**May Mummies**

Hope you are feeling better @soffphie!
Have you named your baby girl yet?x

Had tooth removed today, was that or root canal. Too tierd to handle root canal. Im very upset with current dentist (i saw a different emergency one today) as i knew of this receeding gum back in march and they didnt act.. now ive lost a tooth, so soon as i can ill move elsewhere.
Baby no name is her name :(
Honestly feel awful we havent named her yet.
@Jetina @SugaryIris @maythe4thbewit
I wondered if we could do a new thread on here or a group page on Fbook or similar to continue to keep up to date with people post babies!? Since we been there like this thruout pregnancy.
Had tooth removed today, was that or root canal. Too tierd to handle root canal. Im very upset with current dentist (i saw a different emergency one today) as i knew of this receeding gum back in march and they didnt act.. now ive lost a tooth, so soon as i can ill move elsewhere.
Baby no name is her name :(
Honestly feel awful we havent named her yet.
How comes you still haven’t named her?
@Jetina @SugaryIris @maythe4thbewit
I wondered if we could do a new thread on here or a group page on Fbook or similar to continue to keep up to date with people post babies!? Since we been there like this thruout pregnancy.

I’m happy with this if you ladies want to stay in touch, if you could give me your numbers and I’ll do a WhatsApp group, whatever you ladies prefer
@Jetina @SugaryIris @maythe4thbewit
I wondered if we could do a new thread on here or a group page on Fbook or similar to continue to keep up to date with people post babies!? Since we been there like this thruout pregnancy.
Good idea, would be great to keep in touch and see how our wee ones progress. :)

So, I got home last night after a load of faffing at the hospital. I was supposed to go home in the day but the midwife that was on said she wanted to see me feed a few more times despite having multiple midwives tell me my latch was fine, all because feeding is so painful, the way she was with me made me feel so inadequate. Night staff took over and were not impressed so went out their way to make sure I went home. Got back at 1:30 this morning, though now starting to wonder if I did need more time there. I thought breastfeeding was going ok till my milk came in yesterday. My nipples are getting really bad now, they're not cracked, and even the midwife that visited me today said latch was good, but here I am having given in and fed 3 bottles of the ready made formula inbetween the breast feeds that I actually managed, all because I've literally been screaming in pain, I'm just at my wits end now and feel like I'm missing out on the enjoyment of having my wee guy because it's making me so miserable and I spend so much time in tears. I'm considering switching to formula, even though I've been adamant the whole time that I'll breastfeed. Problem is I know noooothing about formula, like all the different types, prep, how often to feed, the minefield of teats and bottles etc etc, neverending list.

I honestly feel like I'm letting him down by even considering this, but I have my own sanity to consider too.
Good idea, would be great to keep in touch and see how our wee ones progress. :)

So, I got home last night after a load of faffing at the hospital. I was supposed to go home in the day but the midwife that was on said she wanted to see me feed a few more times despite having multiple midwives tell me my latch was fine, all because feeding is so painful, the way she was with me made me feel so inadequate. Night staff took over and were not impressed so went out their way to make sure I went home. Got back at 1:30 this morning, though now starting to wonder if I did need more time there. I thought breastfeeding was going ok till my milk came in yesterday. My nipples are getting really bad now, they're not cracked, and even the midwife that visited me today said latch was good, but here I am having given in and fed 3 bottles of the ready made formula inbetween the breast feeds that I actually managed, all because I've literally been screaming in pain, I'm just at my wits end now and feel like I'm missing out on the enjoyment of having my wee guy because it's making me so miserable and I spend so much time in tears. I'm considering switching to formula, even though I've been adamant the whole time that I'll breastfeed. Problem is I know noooothing about formula, like all the different types, prep, how often to feed, the minefield of teats and bottles etc etc, neverending list.

I honestly feel like I'm letting him down by even considering this, but I have my own sanity to consider too.

I think anyone reading this thread will be able to see that breastfeeding is not easy, I couldn’t get my man to latch so we are on formula and look at all the difficulties @maythe4thbewit has had. You are not a failure, motherhood is a journey and I’ve quickly learnt that you will have to do whatever feels right to you not what other people think.

I also said I’d never co-sleep but when faced with my beautiful boy who screams when separated from me, I figured what’s wrong with him sleeping in my bed if it makes him happy? It also fills me with happiness waking up and seeing his face so close.
How comes you still haven’t named her?

