My OPK adventure to my official 2WW

sounds good to me hun
FX and lots of baby dust :dust: this could be it, i really hope so hun, but then ttc would be even more empty where is everyone :( xxx
Awwwww thanks hun :)

How's you my lovely? All ok I hope?

Yeah it's unbelievably quiet at the mo, think just cos of Christmas I hope

im ok thanx hun, hows you??
af finally buggered off lol
just trying to figure out if my cycle going to be 28 days or 32 but suppose i cant untill it comes :)
im not charting or anything this month as i got my hopes up last cycle far too much!!!
so i wont know when i ovulate or anything so its pot luck this month for me
just seen uropks thy looked great hun!!!
looks like u bd right on time good luck :D
Yay someone else who has seen them :) I had just about given up with the bloody things but glad I carried on though cos now I've seen the surge & based on tuesdays pain with my ovary feeling like it's gonna pop out my tummy like alien, I know I can release an egg so am happy :)

Things are ok, well, they aren't really but could then it could be 10 times worse tbh. OH is majorly stressed with work & it's affecting things at home, with the way he is with & in the bedroom department, bless him so over Christmas we are both off & will just spend time together & relax, Christmas eve we are having bacon sarnies & tea for brekkie then lots of yummy picky bits throughout the day whilst in our pjs watching a stack of Christmas DVDs :)

So based on that I've decided that if I don't get a Christmas BFP then from my next cycle it's the relaxed approach, just to try & take the pressure off to see if that helps a bit

Yay for the witch buggering off for you hun, so does Christmas hold lots of sexy time for you????

Afternoon girlies

Now on CD20 & 3DPO & still got this rotten cold pfft!!!

I'm feeling like proper poo today & just want to go home & curl up on the sofa

I feel absolutely shattered, boobs & back still sore & twingey feelings in tummy on the left side are bit worse today & I know tmi & am poorly but feeling incredibly horny.......hope OH won't mind me jumping him :)

what date do count DPO? Is it the day you get your surge or 2 or 3 days after that?
I think majority of people count DPO day after they get their surge, if that's right then I'm 4DPO

I have based mine on the severe pain I had day after my surge so I'm 3DPO but then my OV pain starts a couple days before it happens......

Yay for the witch buggering off for you hun, so does Christmas hold lots of sexy time for you????


erm yeah it sure does lol!!! think i waited long enough, i didnt see oh for a week because of the snow then when i did AF turned up 4 days early n she only buggered off yesterday so i had a great night last night lol :blush:

ABOUT TIME TOO!!!!! looking forward to the next week ;) and crimbo eve, no charting for me this month so its relaxed approatch for me.... will see how it goes x
Woo hoo lots of Christmas BD for you my lovely :)

Yay for the weekend but nah for a weird fluttering sensation I've got

Fingers crossed eh :)

No change with boobs back & tummy really & only new thing is I have noticed huge amounts of CM & feel incredibly wet all the time

Ooooooo & it's snowing out there yay :)

Hey girlies

I've had a very nice day today, went for a walk earlier in the snow then stopped & had a cavery, I thoroughly enjoyed which was odd as I hate roast dinner but was indeed scrummy & this afternoon just been chilling watching Christmas films

Feeling proper crappy this afternoon & extremely shattered. Also feels like someones poked a stick through my front & out through the back & stabbing away, it's on the left side

Joy oh joy but a week till christmas day girls, cant wait :)

Thanks hun

Fx for you to, hope it's a shy BFP & will surprise you on Christmas day

Afternoon girlies

I'm all snuggled up on the sofa whilst it's snowing outside. Got my cuppa, the Christmas tv magazine to flick through & Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall on tv - good times :)

Well I'm on CD22 today & I'm feeling even worse today, instead of my cold getting better, think it's actually getting worse & doesn't help when have this crampy feeling in tummy

Only got 2.5 days left at work till I finish for Christmas & cannot wait

Hope you lovely girlies are all ok & keeping well

Bring on our testing day! YAY. I've no symptoms at all, nothing!
Hey Tracey

How's you? Maybe a good thing no symptoms hun, fingers big time crossed :)

I dunno whether mine just continuing on from OV tbh but defo not feeling right at all

Roll on Christmas testing day :)

Strange.....just tonight my boobs are aching! Just like af on its way. Witch better not come early......
Oooooo my fx Tracey that it's another kinda symptom esp as nearly Christmas :)

Well I've got until Wednesday to get through then am off until after the New Year & good job really as I honestly thought I was gonna start feeling better by now but oh no, feel absolutely shocking today!!!

Good thing though I suppose is I feel rather hot, happily take my jacket off but don't want people to look & think I'm some raving lunatic :)

I've found that this 2WW hasn't been to bad, think cos of Christmas & I'm poorly though

How are you all today?

Morning Kezza, sorry to hear your not feeling too good still, fx its a good thing though :) x x

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