my birth experience. WARNING MAY UPSET PEOPLE!!

well i phoned this morning and she had a good night last night slept all the way thru she was still sleeping when i phoned and her breathing is alot better than what it was and hy want it alitle more better and on her feeds bfore the can decide anything there so amazing at the hospital there always asking how am doing and if i slept well im going to phone at 1 oclock to see how she is, i cant wait till tomorro but i know once i hold her its going to be hard to leave her there but ive got a fantastic other half hes been really good trying to keep my mind off things.
ps ill put some more photos on her tomoz when i gt back from the hospital and thank you for your lovely comments too xxx
ahh bet you're so excited to see her. Glad things are improving for her too. Have you tried ringing up the McDonald people and seeing if you can stay over monday night, you'd get 2 days with her then before having to travel back x
I'm pleased your getting good reports from the hospital. Can't wait to see more pics xx
So glad she is doing well hun :) *hugs to you and your family*
Oooh more photos.
All the best with tomorrow and can't wait to hear all about it.
Sorry to hear of the treatment you and your family received from the hospital and midwife .

Your daughter is sooo beautiful. Have you thought of a name for her yet ?

Hope you have her home soon.
Congratulations on your little girl - she's beautiful! :cloud9:

So sorry about the treatment you got in hospital though :( ...I'm glad your LO is being well looked after where she is now. Hope it's not long before you get to take her home :hug:
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yeah i did unfortunatley there quite full at the mo. yeah we named her amy leigh and when we get her registered shell be taken on my partners last name. yeah i cant wait to see her shes doing really well shes on milk now which there giving to her in small doses bless her i cant wait till i hold her but its going to be hard to leave her after that too xxx
Ah well if shes taking milk thats really positive. Have a great time today, im sure it wont be long before you can put all this behind you and bring your new family home xx
hi all went to see amy today shes doing really well shes off the morphine and paracetomol. it was so good seeing her in a cot rather than them lil incubator with the heater over her they have layed her on her stomach coz it helps her breath better at the mo. we had a hold of her today and i changed her nappy for the first time today too it all was so amazing to be able to hold her too it felt real too i have pics im waiting on the other half to put them on the comp so i can get them and put them on here lol but aww im so over the moon i got to hold her. the nurses all love her upthere im sure there going to miss her once she comes home xx
Do you mean from photobucket?

If so copy the direct link code and that takes you to the one picture :) Or if it's on your computer you could try uploading using an attachment x
oooo i found out how to do it lol heres so more pics :)


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