MMR jab?!

:wave: AugustMum is right, I decided to take the single vaccination route rather than give LO the MMR.

I wont go into personal reasons because you need to come to a decision yourself. I don't want to be accused of trying to influence anyone's decision, but I will say this. The Government like to hide behind the 'it doesn't cause autism' argument. The fact is however, though that it does cause a whole myriad of other conditions, and the very public discrediting of Andrew Wakefield is just a convenient smokescreen as far as I'm concerned.

I have major issues with what i see as the vaccination conveyor belt - babies being lined up for immunisations (vaccinations don't give guaranteed immunity btw) that the NHS decide on in terms of what is administered and when. They would like you to think you don't have a choice. They make appointments for you and send letters that sound like you have to comply. You're made to feel like a bad mother for questioning the timings, methods, risks, things we question in other circumstances every single day, and take on as parents wanting to give our children the very best. Why should it be any different for vaccinations?

I will also say that the experience of a single vaccination, in a private clinic, is 100% better for LO. He was surrounded by toys in a meticulously clean, but not clinical treatment room. The needles they use are smaller and thinner, thus far less painful. You're made to feel at ease by being shown exactly what it is that is being administered, and are given plenty of time to ask questions or raise any concerns, not just ushered in and then ushered straight out again. I know it was nicer for LO because he didn't cry. Previous vaccinations at the hands of the health visitor caused him a great deal of distress, and I will not be having LO vaccinated against anything, not just those covered by MMR, by a health visitor ever again.

This is where I went:

These are good sites to look at before coming to a decision:

Ultimately, you must make the decision and be happy with it. Don't be swayed by anyone, not even me :) Feel free to PM me if you wish
i belive whole heartedly there is no link between the mmr vaccine and autism its just sadly children with autism start to display autistic traits around the time they are immunised against MMR amelia will be having her MMR jab and just follow ur heart x

Then why not wait a year?

I for one wouldn't want to wait, I would feel terrible if one of my lo's got Ill with them because I decided to wait x
I for one wouldn't want to wait, I would feel terrible if one of my lo's got Ill with them because I decided to wait x

If you wait a year, their immune system is much more developed and able to efficiently cope with multiple live vaccines. Not only does this minimise the risk of adverse reaction, but also affects their ability to develop any immunity - studies have shown that many outbreaks of M, M and R do indeed affect 'immunised' children as well as those that haven't had the vaccine. This has been put down to the MMR vaccination being given too early.

If I had no option but to have MMR rather than singles, I would definitely delay for a period of 12 months or more.
im more thinking on the point of view my friend wanted to wait, her daughter got german measels and my friend found out she was pregnant. She then panicked like mad thinking it had affected the unborn baby and then was asked why her LO wasnt vaccinated against it. I would just feel really bad if i was in the same situation
Just a note, Children usually have autism BEFORE the MMR jab, the signs aren't normally noticed as they are only usually noticed when a child seems behind in development etc
Autism didn't figure in my decision, nor should it cloud the multitude of risks associated and reported with the MMR vaccine x
It would be great if people would look at the other risks associated with the MMR rather than just the (possible) link to autism, I think autism and in fact all aspects of the aspergers syndrome are a problem with the MMR but thats nothing to do with a study, thats to do with speaking to people i know and them telling me that their children were developing completely normally, learnt a few words etc by 18mnths (mama, dadda, etc) and then had the MMR and within 12 hours were starting to slur their words, one of my friends explained to me how her little boy looked up at her terrified and tried to say 'mummy' one last time and all came out was a slurred 'mmmmm' he has never spoken again

Funnily enough one of the reasons the wakefield study was discredited, was because he used mothers accounts as a basis for his work, which is exactly why none of my children will ever be having the MMR

to me, the risks associated with it are just too high.
i dont know a single person that has had a problem with the jab which is why i wasnt concerned with my children having it, they are both completely healthy so based on my own experiences i will be getting LOs mmr jab done when the time comes xx
Interesting thread.

Think I will be speaking to a gp before I let oscar have the mmr, always thought about having them done separately anyway, but now feel even more determined to do it that way. Does it cost a fortune? Not that I put a value on my son at all, but I want to be prepared!

Oscar hasn't had any of his jabs at the times they specified, he's always been a few weeks older and even then I thought it was too young really. He reacted badly to every set of jabs, getting worse each time. Screaming in pain 4 hours after having the jabs and the screaming was lasting up to 48 hours, intermittently, after the 3rd lot. It was horrendous.

I am dreading the next lot!
I think autism and in fact all aspects of the aspergers syndrome are a problem with the MMR but thats nothing to do with a study, thats to do with speaking to people i know and them telling me that their children were developing completely normally, learnt a few words etc by 18mnths (mama, dadda, etc) and then had the MMR and within 12 hours were starting to slur their words, one of my friends explained to me how her little boy looked up at her terrified and tried to say 'mummy' one last time and all came out was a slurred 'mmmmm' he has never spoken again

Im sorry, but thats a very strong thing to say. There are children with autism and aspergers on this forum (well....the parents of the children) and to write this is almost like you saying that because the parent chose to give the mmr, you believe it was because of their decision that there child now has these difficulties.

