Hi Charlene,
How are you getting on with trying to stop?
I stopped when i got my bfp this time, although I was taking Champix for about a fortnight before that.
Champix is like Zyban, you get it from doctor and it is meant to stop the cravings without unpleasant side effects (I didnt get any side effects, but I would urge y ou to read up on this medicine before you take it, as there is a lot written about it).
when I got bfp, I immediately went on to the inhilator for about 3 weeks, and then one day i went out and forgot to take it with me...that was a couple of weeks ago now.
I still crave cigarettes quite often, but i try telling myself that it is pregnancy symptoms...
has anyone mentioned just how physically demanding labour is, and how smoking right up to the birth can cause birth complications (you get tired, baby gets distressed - have a c-section for your troubles that could have been avoided)
You can do it - you owe it to yourself and your unborn, dont let things slide for too long
Take care xxxx