Xena said:
urchin said:
I went seperate with Mason, he needed his jab at the time when it was all headline news.
I went for the seperate ones, not really because I thought that there was anything wrong with the combined, but because I am a worrier anyway and would rather pay my money and get a good nights sleep than lie awake all night worrying that I had made a big mistake.

This time round, I think I'll go combined for Brody, now there's new evidence that the autism claims are unfounded, I feel more at ease about it.

If anyone is REALLY worried about it and you can afford it, I would say go seperate because I know what it's like to worry about stuff like the time all my friends who got combined were worried they'd done the wrong thing, but I was fine.

How much does it cost to have the separate jabs?

It was about.....£60 to go on register at private surgery, then between 50-90 per injection. Plus it was about 45 mins drive away. I guess the total was about £300
oh wow....that's erm....slightly beyond my budget .sh*t :shock:
We've decided - somewhat reluctantly - to go ahead with the MMR vaccine.
Xena said:
oh wow....that's erm....slightly beyond my budget .sh*t :shock:

I know what you mean :shock:

It's good that you only pay when you get each jab though, if we'd have had to pay it all up front we wouldn't have been able to get it.
I'm also in 2 minds as I didn't have an MMR jab until I was 14 then came out with full blown measels and was really sick with it.

But my TB jab also went funny (main one, had it in hospital cos of the MMR) and I now have a perminant horrid scare on my arm from it.
I thought a short while ago a report was published after further research into the area that they was no link whatsoever between MMR and autism. And the bloke who origionally said it did has retracted his claim and that was that?
The MMR isnt something i have to think about because only the single jabs are given here. I think i would have had it done at home though.

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