More bleeding


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Just reached week 8 and this morning there was bright red blood after I went for a wee.

I had a 6 week scan and saw the baby's heartbeat, and only in the last few days I've started to relax and think things might be alright. I phoned the EPU and have an appointment for tomorrow at 10.

If I have m/cd again I dont think I'll be trying again until next year. I m/cd in March this year and I've had enough of the stress and constant worrying.

Keep your fingers crossed for me please?
wish you all the best and juts hope its a faulse alarm. i hope that all goes well for you too. why dont you go straight to A&E and get them to check again rather thanwait til tomoz.....??
got fingers nd toes crossed for you xxxx
Hope the scan goes well tomorrow hun xxx
Hope the scan goes well for you tomorrow. It's quite common to get bleeding at around the time you'd normally have a period so it could be just that :hug:
I hope the can goes well and everything is ok.
Got everything crossed for you hun xxx
Oh No Lillie, I will be crossing everything for you tomorow, hope all is well, hard I know, but try and get some sleep to put you in the right frame of mind for tomorow, at least it's nice and early in the day rather than waiting about.

Oh lillie! I am praying that ur little one is still going strong! Big hugs x
Lots of love and best wishes to you and ive got everything crossed for you be posotive xxxx
Just got back from my scan and it seems, for the moment, everything is OK.

I saw the baby on the screen with its heartbeat pumping away, and in 2 weeks its grown from 3mm to almost 16mm, so thats good going!

However, the pregnancy test came back very faint - they couldnt tell me why. Any ideas?
Glad all was ok at the scan. Re the pg test. I am 8+1 today and on my pregnancy app for Android it says that into week 9 (the week it puts me going by my edd of 10th Feb) that hcg levels will rocket then drop. Could be something to do with that??
Hi Lillie, soo pleased to see this great update from you, you def got a sticky one in there
Did you manage to get a pic, so we can see your baby?
How many weeks and days are you now, as yours is bigger than mine at 7 plus 6 , (mine was 15.3mm) JJ
I didn't get a picture - to be honest I didn't think to ask, I was so relieved at seeing the heartbeat flashing away.

I'm 8 plus 1 today (same as MrsB!) I just cant get over that growth rate, no wonder I've been so knackered!

I keep telling myself its good news, but that faint pregnancy test is still worrying me. I wonder if its because I had a wee before I left the house, and then panicked when I remembered they would want a urine sample so I downed a bottle of evian and produced the sample about 30 mins later! Perhaps it was really dilute?

I hadnt heard about the surge and drop in HCG at week 9 before...

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