My Fake Baby


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Did anyone see this last night it was on Channel 4 at 10:00pm?

Completely freaky, me & hubby were :rotfl:

It was about women who had lifel ike dolls of newborn babies (called reborn). There was one woman who had 3 of them, they each had a pram and she used to take them out for walks to the park or shopping and treated them like babies, she even had a bottle for them!! This same woman had a new baby on order and was going to Washington USA to collect it but before she went her & hubby went shopping to Harrods to buy it a "coming Home" outfit. The mad woman spent £296 on a matching Roberto Cavali outfit! I couldnt believe it. When the baby arrived she changed it into its own clothes and said she needed to dress it herself and do its hair so she could "bond" with it..........WTF!

Her reason for not having her own children was that she wanted to enjoy her life whilst young then have childeren later but had left it too late (she looked 40 ish). She also made some comments to the sales assistant in Harrods around how it was a waste of money having a real child......................From the woman who spent £296 on a coming home outfit for a doll :twisted:

Google Reborn Baby dolls and have a look at them, I must admit they are very life like but still just a doll :wave:
Is this the one that was on a while ago too? IT must be as Im sure I remember that woman buying stuff in Harrods....

I thought the bit where the gran got one as she was missing her grandson who she had looked after from newborn was sad
choklatemunky said:
Is this the one that was on a while ago too? IT must be as Im sure I remember that woman buying stuff in Harrods....

I thought the bit where the gran got one as she was missing her grandson who she had looked after from newborn was sad

Yea it must be, I think its been on before. Initially I thought the woman with the grandson was sad cause I though he'd died but then about half way through it said he'd emigrated to NZ. Now I know this must still be heartbreaking but how would you explain to your daughter and grandson that you'd had a look a like doll made of when he was a baby and pushed it round the streets in a pram? Plus imagine what you would think if you were the daughter? Ignore me, im just a hard faced b***h, but thats how I see it!!
I'd already seen it a few weeks ago but couldn't resist watching again. Totally :shock: I appreciate and like the fact it's not hurting anyone but it's soooo strange. You have to wonder about their state of minds in some ways, especially the lady who collected hers from America and said they had to be "absolutely perfect2 in every way or else she couldn't love them. Thought that was sending out the wrong message myself....

Thought all the OH's were hilarious - every time they were asked about any of it they just pulled that "I think it's mental but far be it from me to argue" face. I see a lot of that at the moment so recognised it easily :rotfl:
Im glad im not the only one who though it was very odd. :rotfl:
I thought it was all quite disturbing, and the lady who misses her grandson? For the amount of money she spent on the doll she could have visited him for a few weeks. And if she misses him SO much she should move there! Lol.

The one lady who said that she thought it was much better to buy clothes for a doll than for a baby as a baby would waste them. OMG i could have slapped her!

Some crazy people! My OH was yelling at the tv 'it's a doll' over and over. LOL.
Yeah I watched this a couple of weeks ago when it was 1st shown and I was quite stunned at how sad some people can be. I would feel really embarrased taking a doll for a walk in the park no matter how life like it looked. I did say to my hubby that I could understand if you wanted to get one to order that looked similar to your children as babies but that would then be sentimental not psycopathic.

Some people are very weired, I put this programe in the same league as the woman who brestfed her 12 year old children or whatever they were.
I didnt watch it the first time around but was told all about it and have read about these ladies before. I actually felt sorry for them but after actually watching it last night I take back everything I said...Those women are nutters! I was cringing :rotfl: I had to laugh when the lady found the crack in her dolls head :rotfl: :rotfl: and the grandson calling his Nan 'Numb nuts' not language Id expect from a child tbh but he was right! Crazy ladies!! :?
I watched it first time round and it made me angry. The woman who bought like 4 top of the range prams and designer clothes for a doll, what a moron!!!!
Maybe this sounds a bit mean but I thought some of her dolls were bloody ugly too.
It also really bothered the way it made out something really terrible had happened to the womans grandson, then it turned out he'd moved to new zealand with his mum!
There are some really freaky people out there!
I watched it the first time too and we and DH were like :shock: :shock: :shock: I was feeling sorry for that lady who missed her gradson because I thought he had died too then when they anounced he was in New Zealand I was :rotfl: no wonder they lived that far away!!!!Plus...what a lot of money to spend on one outit for a doll, I could've bought some real quality baby stuff with that!!!
sarah2807 said:
I watched it the first time too and we and DH were like :shock: :shock: :shock: I was feeling sorry for that lady who missed her gradson because I thought he had died too then when they anounced he was in New Zealand I was :rotfl: no wonder they lived that far away!!!!

That's what I thought too.

I bet they'd have travelled further away if they could -like to Mars or somewhere.
I saw this last time it was on - saw that it was on last night and decided to go to bed instead :lol:

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