Msg to self stop smoking.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
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After finding out i am pregnant yesterday i have stopped smoking its so hard i want a ciggy but i dont want to put any harm on my baby. After :ttc: for 2 years i couldn't stop smoking because i was to stressed and worried but now i am stopping for good. As from half 9 yesterday morning i haven't had a cig. Has any1 else stopped smoking? Am finding it really hard. :help: xx
Congrats hun, that's a massive achievement & should be proud of yourself, it's a tough habit to break & your doing fab :pompom:

Thanks its a bit easier because my OH doesn't smoke so if theres no 1 smoking around me i shouldn't want to a cig. Its hard but i will do it. To be honest it will be better in the long run it will save me alot of money. xx
i wanted to stop but i couldnt i just cut down a lot of people do fine go right through to birth smokeing
i dont smoke at all now because i feel to ill to smoke maybe you might get to that stage witch aint nice but help with the quiting x
You betcha & you've got everyone on here to help you along :)
Am feeling lucky that i dont feel sick but i reckon my luck will turn and start feeling sick. I was really poorly with my other two. I just hope ppl dont go smoking around me because i will b tempted no no let me change that i will not be tempted i will just think of my unborn baby that took 2 years to conceive lol. When ever i feel i need one i will come on here and have a nice chat i think that should work. xx
well done chick. I was a social smoker and packed in as soon as i found out. I keep thinking ohhhh i could just do with a cig but tbh i think it would make me gip anyway!!! Keep it up chick it will be worth it :)))) xxxxxx
Thank every1. Ye i think am going to go doctors in morning if i still feel a need a cig patch will help me because i really dont want to go back smoking but its only been a day and am really gagging for one but i want i ant got none and am not going shop and wasting my money on em anymore. Not worth it at all.
well done on the stopping smoking.
Istopped soon as i found out i was pregnant to and ive been so sick through this pregnancy its been so easy :)

Now though as my sickness is fading away a bit i keep thinking i could have one but have managed fine to stay stopped.

Sounds horrible but i imagine my wee boy i seen on that screen at the scan and think do i really want him kicking about in there amoungst smoke.... and it works i dnt have a cig..

Sending u loads of luck its a hard habbit to kick xxxxx
Congrats chick :) I stopped as soon as I found out too! Have tried to stop
In the past and really struggled, but can't believe how much easier it is with a good reason!

Dont get me wrong I could murder a cig but just keep thinking about bean!

Keep up the good work your doing fab! They say after the first 3 days the cravings decrease so you're half way there :) :) xx
Congrats on stopping! You shoud do what my friend did to help him stop, he put all the money that he would have spen on ciggies in a money box, it's been a month since he stopped and he has £500, lol.

Good luck!!

Thanks for support every1. Am all right during the day not having a cig but when my kids come home from school thats when i usually smoke the most lol. This time my unborn baby comes first before my needs. Shadowwolf thats a good idea about the money tin ill be rich if i do that lol amdefo going to try it. xx
Good for you hun! By the time you start shopping for any big things you need, you'll have all the cash you could want! LOL.

I gave up last week when I got my's been a week and 2 days now. I keep thinking I'll do this and then I'll have a fag - never realised how much I rewarded myself with fags. OH smokes and I've told him while it's cold he's only to smoke in the kitchen and when it gets warmer he's to go outside.
Not sure if I'll last 9 months now, temptation is less than last week but it's still there.
Its hard but just think if we stick to not smoking then were smoke free for the rest of our lifes and we will live longer for our kids and ther kids and so on. xx

I stopped smoking as soon as I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago, I wasn't a hardcore smoker anyway, but so far I haven't wanted one, I think knowing I've got the best reason not to helps plus also because I'm not drinking either...drinking & smoking go hand in hand for me, so stopping one cancels out the other! It'll all be worth it!

Good luck! x
No smoking better life and healthy pregnancy thats how i see it and even tho this my 3rd day with out a cig and i still want one i am not going to give in its not worth it. I wish every1 good luck in stopping smoking because am finding so hard. x

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