**May Mummies**

Induction booked for the 12th, midwife was impressed by how low the head was, she said I don’t have far to push at all... but the cervix still wasn’t favourable enough for a proper sweep so not expecting an appearance any time soon.
Omg this would be like music to my ears if the midwife told me this.
Does this mean you will probably have a very short labour too? xx
@WinterWolf, I actually bought some fenugreek last night on amazon. Supposed to arrive tomorrow. Heres hoping it works!I've been eating lots of oats too! Haha!

Thanks @chattychar1990

@soffphie shes gorgeous! Hope your not in for too long. I was in for 8 nights altogether ts horrible.

@Kitana hes drinking between an ounce and three ounces after breastfeeding. Depending on he time of day. Hes wanting the Boob though, he pushes he bottle away alot and looks towards my boobs.

The health visitor weighed him today, hes back upto his birth weight and more. Hes 8lbs1oz now. She said give him longer in the boob but I'm scared hes not getting anything.dont want him to end up back in hospital again.

@SugaryIris good luck hun xx
@SugaryIris great news about induction!! :)
When i was induced babies head was apparently very very low. Dont under estimate cervix's haha. Mine went from closed to 2cm in 20 or so minutes :/

Had a better day with expressing milk, so im im chuffed.
@SugaryIris great news about induction!! :)
When i was induced babies head was apparently very very low. Dont under estimate cervix's haha. Mine went from closed to 2cm in 20 or so minutes :/

Had a better day with expressing milk, so im im chuffed.

Im glad your milk is doing better, keep cuddling the baby to ensure you get lots of oxytocin to help with the milk! Xx
Omg this would be like music to my ears if the midwife told me this.
Does this mean you will probably have a very short labour too? xx

hopefully the physical pushing stage won’t be too long if baby head is so low. Not sure exactly how it works though. I’m gonna keep up with the exercises on my birth ball and walking to make sure they stay as low as possible! X
hopefully the physical pushing stage won’t be too long if baby head is so low. Not sure exactly how it works though. I’m gonna keep up with the exercises on my birth ball and walking to make sure they stay as low as possible! X
My DD2 was very low too and the day I gave birth I was complaining about pressure down there. I also had had my bloody show that night so I hoped it wouldn't be take too long. Because she was so low, the midwife also said that when the time comes, it would not take too long. My oh hopefully asked if it would take about an hour or so? And the midwife laughed and said oooh no, that's wishful thinking! But she came in 1 hour and 17 minutes! My oh was wrong by 17 minutes lol
They call it precipitous labour, it's short but not very easy.
I really hope that you will get a short labour Hun! Keeping my fingers crossed!x
@SugaryIris Midwives shouldn't say stuff like that as it's totally different for everyone!! I was told baby was super super low and my cervix was short (I felt like she was going to fall out some days) and it still took 100mins to push her out lol.
@SugaryIris Midwives shouldn't say stuff like that as it's totally different for everyone!! I was told baby was super super low and my cervix was short (I felt like she was going to fall out some days) and it still took 100mins to push her out lol.

I know, maybe she’s just trying to keep me optimistic.

40+6 and no signs yet... come on baby I’m ready for cuddles now!
I know, maybe she’s just trying to keep me optimistic.

40+6 and no signs yet... come on baby I’m ready for cuddles now!

Hope it's not much longer for you. You may find that you don't really get any signs beforehand and just go into labour.
Finally home from hospital, about time and all! :) Doggies were very shocked at new baby, our eldest doggy seems almost disapointed with us.
Finally home from hospital, about time and all! :) Doggies were very shocked at new baby, our eldest doggy seems almost disapointed with us.

Oh bless them, it can be a bit of an adjustment for them, I’m sure they will come round very quickly x.
Hope it's not much longer for you. You may find that you don't really get any signs beforehand and just go into labour.

well they made us wait over 2 years for a bfp so what’s a few more days, they will be in my arms in the next week.
I have my section date a day early! I was expecting to hear from them tomorrow and for me to wind myself up waiting for the call, but no, they called when I was nodding off this afternoon. Baby will officially be here on Tuesday 12th! Can't remember half the stuff I was told, I was screaming on the inside the whole time, haha. Soooo excited to meet our little guy, but also terrified, partly because of the whole surgery and hospital part, but also because the realisation has hit me just how much things are going to change by this time next week.
I have my section date a day early! I was expecting to hear from them tomorrow and for me to wind myself up waiting for the call, but no, they called when I was nodding off this afternoon. Baby will officially be here on Tuesday 12th! Can't remember half the stuff I was told, I was screaming on the inside the whole time, haha. Soooo excited to meet our little guy, but also terrified, partly because of the whole surgery and hospital part, but also because the realisation has hit me just how much things are going to change by this time next week.

your section and my induction are the same day!!! All the May babies will be here soon!
Random recommendation - for expressing milk. Tommee Tippee made for me (pinkish looking) absolutely amazing! In 30mns i made 110ml better then hospital one. In love!
Random recommendation - for expressing milk. Tommee Tippee made for me (pinkish looking) absolutely amazing! In 30mns i made 110ml better then hospital one. In love!

I’ve got the tommee tippee closer to nature one ready xx
I’ve got the tommee tippee closer to nature one ready xx

I was just so impressed :) overal has made me a lot more relaxed expressing, i dont always make loads and thats ok cause i just sometimes wont but i make atleast 2 meals worth in 1/2 hr
I was just so impressed :) overal has made me a lot more relaxed expressing, i dont always make loads and thats ok cause i just sometimes wont but i make atleast 2 meals worth in 1/2 hr

considering she was early it sounds like you’re doing really well on the milk front!
considering she was early it sounds like you’re doing really well on the milk front!

At hospital i was doing awful but i think i was finding it stressful and like i was under pressure. I am more relaxed here, so maybe thats why?

In other news my baby is a WEEK OLD! where the hell did that go. This time last week we was waiting for my c section!! Oo

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