faced the same problem, they felt sad for a lot of months but now they are happy by adopting one child.

So I hope that you too will be happy by adopting one child and avoiding the lonely feeling!!
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I'm so sorry you went through this. My thoughts are with you. X
I had a MMC at 11+6, what you are feeling almost mirrors our journey, and although time doesn't heal, it does help. I never thought I would write that, I still wonder when my baby went, was it when I was in A&E, at home...
Take each day, hour minute as it comes, plan little things and use the support system around you
So sorry hun I passed my baby at just under 15 weeks on a commode in a and e it was utterly heartbreaking xx massive hugs

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Hi, I am so so sorry for your loss, I lost my first 3 babies, I had a mmc, an ectopic and a mc, my first one was my most traumatic and memorable, and it's now coming up to 2 years since I said goodbye to my first.

I have wanted a baby for many years and after coming off the pill in march 2010, we started trying immediately, we got married 19th June 2010 and after what felt like a lifetime of trying we found out I was pregnant 10th October 2010 (I would have been approx 4 1/2 - 5 weeks.
I also was doing everything "right" and everything was going really smoothy, I'd had my first midwife appointment and I had my 12 week scan booked. On Thursday 25th November, I went to the toilet and I. Had the tiniest spec of blood you have ever seen, it was a tiny spot more pinkish than red, but I went downstairs and had lie down on the sofa trying not to think of it as it would be nothing; my husband arrived home from work and asked what was wrong as I didn't seem myself, I explained the blood and that I wasn't concerned but he requested I called the dr.
After speaking to the receptionist at the Drs it was requested I went up a&e, which I did and they did my standard obs and requested i returned for a scan the following day just to be on the safe side.
The following day I told my colleagues at work, I was actually really excited thinking I'm going to see my baby for the very first time, as I didn't think anything was worng. Well I got I the hospital, my husband met me there and we made our way to the epu where we sat in the waiting room and were talking about our little "sea monkey" which is what we called baby, well I went in for my scan, I should have been 10w5d, and I was sat quietly with my husband and te soon graphed face was changing and she seemed to be changing her facial expression, well by this we knew something wasn't right, I looked at my husband and back at the sonographee, she looked at us, she turned the screen to face us and said, here is your baby but I can't find a heartbeat I just broke down in tears, my husband grabbed my hand and held me, the sonographee called in a consultant who scanned us again I litterally had my fingers crossed saying please please please be ok baby, please, unfortunately the consultant confirmed the bad news.
They told us baby was showing at 9 1/2 weeks not nearly 11, and had unfortunately stopped growing and that I would miscarry, they took my green notes of me and exchanged tem for notes regarding miscarriage and an operation called evacuation of the uterus (d&c) - I decided I wanted to let te miscarriage take place naturally as I was just hoping they were wrong.
My car was left at the hospital, i was in bo fit dtate to drive, my husband drove me to my sisters, I remember calling my dad, mom and sister on the way there, I got there and my sister and brother in law just hugged me, my brother in law then went with my husband to collect my car.
I hadn't started bleeding yet and my husband received a reminder text for my 12 week scan, he called the hospital in disgust, they appologised about it and booked us for a repeat scan on the Thursday to see if anything had progressed yet, by the Tuesday the bleeding started, we went for the scan an baby was still in there, I still hadn't lost sea monkey yet, tey booked me a repeat scan in 3 weeks (if I did not miscarry myself by this stage, they would operate).
My bleeding worsened, i kept gushing with blood, i was pereified that i would lost baby everytime i went to the toilet, i was going theoygh a maternity towrl every 30 mins to 1 hr, I passed clots and more clots on 11th December I couldn't stand up te pain was unbearable, I managed to crawl to the bathroom and sat in the toilet passing lost of blood and clots etc, I thought I had passed baby buy couldn't see in the bloody mess in the pan if my toilet, my husband ran me a bath and I managed to crawl into it, I fell asleep in the bath for about an hour, my husband sat in the bathroom watching me to make sure I was ok and didn't go under the water, I woke back up, went to the toilet again and passed a few more smaller clots but the pain had stopped, I thought that was it, it was over and I had lost my little angel.
On the 12 December I was at my moms thinking everything was over I could start to try and get back to normality other than the gushes of blood if i coughed sneezed etc, when I went to the toilet and called my husband, I put my hand under me in the toilet with tissue in it and I passed the placenta, it filled my hand, I'm not sure if the sac with my baby in was still attached to it with the size of it, I couldn't bring myself to look, I bled for a further 4-5 days I believe it was, I will never forget my sea monkey, neither will I forget my ectopic baby or my 3rd baby. But please keep faith, I'm now a mommy to a bouncing 15week old boy!
This is the first time I have told my full story, I remember it all so clearly but I promise you it gets easier. I'm here if you ever need to talk x x
So sorry for your loss for you and your partner! it must be such a hard thing to go through! But dont ever think thats its anything that you did wrong because it wasnt. you did everything you could to keep that lil bean safe! some babies just arent ready to come into the world yet. but dont think that its 100% going to happen again! there are many stories on this forum of people losing 1 baby but going on to giving birth to 2nd baby! xx
I am so sorry for your loss. I am also 32 (33 in March) and have had 4 mc's, 2 alone this year.

