How not to name your baby


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Hey girlies, i found a guide on the internet on tips when naming your baby, as for some this is a fairly difficult task. the guide was pretty long so i've summarised it a bit for you ladies, altough its still pretty long, you may want to skip to the part that intrests you most.Enjoy :D

You may decide to name your baby after someone else, such as a relative or a friend. This can be seen as an honour to a name which is very special to you or your partner. If you think the name is too traditional you may consider shortening it, using a derivative, or even use it as a middle name. Remember tho, relationships may turn sour and your child will forever be a reminder of the name-sake.

Think twice before you decide to name your child after a celebrity. People that are famous at the moment could suddenly become unpopular. They could make headlines in such a negative way that it could make your child’s life difficult.

The advantage of having a popular name is that it must be a good name if so many people chose it. However, the downside is that many of you childrens friends or classmates may have the same name and the name becomes a little less remarkable when your the 4th Emma in the classroom.

some people feel they have an entitlement, for whatevr reason, over a childs name. Don’t let others talk you into giving your baby a certain name. No matter how eager your mother(in-law) is to have the child named after her, only chose a name yuo and your partner love. Also don't let anyone talk you out of naming your child with something you have already chosen, its your child and the naming decisions should be made by parents in the child’s best interests.

An unusal name can be be special as it makes a child unique and stand out from the crowd. However, remeber your child has to go thorugh life with the name , and may end up hating it as they constantly have to tell people how to spell it or pronounce it.

Be careful when chosing a name to remember what the name is associated with or if it may rhyme with negative wording. Kid's can be ruthless and use names as a bullying weak spot. So you may whant to think twice before naming your baby girl Rhea (diorhea!).

If you and your partner have come up with a nice name for your baby,ponder the possible nicknames that could be derived from it. Is it a negative sounding nickname or a really obvious target for bullies? You may like the name Richard, but some people may shorten the name to Dick. Some people like names which can be shortend whereas others don't.

A name can be made unique or exotic sounding simply by changing the spelling e.g Cindy to Cyndi. however this may caude problems for children later on in life as they may struggle to spell a long and complicated name, as may others such as teachers, employers etc. Also People may pronounce the name differently when the spelling changes, and therefor prompting your child to correct them for the 100th time!

When chosing a name, you may consider if its easier for others to pronounce. Your child will probably not appreciate a name where they have to constantly tell people how to pronounce it.

Consider the initials of both the first and last names. See to it that these don’t form any awkward combinations e.g Freddie Adam Thomson (F.A.T). also you may want to consider not using the same letter as siblings or parents, as before you know it, son George opens his dad Greg’s mail because it’s addressed to G. Baker.

Be careful that the first name compliments the surname. Usually a short first name goes well with a long last name and vice versa.

As soon as you find a name that both of you like, check to see what it means. Try to avoid picking a name that has a negative meaning. However most people will never know the meaning of a name so don't put too much caution into this. Also you may consider what the same means in other languages, Tom Cruises called his baby Suri, which mean red rose in one language but pickpocket in another!

Having multiple means more names to be chosen, which is important as the combinations nay idicate their bond, or not. You may chose similar names (Isla & Iona) or names which are completely different (Sarah & Julie), indicatinding that you see them as individuals.Multiples aren’t interchangeable. They’re individuals, each with their own personality, this especially needs to be made clear when they are identical, others wise people may get confused and just call them 'The Twins' or 'The Triplets' etc.

If you don't know what sex your baby is, or you don't want to give your child an overly masculine or feminine name then you may consider a unisex name such as Ashley, Robin, Lindsay or Charlie.

middle names can be a life saver, for example if you have a traditional family name that you dont particularly like, then this can be used as a middle name. Also you can maybe give the child a few middle names after others, so people don't feel left out. If a child has a name which they may want to change in later life, then they may decide to use one of their middle names as an alternative as its already on the birth certificate.

If you really can't find a name you like, for inspiration you may want to try:
* movie/tv end credits
*birth announcements in the papers
*naming the child after the day/month they were born
*using the name of the saints day you child was born on
*naming your baby after the nearest river
*naming the baby after your midwife

All in all take into cosideration some of the points made above, however YOU decide how much importance is put on each point. Make sure that both you and your partner love the name given to your child. However remember that in the end, your child will be the one, not you, who has to go through life with this name.

If you want to read the full guide here is the link i got the info from:
little*red said:
If you don't know what sex your baby is, or you don't want to give your child an overly masculine or feminine name then you may consider a unisex name such as Ashley, Robin, Lindsay or Charlie.

My father in laws name is Lyndsey :lol: Sounds rdiculous for a bloke, sorry :lol: he is known by his middle name now!
If you followed all that advice, you'd NEVER pick a name! :)
Sami said:
little*red said:
If you don't know what sex your baby is, or you don't want to give your child an overly masculine or feminine name then you may consider a unisex name such as Ashley, Robin, Lindsay or Charlie.

My father in laws name is Lyndsey :lol: Sounds rdiculous for a bloke, sorry :lol: he is known by his middle name now!

:( My dad's name is Lindsay (its my middle name too), i think it's more of a scottish thing though as a few boys at my schools were called Lindsay too.
Although my dad used to work with a guy called Sally and a guy called Kim! now that sounds more ridiculious than Lindsay.
Sorry didn't mean to take the mick, just doesn't suit him at all. My FIL isn't scottish, his mum is just a daft old bat :lol:

My DF likes the name Kimi for a boy (like Kimi Raikkonen). Can you tell I'm not impressed at all? :shock:
Its ok sami , no offense taken :D . some people just don't like unisex names, the funny thing is that my dad hates when little girls gave boy-like names such as charlie, frankie, danny etc.
I actually quite like that name Sami, Kimi is a bit different!
Haha, I'm odd enough to like India for a girl, but not Kimi for a boy. :lol:
An unusal name can be be special as it makes a child unique and stand out from the crowd. However, remeber your child has to go thorugh life with the name , and may end up hating it as they constantly have to tell people how to spell it or pronounce it.

i have that problem with Dior already, does my heading!!

and harley is unisex i no a few calls called harley, even though its nicer for a boy :moon:
My OH likes the name Wayne for a boy but being a Rooney that ones HAD to be ruled out! :lol:
:rotfl: :rotfl: My poor wee 13 year old who is called Connor BTW :) I got him contact lenses and the first day he wore them instead of his glasses he got call *" Rooney"* poor lad, but OMG he is the double of him without the not being English or a footy fan, He has Never wore these £150 lenses since...Saying Rooney is ...shall i quote him.... "ugly"
He will grow out of it. he is only young and has maturing to do over the next 8 years... including good looks . I hope :hug: :oops:
Interesting about making sure it goes with the surname - our baby will be Cass - so rules out Jack!

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