**May Mummies**

We’ve decided we will formula feed, he’s so much happier already, it’s not what I imagined I would do in motherhood but my pregnancy and birth went perfectly to plan and I guess I can’t have it all! He’s had a lot of colostrum hand expressed so at least he had some of the magic gold to start
I hope you and Morgan are now happier hunnie <3 xxx
We’ve decided we will formula feed, he’s so much happier already, it’s not what I imagined I would do in motherhood but my pregnancy and birth went perfectly to plan and I guess I can’t have it all! He’s had a lot of colostrum hand expressed so at least he had some of the magic gold to start
Sounds like a fab decision for you both. What a wonderful start for him! You're a superstar and you've gotta do what's right for you :) I have flat/inverted nipples and worry about this. I'm going to try some nipple formers but can't use them until late pregnancy I think
We’ve decided we will formula feed, he’s so much happier already, it’s not what I imagined I would do in motherhood but my pregnancy and birth went perfectly to plan and I guess I can’t have it all! He’s had a lot of colostrum hand expressed so at least he had some of the magic gold to start

I'm sorry feeding hasn't gone as planned but as you say you can't have it all in motherhood! A lot of what I thought I'd do isn't what I actually did!

I absolutely get wanting to breastfeed. I was the same and we did manage to stick with it but it was an absolute battle. 8 weeks of hell if I'm honest. So much so that I really feel like we lost those early weeks to feeding struggles. Everyone is quick to formula bash but I do think that's a big plus in the early weeks that you actually might be able to enjoy your little man after waiting so long for him. I also think people don't realise how important a supportive partner is in the postnatal period so being able to be home as a family is going to do so much for all of you in the current circumstances.
Finally my turn! Absolutely over the moon to say we finally have our wee rainbow boy here safe and sound. Logan Samuel Taylor, born at 11:25am weighing a healthy 7lb 7oz and 49.5cm long. My section wasn't as bad as I thought it it would be, worst part was the general anaesthetic before the spinal block, rest was actually plain sailing and so relaxed. Logan has some powerful lungs, but has been far more contented since coming up to the ward. It's difficult without my hubby here to help, but concentrating on getting well enough to go home on Thursday. Absolutely besotted with our gorgeous boy! I'll get some more pics up when I get home, forum doesn't like the file sizes from mh phone.

FB_IMG_1589308316083.jpg 20200512_190247.jpg
Finally my turn! Absolutely over the moon to say we finally have our wee rainbow boy here safe and sound. Logan Samuel Taylor, born at 11:25am weighing a healthy 7lb 7oz and 49.5cm long. My section wasn't as bad as I thought it it would be, worst part was the general anaesthetic before the spinal block, rest was actually plain sailing and so relaxed. Logan has some powerful lungs, but has been far more contented since coming up to the ward. It's difficult without my hubby here to help, but concentrating on getting well enough to go home on Thursday. Absolutely besotted with our gorgeous boy! I'll get some more pics up when I get home, forum doesn't like the file sizes from mh phone.

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Wow hes hes beautiful did u get to hold straight away etc? I had the shakes and couldnt :(
I agree c sec was v relaxing / lovely almost was recovery after issues for me..pls update if u have them. We are team C Section
Congrats @SugaryIris!! What a cutie! So happy for you that you had such an easy birth!
I think you took the right decision by switching to formula, the endless struggle with expressing, the frustration with not latching and the pressure of trying your best can be so exhausting. It truly does take the joy out of motherhood! Enjoy all those little baby cuddles now!x
Shes a little time waster! Haha
She is drowned in 0-3 mth baby grows so tiny.
Very cutes. Loves holding ur hand and skin 2 skin. Love chilling with her in the evening (like now).!
4lbs 12oz baby born 1.5.20 11.47pm
No name prob wont have one for a week plus lol :)
P.S her face chin to top is about length of my middle finger.. biddy! :)

@Kitana no we was lucky she was whiped out shown to us briefly put on oxygen where hubby went cut cord and then got to hold her. Sad thing about C section was i didnt get to hold her instantly.

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Congratulations @soffphie shes gorgeous!!
@SugaryIris Sorry you couldn't make breastfeeding work. You've got to do whatever is less stressful for mama as that's what's best for baby <3

@Jetina Congratulations, he's beautiful and so is his name!
Thank you all so much had a bit of a scare last night after trying to get up and take my first few steps. Was sat on the edge of the bed and suddenly went dizzy and light headed, just managed to hit the buzzer, last thing I remembered. Apparently the midwife got to me just in time to stop me falling forward as I blacked out. Blood pressure had plummeted but it's looking better now thankfully. Lots more bed rest for me!