I swear that the pain will ease a bit in the end but you will never, ever forget your little baby!! I was told by a few doctors that my age is with me as you are still not out of it yet so when you are ready, try again and it will happen for you.

I also want you to know that you did nothing wrong, whatsoever hon. I was told this, it is just something that happens but you are not to blame yourself for what happened.

Take time to rest and heal and then start again when you are ready and I am very sure that you will go on to have a beautiful baby that you really want.

My thoughts are with you!!

Lee-Ann xx
I had a mc in March last year, I was 9 weeks......I was very 'lucky' in that I passed everything very quickly and with very little bleeding. I went on to get pregnant again and now have an amazing little girl who is 9 months this friday. I also just wanted to add that you did absolutely nothing's just natures way when something isnt quite right....but it will be right one day and you will get your bundle of trouble and joy. be there for each other but don't put any blame on yourself....

take care xxx
I am so sorry for ur loss sounds very traumatic my mcs have all been missed mcs and I needed an erpc to remove the foetus,appart rom one I had many yrs ago which was very traumatic lots of blood and clots I was about 12weeks still have the memory of it all at the back of my head I try to block it out no body's should have to I through that, I've had 4 now but also have 6 living children which I am very gratefull for and it does get easier with time but u will never forget ur angel xxx
I'm sorry you had such a traumatic time - it will take a while for you to get over it and it will be hard. Getting pregnant again will be hard and scary, and you need to decide if you can emotionally cope with it straight away or if you need some time.

I MC at 7 weeks 14 days ago and am already doing ovulation tests, it just seems right and it's what we want to do. I only bled for 5 days, and the baby passed on the 3rd day of bleeding, then the empty sac the day after and then the bleeding/cramping stopped. So physical recovery very quick - have had a scan to verify all now gone and ok.

I hope you can find the courage together to go ahead and ttc again. I understand you wanting to blame yourself, but really you did nothing wrong.

Keep strong and there are lots of lovely ladies (as you can see) that will be here to support and help you along the way. There's nothing you can't talk to us about and say on here - that's why it's so great.
aww bless you, so sorry to hear this, i think you personally need to take sometime out before you try again to mentally get your head around all of this and become strong again.
i doubt you did anything wrong, sometimes things arnt meant to happen and some things are, you may go on to have another 3-4 healthy babies, you'll know when the time is right to try again, just dont try and do it now to replace the pregnancy you have just lost xx
Hi Harpy!
I would agree with Wilson28 and Iwant3. Both of you need to take time out and get your heads round this TOGETHER. Take your time and be together and I can promise you, you will see the sun again and you will just know when it is the right time to try again (I didnt think I would but I do now!! :)).
I know all to well that empty feeling you have at the moment and it is horrid but time is really a great healer. Just like you I wanted to do EVERYTHING for my little one - especially the second time round as I blamed myself for losing the first little smartie. I gave up coffee completely, had NO soft drinks, no chocolate and ate sooooo healthy. After speaking with my Homeopathic doc she told me that I should learn to enjoy being pregnant and one coffee a day is fine! Chocolate is allowed! Be good to myself and my little smartie will feel this - just dont overdo things thats all :). My OH and I decided to wait some time to find US again after the second mc which has been just so fantastic, a very wise decision - we are stronger than ever and more ready than ever before for a little one. We are still in the starting blocks but it wont be long now before we are ttc. I guess what I am trying to say is dont rush yourself and NEVER blame yourself - I think you will make a FANTASTIC mum because you care so much and you have a wonderfully supporting OH.

Look afteryourself hun!! XXXX
I have done this twice. I cannot send you enough hugs.
It's hideous, and no one understands how bad it is for the mummy. You have my complete and utter sympathy and love,
I'm struggling a lot with the emotional side, but I will recover and I am determined.
Hope you're ok xxxx
I don't really know what to say. Sorry doesn't seem enough. I had a mc at 14 weeks and now I have two beautiful boys. I was scared it would happen again but it diddnt. Please don't give up hope of being a mum. It will happen for you xxxxx
Harpy, I'm so sorry this happened ,my thoughts are with you X

I ended up in A&E in a right mess just like you with my 12 week baby in 2010, D&C, blood transfusions etc, I had never realised how many pregnancies end in mc, as it had never happened to me before, and as a result I'm much more understanding of this now.

The most important thing to help you move forward, is to stop searching and looking for blame. I wasted so much time, when I could have been recovering mentally, looking for something definate to blame for something, that happened not as a result of anything did or didn't do. Until you put this aside, and feel ok with the fact that sometimes , there is no untoward reason, just natures path, you can't move forward hun X I went and emailed my new deoderant company regarding the ingreadiants,gave up caffine tea and salty marmite, pointing blame.

You have been so brave and made a good start in your emotional recovery from this by sharing your story with us - thank you - keep talking, the more you do, the easier it will become, and the more it will help you, we are always all here to support you in this

I felt much better once I had decided to TTC again, as it gave me another focus than the past, you will find a way to deal with this, manage this as a couple , little steps for now XX
Lots of love to you, I am so sorry for your loss. Xx

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