**May Mummies**

@SugaryIris - how are you getting on hun? Xx

no sign yet. Had midwife on Friday and head was too high to do a sweep but my measurements hadn’t changed since my 38 week appointment so I had to go to the hospital for a ctg today, got a growth scan tomorrow then midwife on Tuesday. I’ve tried to distract myself this afternoon so I made baby a little crochet octopus out of scraps of wool I had. Xx

Had my growth scan today, all looks fine, current estimated weight is 7.5lb no sign of baby yet, got midwife tomorrow to book in induction
Also had my very last growth scan today. Baby is looking much better, tummy and head measurements are around 25th centile and estimated weight is 6lb 11oz, BUT likely to be lower than that because it's being skewed by his leg measurement, which is measuring at 42 weeks!! Boy is going to be really tall! It's not even like they couldn't get a good shot of his thigh bone, it was clear as day. Totally going to take after daddy, I'm only 5ft6.
Also had my very last growth scan today. Baby is looking much better, tummy and head measurements are around 25th centile and estimated weight is 6lb 11oz, BUT likely to be lower than that because it's being skewed by his leg measurement, which is measuring at 42 weeks!! Boy is going to be really tall! It's not even like they couldn't get a good shot of his thigh bone, it was clear as day. Totally going to take after daddy, I'm only 5ft6.

oooo you’re going to have a very long baby then! You’ll be getting through the baby clothes in no time lol!

not long until we are holding our babies! Have you got your date yet? X
oooo you’re going to have a very long baby then! You’ll be getting through the baby clothes in no time lol!

not long until we are holding our babies! Have you got your date yet? X
Not yet, I find out Friday. So weird to think that sometime next week he'll be here!
@SugaryIris ! Hoping induction is quick for you! When are they booking it for? How exciting!

@Jetina ! My LOs leg measurements skewed his weight! Everyone including all the nurses have commented on how long he is! :rotfl: dont know where hes getting it from as me and his dad are a normal 5"6 and 5"10.

I'm trying to upload some pics but having to crop them! Very annoying

We are still combi feeding atm. My milk still has t come in. I'm pumping aswell and getting less than a teaspoon worth for over a hour of pumping. It's so disheartening. Xx

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He is such a cutie @maythe4thbewit!!
How annoying that your milk still hasn't come in... Will you continue to try or just switch to formula?

I know. How can it not come in after more than two weeks? I dont understand. It's so irritating. Hubby wants me to switch to formula as he thinks its stressing me out. Atm hes boobing for about 30-60 minutes and then takes between 30 and 90ml of formula so feeding him is taking forever each time. I have no idea how much breastmilk hes getting either and fer a while he seems to get frustrated with my boob so I'm guessing he cant get as much as he wants out. The midwife said his latch is perfect but that he was exhausting himself trying to get mill out so dont let him on each breast for more than half hour. I wanted to do a mix of breastfeeding and pumping but the pumping just isnt happening. I'm pumping 6ish times a day on top of feeds its taking my whole day up and I'm getting about 5mls worth a day. Its ridiculous. My supply is just not there. Xx
@maythe4thbewit That's pretty similar to what happened to me. You can take fenugreek, eat a lot of oats etc. to naturally boost your supply.. There's also medication you can be prescribed by the GP to kick start the milk (motillium). I tried those things but gave up in the end when bubs was 8wks old, it was sad but much less stressful for me and for my baby. Don't stress yourself out over it, you can't control how much milk you make xxx
Having a horrible time. Hate the hospital and see no end to it. Have broken down twice so far.
Only positive is this thing.. who loves listening to my heartbeat

@maythe4thbewit - you have such a cutie. Please don’t stress yourself out about your milk. The best thing is that baby is getting fed, and if that means formula then so be it. I think you and baby will be a lot happier, sometimes it’s just not meant to be when it comes to breastfeeding and that’s ok. Don’t give yourself a hard time otherwise you will miss out on the special moments with your boy <3 x
@maythe4thbewit I really share your feelings on bf. I thought we was going ok and its just suddenly stopped, i dont express a lot now etc. Shes now express and formula fed. I wanted to cry when i fed her formula yesterday. Hospital are making me cause of her weight / weight loss.
Theyve said she has to drastically gain weight in order to be even allowed to leave so i feel like its ganna endless now its depressing to b honest.
As long as they baby is getting fed enough! Does he drink the entire bottle when you give him the formula?x
So sorry you're having such a rough time @soffphie ... Newborn days are very very tough! Even when the birth went well and all, it's still such a challenge afterwards. There is this little being who needs your constant attention and somewhere in your day, you have to find time to feed yourself, shower or even just go to the loo! Which seems almost impossible!
But it will get better!
With DD1 I also had issues breastfeeding and she was also given formula from the start. I felt like such a failure. I couldn't do the one thing that was expected of me. I was stuck in this endless loop of breastfeeding-formula-expressing and eventually you just fall apart because you're doing thrice the work for the same thing. I gave up at 8 weeks and only gave formula from then on and everything went so smoothly. She started sleeping better, and so did I and after a few days I felt a bit more normal.
Things do fall back into their place but it takes time. As long as your baby girl is gaining weight, you're doing well and it doesn't matter if she gains by breastfeeding, pumping or formula. The important thing is that you gave her every thing you could for her to survive and thrive, in the end it doesn't matter how.x
@soffphie @maythe4thbewit im sorry you are having such a hard time with breastfeeding ☹️ Only you know what is right for your baby and whether to persevere or bottle or combi, I hope it gets easier xx
Induction booked for the 12th, midwife was impressed by how low the head was, she said I don’t have far to push at all... but the cervix still wasn’t favourable enough for a proper sweep so not expecting an appearance any time soon.

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