Feeding is getting there, determined to persevere with breastfeeding, latch is painful but we're getting better. Discovering things that nobody tells you about, like still experiencing contractions after a section, thought I was gonna get away with not having them this time around.
Thank you all so much had a bit of a scare last night after trying to get up and take my first few steps. Was sat on the edge of the bed and suddenly went dizzy and light headed, just managed to hit the buzzer, last thing I remembered. Apparently the midwife got to me just in time to stop me falling forward as I blacked out. Blood pressure had plummeted but it's looking better now thankfully. Lots more bed rest for me!

Feeding is getting there, determined to persevere with breastfeeding, latch is painful but we're getting better. Discovering things that nobody tells you about, like still experiencing contractions after a section, thought I was gonna get away with not having them this time around.

Omg so weird i had same!! I sat up and was suddenly deaf and severely dizzy. They took my bp and it was super low.
I also had a day of severe pain that id describe as my miscarriage pain, cramps/back ache etc. It only lasted 1 day thank God.
Omg so weird i had same!! I sat up and was suddenly deaf and severely dizzy. They took my bp and it was super low.
I also had a day of severe pain that id describe as my miscarriage pain, cramps/back ache etc. It only lasted 1 day thank God.
Ohhh that gives me hope! In agony when I try to walk but also having contractions that are on par with the ones I had in labour all those years ago. They last about 5secs and come every minute or so. The wound is by far the worst part though, especially this morning after sitting in bed all night. On 3 different painkillers too. Starting to wish I'd risked tearing again and gone natural.
Ohhh that gives me hope! In agony when I try to walk but also having contractions that are on par with the ones I had in labour all those years ago. They last about 5secs and come every minute or so. The wound is by far the worst part though, especially this morning after sitting in bed all night. On 3 different painkillers too. Starting to wish I'd risked tearing again and gone natural.

I cant even explain the pain i was in 1 day after surgery. I couldnt walk at all. Had them contraction/super severe period pains etc. Couldnt do anything. I too was on 3 meds - paracetamol, dihydrocodeine and a version of liquid morphine. Only the morphine helped and even then it only took the edge of. Luckily it lasted only a day and day 2 i was a LOT better so hopefully same for you? :)
I think i might have an infection on my wound now. Cant walk again, not cause of the burning/pulling pain but because of a v bad stinging pain. Got a midwife coming to house today so ill get her to look but i wouldnt be surprised to have a infection nothing can hurt that much and not be "wrong".
Finally my turn! Absolutely over the moon to say we finally have our wee rainbow boy here safe and sound. Logan Samuel Taylor, born at 11:25am weighing a healthy 7lb 7oz and 49.5cm long. My section wasn't as bad as I thought it it would be, worst part was the general anaesthetic before the spinal block, rest was actually plain sailing and so relaxed. Logan has some powerful lungs, but has been far more contented since coming up to the ward. It's difficult without my hubby here to help, but concentrating on getting well enough to go home on Thursday. Absolutely besotted with our gorgeous boy! I'll get some more pics up when I get home, forum doesn't like the file sizes from mh phone.

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hes beautiful! Congratulations xx
@Jetina I imagine the afterbirth contractions hurt a million times more when you have just had your uterus sliced open. I hope you're doing better today.

@soffphie How are you feeling now? Do you have an infection? Postpartum is rough x
@Jetina I imagine the afterbirth contractions hurt a million times more when you have just had your uterus sliced open. I hope you're doing better today.

@soffphie How are you feeling now? Do you have an infection? Postpartum is rough x

Hello i dont think i do now no. They are coming to check it again today but the major stinging has passed.
Talking about post partum i can tell u now after a c sec those contractions/period pains are nasty.. so so nasty!
Hello i dont think i do now no. They are coming to check it again today but the major stinging has passed.
Talking about post partum i can tell u now after a c sec those contractions/period pains are nasty.. so so nasty!
Oh deffo! Only lasted one day though thankfully, had period cramps yesterday but those are gone too. My walking is almost normal now, just a little painful when i first get up after sitting for a while. I should be going home today so I can have the comfort there to start getting him into a routine, so hard to do in the confines of my hospitam bed. Breastfeeding is going well now too after a lot of help. He wasn't latching properly at first so it was reeeeally painful, then I had to try and recover from that, but difficult when he wants feeding, so resorted to letting a midwife give him some formula from a cup the 2nd night to give my nipples a rest. Didn't help that my boobs have always been quite sensitive anyway. Got shown some better positions to try aswell as one to trick him into thinking my right is my left because he didn't like that side. He was cluster feeding last night so milk is starting to come through. My nipples are so sore and my boobs are heavy and swollen, but it's so worth it!
I'm glad you're both doing better :) x

@Jetina The breast pain will settle down as you get into a routine. I remember waking up the morning my milk came in and feeling like a truck was sitting on my chest lol

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