My orlistat (xenical/alli) journey

Your doing really well bab I had them a couple of years back and they did wonders for me but when I car off them I put it all back on and some :( hope it works well for you woot woot!!
I have been given this on prescription as well from my doctor yesterday. I am due to see the nurse on Monday to get started, I am just in two minds weather or not go on it, because my doctor has advised we stop TTC whilst I am on it and I am doing ok at the moment on my own, even though I am only losing 2lb's a week.

What are the side effects you get?

Let me know how it is going x
There are some strict rules to it which include no more than 5% fat in anything and no more than 15gr fat per meal-maximum of 45 gr a day but tbh I've been loosely following slimming world with it.

U only get side effects if u eat high fat foods-side effects include explosive diarrhoea (including incontinence),severe stomach cramps,wind,bloatedness.

I had a mcd's the other day and although I didn't get the diarrhoea it was a case of if I need to go I NEED to go now and severe stomach cramps-definitely won't be doin that again!!
If ur happy with ur weight loss then I wouldn't bother goin on them-I only ever ask for help when I hit a brick wall with my weight loss
omg i didnt realise u cudnt ttc whilst on it , glad u said i havent been taking them as im losing same amount anyway so glad for that cheers! xxx
Day 9-115.1kg=3.2kg lost (approx 7lbs) :dance:
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what kinda foods u eating miss and how much/often? :) ur doing BRILL!!! next summer well all be skinny minnies xx
Just back from my sw weigh in and not only have I got my 2 stone award,I also got my club 10 (10% body weight off) and I was slimmer of the week :D
Got my sw weigh in later-I'm really hoping for 1lb off (will see me into the next stone bracket) but not holdin out too much hope of gettin it (unless I can lose a leg b4 then) Xx
Lost exactly a lb :) I'm tryin to cut the xenical out a bit cos I'm goin away mon-fri next week and don't really want the side effects whilst I'm away. So only havin them with excessively fatty meals (it also means il have some left when I get back so can delay my gp appt a few days) xx
i cut xenical out completely just over a week ago now and i lost 7 1/2 lbs this week, i found they werent working for me ALTHO i was eating nothing fatty so not sure if i wasnt eating the right foods for them, wonder how youll do with practically a week off!! ur doing brilliant chick!!! xxx
So after not taking the xenical for a week-eating fast food for every meal whilst on holiday I managed to get away with a gain of half a lb :) back on the xenical and been extra good-got a gp appt looming :(
I'm on these too I had a naughty 4 days on holiday now back at home I will see if they work xx
Just be careful of 'hidden' fats in stuff like fish xx

I'm going to a wedding in 4 weeks and really want another stone off-going all out to reach my mini goal :)
I've been on them before I'm always analysing the fat in everything lol xx
I try not to do that - I want to lead a normal life and get out of the 'I'm on a diet' thinking I've got about 7 more stone to lose and weight is always gonna be a problem for me so I don't wanna spend my whole life on a diet,I'm trying to adjust the way I think about food and portion control etc...slimming world helps with this but I dont stick to it 100% although I think I do a lot of it subconsciously xxx

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