Kirstyplus1 induction/labour thread!!!

Wowzers, the messages all sound very calm, I guess thats epidural for you! Just a question for anyone who knows, why, if she's fully dilated, will it be anther couple hours til pushing??

Good luck, you'll have your little one in your arms so soon!!!! xxxx
i was wondering why they dont just let you start pushing too? x
Good Luck with the pushing :)
LO will soon be with you x
I was told this too when I had an epidural...something to do with baby making his way down the canal a bit more before we intervene with the pushing when u have an epidural. Did seem odd to me too at the time. How exciting! U go Kirsty xxx
Yay go kirsty! Sounds to be progressing! Thanks for the special updates :) dunno why my phone never shows them!

Hi everyone just popping on quickly but I will do my birth story later.

Firstly thanks to larlybelle for doing my thread updates.

Well by 7am today 10th I was in quite a lot of pain. After mw examined me, broke my waters and discovered 3cm dilated I was taken round to labour ward.*

Turned out baby was back to back and although I have a high pain threshold by 9am I was in absolute agony. In the end I was recommended an epidural - didn't even bother trying the gas and air or pethidine.*

The epidural didn't actually work because of the position baby was in and I can hand on heart swear I really would not have cared if I had died right then... But there was nothing they could do.

I didn't do any dilating up until 1pm as I was in such a state and oh and mum didn't get there till 11 ish.

About 1pm they managed to sort epidural out abit although I could still feel the pain and pressure the gas and air took the edge off.

From 1pm to 5pm I managed to dilate from 3-10 cm and at 5pm
They wanted to leave it for an hour or two for him to drop into birth canal.

Started pushing around 7 and little man popped out at 8.13pm. OMG pushing was hard but he is so worth it.

One thing I will say of your baby is back to back if jump straight to the epidural - forget the rest as you won't stand a chance. Mw says its the most painful of labours and also why I needed to be induced and didn't labour naturally.
Huge congrats Hun!! Sorry u had such a rough time - time to enjoy baby now xxx

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