My OPK adventure to my official 2WW

Morning girlies

I hope everyone is ok this morning & hope you all had a nice evening

Well I'm on CD24 today & I think my cold is now starting to retreat YAY but still feeling like poop BOO!!! but also very good at the same time, very strange!!! Kinda feeling sexy this morning & skin looking lovely & fresh & clearest it's been in a long time WOOP WOOP :)

Backache is still there & my boobs look massive & feel very hard & swollen & kinda firm to, even OH has noticed along with a big smile on his face. Only reason I know this is cos when I lost heaps of weight it took my boobs as well but there nice & perky right now :)

I have got terrible cramps though today & honestly thought AF had arrived far to early as had to rush to the loo but noticed it's just huge amounts of CM & now my knickers are very wet, sorry TMI!!!

So not sure if just the witch teasing or not but as we all say "your not out till the witch gets you"

OMFG!!!!! WTF is wrong with people, just feel everyone extra rude today & feel incredibly irritable & angry.......GGGRRRR!!!!!!

Also got indigestion & fricking heartburn, dull achey pain that comes & goes in lower left hand side of ribs, my tummy is extremely bloated & these stupid cramps, already pee'd like 6 times this morning & need to go again


Sorry for my rant girls

Rant have soooo many pregnancy symptoms its not true!! Tis is GONNA be your month!! I did my first hpt this morning BFN ha ha but what do I expect - hey ho, still gonna test tomorrow, and the next and the next..... Isnt it hilarious that you squint and squint and squint and then you see a line that is totally NOT THERE !!!!!
Hey Tracey

Hehe :) I was wondering how you were getting on, Ahhhh the joys of :pOAS:

Ooooo you really think so?

The trouble is you get so convinced the silly old bag of a witch is playing games with you & you start doubting stuff

Mmmmm.........I'm only 7DPO........

I've a felling its actually not gonna be my month.... Last month I got a line and it got me all excited, so much that I thought I was indeed pregnant so when I then continued to get BFN after that and then a week later AF I was totally GUTTED. I had all the symptoms, everything....At least this month when I see my BFN I can just shrug it off and when AF comes I wont be sobbing for an hour solid like I did then. Feeling quite good and relaxed this time - probably cos its Xmas so its not the end of the world!

KellyHook started getting lines at 8DPO I think hmmm will need to look back on hers.....
Awwww bless you my lovely, well we are all rooting for you hun & fx :) that's interesting, may have to nose at her previous posts......

Then can decide whether to POAS!!!!

Look at 4th December Am I Pregnant thread - it was actually 10 DPO she got her first line and then 12 DPO her next line on the ebay cheapies....
Thanks hun! :)

Yer a few...

- tender Breasts
- sensitive nipples
- veins over breasts really noticable (dont no if that symptom)
- increased CM
- Pains in groin
- sore throat
- stuffy nose
and i feel sicky today!

plus the mouth ulcers and blood in nose! :)

Mmmmmm.......found one of Kellys posts & these were her symptoms at 8/9DPO & she got her faint line at 10DPO........

Ha ha - I should be working!!!!! WTF am I doing on here??? Ach, its Xmas
Exactly, I'm really lucky with my job as work on reception so can pretty much stay on here all day :)

Omg hot flush, hot roasting!!!!

I work on my own and have my own shop so I too can just stay here all day long - and I do!!! I have to start shopping - better look at Argos.....
Afternoon girlies

Just thought I'd give a quick update really

Everything pretty much the same although have been incredibly hot all day, proper hot flushes & tummy feeling odd, feels like something going on down there, fx no witch bag!!!! Got an odd taste in mouth too

Hope all you fellow 2Weekers are having fun with the symptom spotting :)

your symptoms sound soooo promising Kezza! I had very similar ones just before my BFP, especially the bloatedness, increased CM, cramps and peeing all the time. I reckon this could be it for you how exciting! :yay:When is AF due? x x
Oh wow, now that is very very exciting :) It's weird cos I defo feel different to last month so gonna try & keep calm.......but OMG it's difficult

Well based on my cycles etc AF supposed to be due Christmas day but as I OV bit later then expected not so sure as I'll only be 10DPO on Christmas eve & keep thinking AF coming early.......

What you reckon girls? When should I start to POAS????

OMG This is soo exciting!!!!!!!! Meant to mention that my boobies got mamoosive too and were really tender and you've mentioned that - this has got to be it Kezza! I would do a test Xmas Eve and then maybe one a day from there on, particulary if you think you OV'd later than normal. With mine I took a test the day AF was due, got a very very faint line, then tested each day until I was 3 days late and got a blinding line with FMU! x x x
Awwww thanks Bella, really struggling to contain my excitement

Well coffee tasted funny last night & just treated myself to a Starbucks & tastes like actual sick YUCK!!!!!

Good thinking about Christmas eve hun, I've read a lot of people getting faint lines at 10DPO so I'll defo give that a go with my 10MIU HPTs :)

OH is home as well on christmas eve but I get up way before him so that's ok, he won't suspect anything.......if & only if a faint line then I need to keep quiet until I do another on Christmas day as I have the daddy to be card already written out to give him, this is the poem inside:

I do not have a face to see or for you to put inside a frame
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss, I don't yet have a name
you can't hold my tiny hands nor whisper in my ear
it's still too soon to sing a song or cuddle me so near
but all will change in 9 months time when I am due
I'm your new baby son or daughter & I can't wait to meet you

Omg I'm in starbucks & just read that again & crying

aww that is such a lovely poem! Makes me tearful too! Things tasting funny is another sign - also things smelling funny, particulary if it's something you normally enjoy. Will be keeping everything crossed for you and will keep an eye out for (hopefully!) a BFP announcement very soon x x
Only 3 sleeps to go.......must kerp myself busy busy busy

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