Only just found out the cause for my 8 losses after 12yrs


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
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Hi everyone
I have only just found out the cause to my 8 losses after 12 yrs and a move to another hospital
my local hospital said they have tested me for everything and tested me everytime i had a loss
to see what the cause was to why i had lost babys . My first pregnancy my baby dided at 10wks then i went on to have another 5 losses at 8wks no heart beat and then went on to lose another 2 which was twins in march just gone at 8wks 1 day .. At my follow up appointment with my gyno this gyno i have been under for 12 yrs he said there is nothing more i can do for you i cant find anything wrong to treat you
So i said i was going to another hospital for a second opinon my gyno was not happy about it and said well what can they do that i cant so i went away booked me in for another hospital in london and had blood tests done there in september just gone i went back for the results on the 4th november and was told i have 2 blood clotting disorders 1 being called lupas .. I was so happy to be told the cause for my losses
after 12 yrs of my local hospital doctor telling me he cant find nothing ..
The clotting disorders cause tiny blood clots in the placenta that stops babys getting oxergen and nutrients

I am starting icsi/ivf on monday and hoping for a miracle and some good treatment to stop another loss
i have waited a long time for my miracle baby and hoping its my time to have my baby ..
If i never went to another hospital i would of gave up i would of never known i had a problem
so much for my local hospital he just prooved he aint as good as he says he is bad bad doctor
Hi just wanted to say good luck on TTC, after 12 years im sure you will be so happy to have a baby

sending you loads of baby dust
:hug: aww hun used to have a friend on here that had many losses found out she had lupus and went onto have a healthy lil girl, after like you finally getting a diagnosis which can be treated i think it involves taking heparin type injections throughout your pg but all worth it for a beautiful baby.

so sorry for your losses all of them, i hope you get the baby you long after :hug:
oh my god, firstly im so sorry for all your losses. no one deserves to loose a baby let alone 8 :hug:

and im so relieved u found out why, good luck for ur treatment.

I just wanted to say that I have a blood clotting disorder too. I have Factor V Leiden. I don't know much about Lupus but I do know about Heparin injections etc. If you need to ask me anything then please PM me and I'll try and help.

At least you now have a reason for all your losses and the doctors know what they are working with

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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