MMR jab.


Nov 14, 2007
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Hi all.
Sammy is due for his MMR jab next month and i've been torturing myself with what to do about it ie, single jabs or the combined MMR. :?

What's everyone's opinions and/or experiences? :hug:

Keeley has had the single jabs.. cos i wasn't happy with her having the MMR.. I've had to pay £360 for all the jabs but i feel so much happier she had the single ones :)
Tim will have the combined jab.

All my friends and I had it when I was 8, my sister had it when she was younger and there were no probs...

My HV reccommended the single jab as its much less stressful for baby and mum/dad!
emma had the combined jab on the 2nd of this month and is fine (so far). i was agonising over it for months as in college i did a some work on it and all the problems so it scared me but then i was told that the doctor involved in the contreversy had made it all up and consulted with loads of health professionals and we agreed it was the best for emma, but remember not to get presurised into it either way :hug:
I was going to post something on this today - hope you don't mind me kind of hijacking your thread bob1, saves having two running! :D

From the bit of reading I've done I've decided I don't want Evie having the single jab at such a young age but I do want to get her vaccinated. Therefore my options are to either get the jabs done individually or to wait until shes a bit older 2/3 years and give her the combined jab then. What do you all think, would be interested to hear from anyone who went for either of these options :D :D
Fluffy Bunny said:
From the bit of reading I've done I've decided I don't want Evie having the single jab at such a young age but I do want to get her vaccinated. Therefore my options are to either get the jabs done individually or to wait until shes a bit older 2/3 years and give her the combined jab then. What do you all think, would be interested to hear from anyone who went for either of these options :D :D

My only concern with delaying the immunisation would be the worry of them catching one of those horrendous diseases while they are still so young which could possibly be life threatening. :(

I did read somewhere that the so called link between the MMR jab and autism is just co-incidental and that babies show signs of autism between the ages of 1 and 2, which is around the time they have the jab. So therefore parents think it was the immunisation that caused it. :?
i waited till hannah was 2 to have it and she was fine no mark or reaction

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