I don't know anyone thats had any problems with the vaccine. You've obviously spoken to rare cases and I really feel for them.
I think autism and in fact all aspects of the aspergers syndrome are a problem with the MMR but thats nothing to do with a study, thats to do with speaking to people i know and them telling me that their children were developing completely normally, learnt a few words etc by 18mnths (mama, dadda, etc) and then had the MMR and within 12 hours were starting to slur their words, one of my friends explained to me how her little boy looked up at her terrified and tried to say 'mummy' one last time and all came out was a slurred 'mmmmm' he has never spoken again

Im sorry, but thats a very strong thing to say. There are children with autism and aspergers on this forum (well....the parents of the children) and to write this is almost like you saying that because the parent chose to give the mmr, you believe it was because of their decision that there child now has these difficulties.

I don't know anyone thats had any problems with the vaccine. You've obviously spoken to rare cases and I really feel for them.

I agree here.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion obviously, but that is a very, very strong thing to say and tbh sounds like scare mongering.

I would like to know what all my options are, and I'll make what I feel is the right decision for my child, but I won't judge what others want to do for their children, I would be supportive of their decision. I wouldn't want to scare people into having the same opinions as myself!
I agree augustmum. I see lots of children with aspergers and a variety of autistic spectrum disorders and their problems are noted at an extremely early age these days.
I estimate that I must examine around 70 children per week and as part of my history taking I ask of they are up to date with their imms and any problems. I can honestly say hand on heart that in the past 8 years I cannot remember a person who told me anything other than they developed a small haematoma (bruise on entry of injection) or had a slight temp.
I think we need to make whichever decision we feel comfortable x

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Interesting thread.

Think I will be speaking to a gp before I let oscar have the mmr, always thought about having them done separately anyway, but now feel even more determined to do it that way. Does it cost a fortune? Not that I put a value on my son at all, but I want to be prepared!

Oscar hasn't had any of his jabs at the times they specified, he's always been a few weeks older and even then I thought it was too young really. He reacted badly to every set of jabs, getting worse each time. Screaming in pain 4 hours after having the jabs and the screaming was lasting up to 48 hours, intermittently, after the 3rd lot. It was horrendous.

I am dreading the next lot!

The reactions LO was experiencing were another, very big factor in deciding - again they were getting progressively worse and culminated in 4 days in hospital :( I can hand on heart say that he had no reaction whatsoever to the measles jab, he has his rubella vaccine booked for next Friday so will have to see how he is after that.

Cost wise it was £110 for the measles, and will be £115 for rubella. There are still issues regarding supply of the mumps vaccine so will have to see about that one. X
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Inky it sounds like he has a really horrible time with injections :( They gave him the lovely very tiny needles as well didn't they? I wish I could have had the money because I would have totally gone down the route you did. Paige just looked so upset when she had hers but thankfully no bad reaction to it.
Interesting thread.

Think I will be speaking to a gp before I let oscar have the mmr, always thought about having them done separately anyway, but now feel even more determined to do it that way. Does it cost a fortune? Not that I put a value on my son at all, but I want to be prepared!

Oscar hasn't had any of his jabs at the times they specified, he's always been a few weeks older and even then I thought it was too young really. He reacted badly to every set of jabs, getting worse each time. Screaming in pain 4 hours after having the jabs and the screaming was lasting up to 48 hours, intermittently, after the 3rd lot. It was horrendous.

I am dreading the next lot!

The reactions LO was experiencing were another, very big factor in deciding - again they were getting progressively worse and culminated in 4 days in hospital :( I can hand on heart say that he had no reaction whatsoever to the measles jab, he has his rubella vaccine booked for next Friday so will have to see how he is after that.

Cost wise it was £110 for the measles, and will be £115 for rubella. There are still issues regarding supply of the mumps vaccine so will have to see about that one. X

This is my worry, and the nurses that did his 2nd and 3rd jabs appeared concernd about the severity of his reactions, but they did the shots anyways!! I just didn't know what to do for the best at the time, but thankfully he has been ok!

I will speak to my gp when I get the notification through. There is a private clinic in Norwich I think I will speak to them about this also.

I do think single imms are a very good idea :) x

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I do think single imms are a very good idea :) x

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S

It's just a shame they're not an option open to everyone, especially in the current climate.

Maria, i was shocked by my health visitors attitude when it came round to going to the MMR appointment. LO was due to have the pneumococcal booster at the same time so we went along anyway. I told her my concerns, and how he had had such terrible reactions in the past, and her response was nothing more than "oh well, what do you want me to do about it?"

I told her I was seeking reassurance and she didn't even try to offer any. Any lingering thoughts about saying yes to MMR quickly disintegrated!

Just for the record, I don't think any less of anyone who allows their LO to have the MMR, but I do feel very passionately about telling people that they DO have a choice, and that anything that gets put into your LO should be investigated for your own piece of mind, and to facilitate an informed decision. We do the same with food, we wouldn't feed or LOs any old shit, so why be different with vaccines.

It all boils down to personal opinion and choice. A difference of opinion is in no way a personal attack :petal:
I think that you put your point across in a fab way inky, your views aren't made aggressively or in a condescending manner, it's great on a thread like this :) x

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