Please help first af and maybe tmi....


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Hi girls,

I was over the moon when the witch arrived as my first af since I had a mc in September, I understand it was going to be heavy but this is something else.....

Here's the tmi bit....yesterday morning I literally gushed blood when I went to the toilet, then within an hour I went through a tampon and pad.....the day wasn't as bad but again last night it happened again, very heavy and went through a super tampon and pad twice.....

I'm asking is this normal? And how long can I let it be like this before worrying??? X
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Hi, i dont really have any answers for you but didnt want to read and run. I came off the pill in may and since then have had a few ok periods n two really bad periods one in aug n then the last one a few weeks ago, mayb not as bad as yours but defo heavy n lots of bloody in one go then light again was horrid but i just guessed it was my body adjusting back to normal again. I hope you are ok hun and that it sorts itself out for you. If not i can only suggest goin to see your doc.

Michelle. x
Hi Twinkles,
This happened to me too last period.
Its horrid isnt it! I was in such agony with it too!
Mine lasted 3 days being that heavy (soaking a tampon and pad every hour!)
Id wake up at night soaked - it was so horrible.
then i went on for about another 3 days but lighter - so much longer too than my normal period.

So yes , Ithink this is normal for af after MC.
The docs did warn me it may be heavy.
So I think if it contines for more than 5 or6 days I would question it.

Hope that helps, hope you are doing ok.
I found that I was really emotional with that period and it felt like MC had just happened again - very hormonal!! xx
Thanks girls, that's really reassured me, it's so horrible but glad I'm not alone!

Will see how I am by's mad I was so looking forward to my af so we can ttc again but jesus this is nasty!!!! Y do we have to go through this!!

Out with the girls fir lunch and drinks today and it's stressing me!!!! Big bag and lots of supplies!!! Xx

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