Literally hate that we havent,ive ended up saying to my mum if we havent named her by Friday you can!(lol) its seriously frustrating me.. i hate every name pretty much or feel it doesnt flow etc... I do proper hate that we havent named her
Breast feeding is really hard. like really hard!
@Jetina if its an option for you can you do expressing? I personally love expressing, lol i probably sound weird, my pump wasnt too expensive and works amazingly. When i was getting midwife at home visits they was still pushing me to do it naturally (when i said i only try it sparingly). i dont think its right that they push you to breastfeed so much personally.

re a group yeh sounds good. should we pm you numbers @SugaryIris ?
Literally hate that we havent,ive ended up saying to my mum if we havent named her by Friday you can!(lol) its seriously frustrating me.. i hate every name pretty much or feel it doesnt flow etc... I do proper hate that we havent named her
Can we help you out?! do you have a short list and we can vote our favourite :) xx
@Jetina Have they checked bub for a tongue tie? I’ve met a few women who have been told latch is good but they’re in excruciating pain... usually turns out to be a tongue or lip tied baby. If the latch is proper it really shouldn’t be hurting.. a bit of rawness at first, sure, but nothing like what you’re describing. Something is up!
Breast feeding is really hard. like really hard!
@Jetina if its an option for you can you do expressing? I personally love expressing, lol i probably sound weird, my pump wasnt too expensive and works amazingly. When i was getting midwife at home visits they was still pushing me to do it naturally (when i said i only try it sparingly). i dont think its right that they push you to breastfeed so much personally.

re a group yeh sounds good. should we pm you numbers @SugaryIris ?


@soffphie @maythe4thbewit pm me your numbers and I’ll do a WhatsApp group xx
Literally hate that we havent,ive ended up saying to my mum if we havent named her by Friday you can!(lol) its seriously frustrating me.. i hate every name pretty much or feel it doesnt flow etc... I do proper hate that we havent named her

might @soffphie i think you’re overthinking the name, just pick anything that makes you smile! I wouldn’t say my little boy necessarily looks like a Morgan, what does a Morgan look like? But I love him and it’s his name so he’ll grow into it! X
I think anyone reading this thread will be able to see that breastfeeding is not easy, I couldn’t get my man to latch so we are on formula and look at all the difficulties @maythe4thbewit has had. You are not a failure, motherhood is a journey and I’ve quickly learnt that you will have to do whatever feels right to you not what other people think.

I also said I’d never co-sleep but when faced with my beautiful boy who screams when separated from me, I figured what’s wrong with him sleeping in my bed if it makes him happy? It also fills me with happiness waking up and seeing his face so close.

Ah this makes me so happy to see this, I’m the biggest supporter of bed-sharing!! (when done safely obvs), my little one literally will not sleep any other way, I see so many mums killing themselves with lack of sleep because the baby wants to sleep with them but they won’t allow it because they’ve been falsely led to think it’s a bad habit, you will probably get so much more sleep this way x
Literally hate that we havent,ive ended up saying to my mum if we havent named her by Friday you can!(lol) its seriously frustrating me.. i hate every name pretty much or feel it doesnt flow etc... I do proper hate that we havent named her
Literally hate that we havent,ive ended up saying to my mum if we havent named her by Friday you can!(lol) its seriously frustrating me.. i hate every name pretty much or feel it doesnt flow etc... I do proper hate that we havent named her

You might just have to go with your gut hun, there must have been a name which you gravitated towards before you even got pregnant?
Thanks everyone, it makes me feel so much better about it all. I was able to persevere a bit last night and carried on breastfeeding because I was leaking milk like crazy, so thought I'd see how it compared to before. It was actually ok, still really sore in the first minute because of the damage that's already there, but it eased a bit after that, just a bit sensitive. I did have to supplement with formula because after coming off he seemed to want more, but I was too sore. It's much better today though, so hoping to keep going, and hopefully it will get easier with my nipples healing and toughening up etc. My midwife visited today, watched me feed, and reassured me that I'm doing everything right and that it will get easier. She also weighed him today, he's only lost 6oz, so he's doing amazingly well!

Ah this makes me so happy to see this, I’m the biggest supporter of bed-sharing!! (when done safely obvs), my little one literally will not sleep any other way, I see so many mums killing themselves with lack of sleep because the baby wants to sleep with them but they won’t allow it because they’ve been falsely led to think it’s a bad habit, you will probably get so much more sleep this way x

I absolutely agree, there are definitely safer ways to cosleep these days. Our boy loves sleeping on our chests, so it's the first thing we do when he is restless. We're far less likely to roll over when we are on our backs, plus I believe that there's an instinct there.

@SugaryIris I'll find out what my number is and pm you. I don't know what my own number is!

Oh and before I forget, here's some better pics of our amazing wee boy <3

logan1.jpg logan2.jpg logan3.jpg
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Has anyone else had trouble with their emotions being all over the place? I swear, I haven't stopped crying since he was born. I know all the problems I've had with feeding aren't helping, but I burst out crying at literally everything. I was just singing to him while he was sleeping on me and bam, waterworks. I know I'm at high risk of PND because I have BPD, and another reason why I wanted to continue breastfeeding for that oxytocin rush, but come on! When I'm not crying I actually feel ok, everyone is telling me I'm doing great. He's even not lost much weight, just 6oz, so I must be doing something right.

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