Smoking & pregnancy - no judgement please

OK so here goes...

Found out I was pg 7th March so I cut down my smoking one day I had 8, then 4 then 2 then stopped....felt proud....lasted about 2 weeks. Baby not planned at all and already have 2 so massive shock...

Then had a massive amount of stress dealing with the fact that my OH wanted me to have an abortion...oh yeah worst time of my life (but hey thats another story) so I started having one at night to destress but then slowly that turned into a max of 6 a day... not helped by the fact that my OH smokes.

Feel awful about what I am doing but its a way of dealing with my stress (I am naturally a highly strung person). There is no excuse and I feel guilty so I told the midwife who booked me in with smoking cessation (this Monday).
At the moment I havent had a cigarette since yesterday morning...I just stopped and am really trying so hard not easy watching OH smoking but luckily we dont live together so its not in my face all the time.

Is anyone having the same experience? Please people dont judge me as I am not proud at all and am doing my very best to kick this dirty habit. Today I have cried lots and been sooooo moody because I am not smoking but just keep thinking of the baby.

Kez xx

me personally i dont smoke anyway but i know girls who do and smoked throughout, one had good pregnancy other god awful and m/c at 19 wks but not sure how much that has to do with smoking, best thing u can do is now uve cut down or stopped is sontinue to do it, just remember some women never know they are exoecting and continue to drink and smoke, but for me i stop doing everything i shouldnt be doing as the way i see it who am i to put this childs life and helth at risk, thats just my opinion hun though xx
Awww guys...u wont believe but got up to get a shower for my appointment 2day and my 3 year old comes in the bathroom and starts being sick everywhere!! So had to cancel and now cant be seen until 14th May so until then am going to try and be strong and not smoke....

got a hen weekend in Leeds the end of April (dunno how I will last!) so have decided wont take any with me and most of the girls dont smoke anyway so shouldnt be too hard. :oooo:
LOL, good luck with the hen weekend! I was on one a couple of months ago in the middle of the countryside and after a lot of drinks I was desperate for a cigarette! One of the other girls had recently given up as well and we had both been really strong and not brought any along. By 11pm we decided we had to walk to the nearest pub and get some or we wouldnt survive. Pissed as newts we set off in the dark, fell in a duck pond half way and then got to the pub around 11.30pm to find it closed! Disaster!

Mind you, I was really glad the next morning! Hang over is ten times worse if you smoke as well.

Not that you will be able to drink, so that should help.

Be strong. Just remember that right now your baby is developing its brain. You dont want it to be daft do you? (It was stuff like that that kept me strong when I gave up last time).
LMAO Oh that has cheered me up no end! How funny for you on your search for nicotine!

Cant drink or smoke but also dont want people to know I am pregnant....gonna be a challenge especially as its cocktail making at 2pm not long after we arrive! My friend who is coming with me knows as she is a close friend so I said she will have to sit next to me and drink my cocktails!!

Saying that dunno how much longer I can hide it cos my tummy seems to have grown unless its bloating. Was never nowhere near this big with my first 2 xxx
Good luck with the giving up smoking, I know how hard it is as I gave up when I was pregnant with my first. Managed to never start again so not having that problem this time round! I sucked lollipops and knitted a blanket for the baby, (I couldnt knit before!) it kept my hands and mind busy! Really want my hubby to give up, but he seems to ignore me when I suggest it, don't want to nag him either as I know that don't help.
Thanks for all your messages :)

It is bloody hard...I did smoke very lightly/on/off with my last 2 pregnancies not that I feel proud of that I am not. Hence why I wanted to do it differently. OMG I would LOVE to go off them or them make me sick that would solve the problem.

I have lozenges and will keep trying defo hope I wont be doing it by the time I have a bump and have seen baby on my scan but not for 5 weeks (23rd May). Next appointment made with the smoking midwife not until 14th May so until then I am gonna try and be as good as I can and try not to succumb...

Thanks for all your support and for making me realise I am not alone xxx


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