My OPK adventure to my official 2WW

ah kezza, really sorry to read this. i know how it feels to be unwell while ttc and its not nice! but as everyone says u can get some help to make yourself feel better now :)

take care hunny xx
Thanks pretty :hugs:

My trouble is I worry far too much about everyone else & what they think & I forget about myself, 1 thing I must stop doing!!!

Thanks positivity :hugs:

Things all ok, kinda made me put things in to perspective really, how can I expect my body to look after a lil one if I'm not looking after my body

perhaps it's a sign then hon that you need to slow down and have a bit of time for yourself. Like pretty says get others to do a bit of waiting on you for a change! Fingers crossed you will be on your way to getting better very soon mwah! x x x
You're on the right road kezza hun - you'll be fighting fit in no time xxxxx
Thanks Bella :hugs:

Yep, your all right & can't believe didn't see things in that way, here's to a better me :)

Gonna have a chat to OH later as he's just had 1st day back at work with new boss etc so going to be a bit stressed for a few weeks & with my blood tests hanging around think it's best if we go with the flow, so not really TTC or WTT so I'm inbetween, do I still belong here??

kezza when i last visited my doctor about 8 weeks ago i was speaking to her about ttc and how it's taking so long. she knows i have been unwell and told me that while i'm ill my body may not allow me to fall pg. she said the body has a defence mechanism where it will 'look out for itself' and protect itself when u are unwell. i imagine there is zero scientific proof of this but could be true in my case! i have been unwell for years and have been ntnp without falling pregnant. a few years back when i was healthier i did get a bfp (not planned) i went on to have a m/c but it has made me think about what the doctor said! so now i am taking lots of medication and getting myself to a better place - hopefully that will end in a bfp - hope it does for you tooooooo!!! xxx
course ya do hon! Us girlies appreciate all your good advice x x
do I still belong here??


You are obviously not yourself today!! Of COURSE you belong here - dont you dare go anywhere else!! Look on the bright side, bloods are getting done and although your doc was as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike, at least getting something done about it. You know - its probably been the strain of the last 2 weeks that had made you so ill in the first place. Its time to take a step back and relax a bit!

Oh and another thing - did you know that when you are pregnant, your immune system goes right down so your body does not reject a "foreign object"...... I'm not helping am I?? What did doctor say about how late you were for period? Why can she not give you anti biotics?

Anyway, stay cool (or hot as the case may be for now) :friends:

Sorry you cant see the new baby - ask her to text a pic in the meantime until you are feeling better and wont spread your virus onto little un....

Take care
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aww kezza, just caught up on this thread.

Really hope you are ok. just concentrate on getting yourself better.

Of course you belong in TTC.

We would all miss you too much if you went anywhere else :)
Awwww thanks girls, you are the best :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I just can't stop crying today & was the same yesterday :-( :-( :-( so much for being my best friends birthing partner, darn you germies!!!!

Tbh didn't even mention the period thing to this GP, she's not my usual one & just didn't feel comfortable with her at all, I'll be seeing my usual one to get my results back so I'll speak to her about it cos am still getting this light brown stuff every now & then but it's kinda more like mixed in with CM & can't lay on my front as hurts my boobs.......just telling myself it's coincidental cos of my bug?!?!?!?!

On a brighter note though, this is my best friends lil one & I can't stop smiling



Still getting the brown stuff? How many days has that been now? Kezza you never know hun. Have you done a hpt? Xx
It's weird cos it's been on & off for like 8 days now

Still waiting for Mr Postie so as soon as he delivers my HPTs can give one a go, although did an OPK this morning & just a hint of a line so not particularly hopeful tbh

Hey ho, all good fun eh :)

Feeling incredibly sick this afternoon as well & all I've managed today is 2 bits of toast :-( I really don't like illnesses at all :-(

Sorry to hear you feel so unwell, Kezza - hope you get better soon and can't wait to hear the result of your hpt. Xx
Kezza... I can't believe your questioning whether you belong here. OF COURSE you bloody do! I don't want to EVER read you saying that again lol. Try not to stress too much eh... concentrate on getting your body well again. Rest up, watch TV, binge... do what you gotta do to get better... focus on the positives.

Mwah xx
Awwwww thanks so much pretty, your a real sweetie :hugs:

I'll start the binge tomorrow when I'm feeling a lil better, tried a tiny portion of sausage & potatoes & my stomach is not thanking me for it now!!!

Got my lucozade & snuggled up on the sofa :)

Aaaaw the baby is Soooo cute!!! Where is your damn postie? Hope you feel better today......

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