morning girls!!!! listen to this....**UPDATED**(page11)

chloe123 said:
yea, im tryin not to test eventho i wonna!!!

have you seen that silly scan thing??? search for 'online pregnancy test' in google, its the one at the top, it scans you apparently, and tells you if ur preg!!! lol how funny!


omg this is weird.. here are my results...

Pregnancy detected!
Congratulations, fiona! You're "with child". Our remote testing system has detected that you're pregnant. The Miracle Of Life has begun! To see whether your baby is a boy or a girl, click the "View My Baby" button below.

It's A Girl!

fiona, you're going to be the proud parent of a baby girl, and just look- isn't she just so damn cute! Based on our remote test results, your beautiful baby girl will weigh about 10 lbs, 1 oz and have brown hair and hazel eyes. Truly a Wonder To Behold..

Would you like to know who the lucky father is? Our Genetic Validator module has processed that data and determined who the father must be. Click the "Who's The Daddy?" button to find out.

The Mailman

Uh-oh, your dalliance with the mailman is catching up with you. How are you going to explain this 'Special Delivery' to your hubby?
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
OMG, have only just managed to get on here and saw this post :?

Please please please let it be BFP MissG....test test test! :cheer: :cheer:

I dont think I can wait til Wed :shock: I'm so sad aint I!!

:hug: :hug:
aawwww Snuggle thanks babes!!! im trying not to get my hopes up - incase i get a BFN or AF turns up, but if either i get a BFN or AF does come im not going to be disapointed - im going to stay really positive from now on!!!!

even though i HOPE and PRAY this is my month!!!! :pray:

sorry Snugz though - you have to wait until Wednesday :hug:
just seen this hun, wishing you all the luck in the world you deserve it so much, by the way,

Melanie Bailey, you're going to be the proud parent of a baby girl, and just look- isn't she just so damn cute! Based on our remote test results, your beautiful baby girl will weigh about 6 lbs, 7 oz and have red hair and green eyes. Truly a Wonder To Behold!

Fooking red hair, i love red hair :hug:
That online thing says I'm having a boy, Arnold Swartzeneggar (sp?) is the father and baby will weigh 13lbs 4oz :shock: :shock:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Mine says i'm having a boy by michael Jackson :dance: rich rich rich LOL
Just wanted to say I've got my fingers crossed for you Leanne.

Also I did that online pregnancy test and it said I'm pregnant with a boy and he will weigh 15 lbs, 16 oz :shock: and the father is Pee Wee Herman :shock: :shock:
The test is on its way hun.........and I'll be logging on as soon as Libby allows in the morning..........fingers crossed for you :pray: :pray:
MissGobby said:
Morning everyone - how are you all?? did you have a nice weekend?

well ladies, as you may know AF is late i tested last week (cant rememeber whether it was Tuesday or Thursday and got a BFN - which i was kinda expecting anyway) so thought it was just a matter of waiting for AF to turn up ( i really wanted her to turn up anytime before yesterday as i have got a wedding to go to on Sat and am wearing white trousers lol) well last night me and danny 'made love' just before he went back to camp (about 9.45pm) when we had finished i noticed some blood on his willy and then realised AF had shown (which i was happy about as it meant i can wear my white trous Sat yay lol) so went to toilet, wiped and it was def like AF was here, so put a tampon in etc etc.

this morning i took my tampon out - and nothing :shock: not one bit of blood.

what the heck is happening????

Hey Miss Gobby... whooo interesting!!!!!

But I never bleed during the night.... Never have done and have had almost regular cycles for the past 9 years..... and i only bleed when af is here during the day.

But id test again hunni in afew days
missac said:
well I don't think I can wait till Wednesday :shakehead: I love coming on here and checking on you to see if you have had your bfp yet!! I amhaving a good feeling about this one, I was constantly hungry at the start and also the tiredness is overwhelming! I kind of felt hungover for a good few weeks, any of this sound familiar? Did your gums bleed when you brished this morning? I hope Em's test gives you a bfp, lets think of it as a lucky test as the pack produced Libby!!

:shock: OMG my gums have bled for the last two days!!! Add that one too my list of symptoms as well then. Now I think of it, when I was PG with Macaulay my Doc prescribed some mouthwash for gingivitus (sp), which is bleeding gums :think:
Oh I hope that you get a bfp... :D
Don't you have anywhere locally that sells £1 tests - I'm their best customer at my local cheapie store :D
Hi Miss G!

Cant beleive she still hasnt shown up at yours either!

I tested over the weekend I waited out the 10mins and nothing - but looked at the test after 30 and there was a 2nd pink line - I really didnt want to get my hopes up because it was out of time and I think it was probably evaporation line.

I still feel sick and have had af type cramps since af was due. When I have had long cycles before (with PCOS I could go 90 days without AF but that was years ago) I never felt like this.

I am gonna test again on Weds cause AF will be 3 weeks late.

Good luck !!
skairdykat said:
missac said:
well I don't think I can wait till Wednesday :shakehead: I love coming on here and checking on you to see if you have had your bfp yet!! I amhaving a good feeling about this one, I was constantly hungry at the start and also the tiredness is overwhelming! I kind of felt hungover for a good few weeks, any of this sound familiar? Did your gums bleed when you brished this morning? I hope Em's test gives you a bfp, lets think of it as a lucky test as the pack produced Libby!!

:shock: OMG my gums have bled for the last two days!!! Add that one too my list of symptoms as well then. Now I think of it, when I was PG with Macaulay my Doc prescribed some mouthwash for gingivitus (sp), which is bleeding gums :think:

sounds very promising :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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