Thank you so much everyone. I am still shocked as to just how common this is. I didn't realise just how many of us go through it.
It is lovely to hear that some of those that suffered a miscarriage, have now gone on to have healthy babies, I take so much comfort in that, so thank you.
For now, I am feeling a little better, but I am struggling with the if's, but's and maybe's. I can't stop wondering and questioning 'what if' the doctor looked at the 'fetus' and saw themselves it was just a rather apt shaped and shadowed clot, and therefore we went straight to a&e whilst my baby was still inside me, he may have still been alive, they may have been able to do something, and I may still be pregnant now. It might have been a weak cervix due to my bad smears etc, and they could have done something, what if I did go to the doctors when the brown spotting started, and they sent me for a scan, I might have seen the baby alive, and would at least have a picture of my baby, what if the scan had showed he had died, and I had the choice of natural or medical, what would I have chosen? would they have told me the truth about the pain and ghastly things they would do, and I would feel and see?
My babies body wouldn't have ended up in a commode and being thrown down a shoot with other peoples bodily fluids if only I had looked at the clot myself, just soo sooo many if buts and maybes I just can't stop thinking about.
The time isn't right for us to try again straight away, as this has been quite a traumatic time for myself physically, and for us both mentally and emotionally, so we will wait a while, but not too long, as at 32 we are not getting any younger sadly.
We have been together nearly 8 years, and have always been 'that' couple' who have been putting it off for years, and now feels like the right time. So fingers crossed we are brave enough to try again soon.
Thank you again xx