Most unusual or out there baby name youve heard?

the surname begins with an A also, too many vowels for me .. It is such a pretty name though.


Oooh, a couple of names on my list are As, and our second name is A. In fact, my favourite one starts AND ends in an A. I wonder if that's too much...
the surname begins with an A also, too many vowels for me .. It is such a pretty name though.


Oooh, a couple of names on my list are As, and our second name is A. In fact, my favourite one starts AND ends in an A. I wonder if that's too much...

I start and end in an A and it feels like a mouthful. My sisters middle name is Amelia which I like.

I can't think of any particularly strange name, but I think mine is quite unique and I've not heard of many, Antonia.
I didn't think I had anything to contribute to this... and then yesterday someone on facebook asked about something regarding her daughter "Kaliko-Rain" :shock:
In my mums job she has come across a baby girl called Khlamydia - it's different because it's spelt with a K apparently! Also heard of a Pochohauntus and a little girl called Chelsea which I thought was cute until I saw her decked out in the full Chelsea home kit!

In my job I've dealt with Blessing, Shadow, Prince, Precious and I also know 3 sisters who's name end in "ina" because it was cute that they rhymed x
Ah yes my mum worked with a blessing too. It was a guy lol. Oh and there is a Jesus at my work x
Also heard of a Pochohauntus and a little girl called Chelsea which I thought was cute until I saw her decked out in the full Chelsea home kit!

Did you read about that one recently where a couple called their daughter "Lanesra" and it wasn't til she was about 5 that the hubby told his wife it was Arsenal spelled backwards (his fave football team) :lol::doh:
No way! I'd have missed that too lol, OH and I are both massive football fans but no way would it ever come into the naming of our child. Especially as we support rival teams lol.
Lol. I think girls names are easier. Really struggled to find any boys names I liked.x

Ha! Was the absolute opposite here. My husband always says if a baby girl had popped out instead of our son, she still wouldn't have a name!

I know a little boy called 'Fell' .... I often wonder if he is one of a kind!

We had so many girls names both times but was late in my pregnancy with both my boys when we was set on a name !! My eldest is called Mikey isn't unusual but not sure he will have any friends with the same name lol
I know a baby called Rusty - I weirdly quite like it!
My friend has a son called Deagan and her daughter is Millieahna they're pretty different and unheard of! Xx
There was a Blessed on my neonatal unit, it took me a while to cotton on that they weren't just referring to baby in a pet-name sort of way :lol:

there's a bunch of twins in distant family called Eric and Derek too, which isnt unusual but didnt stop me chuckling all the same :lol:
My great Aunt is a Rusty.

Weirdest name I've heard is Ocean.
I work in a job where i have to regularly visit people's homes - twin boys Ice & Diesel?!
Also a house with 2 boys - Blade, Sterling and 2 girls - Beyonce, Ocean????
There was a story in the paper yesterday about these twins. Star and destiny lol
I work as a travel agent so we do get some where you have to keep a straight face rather than go 'really!?' I remember there was a Bentley-Harley..there was a Minnie-Skye.... Another family had a 4 year old called Pixie and then my friends brother just had a little girl and called her Brenda-Eve
I'v heard of a couple of Mila's recently.
In my daughters nursery there is a Pheonix and a rein.
Mila is quite common now, i heard a river recently by a beautician i once went to. God love her though she was desperate for a girl after having 4 boys. So i didn't have the heart to say 'river....really?'

I met a little girl in the doctors on friday called Narla (Lionking?!)
Wolf is the weirdest name I've come across recently (in james' class) It suits him though and now I'm used to it, I barely register it's 'unusual'.

I loved Indiana when I was pregnant with Bee... wanted it as a girls name. Wish I'd used it as a middle name actually.


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